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Lehner, Joseph W. / Dumitru, Ioana A. / Buffington, Abigail / Dollarhide, Eli / Nathan, Smiti / Paulsen, Paige / Young, Mary L. / Sivitskis, Alexander J. / Wiig, Frances / Harrower, Michael J. , Iron Age Copper Metallurgy in Southeast Arabia: A Comparative Perspective, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1391-1417.
Ortsnamen: Arabien anchor text [invisible]
Kassianidou, Vasiliki, Early Types of Cypriot Bronze Age Metal Ingots, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1323-1354.
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Knapp, A. Bernard, A Social Archaeometallurgy of Bronze Age Cyprus , in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1303-1322.
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Jones, Ian W. N., Fragments of an Archaeology of Late Roman Religion at Phaino (Khirbat Faynān, Southern Jordan), in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1255-1271.
Ortsnamen: Punon anchor text [invisible]
Ben David, Chaim , The Negev Highlands –– A Corridor for the Copper and Incense Trade during Nonconsecutive Periods between the Chalcolithic and Roman Periods, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1227-1254.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Klassen, Stanley / Danielson, Andrew J., Copper Trade Networks from the Arabah: Re-assessing the Impact on Early Iron Age Moab, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1201-1226.
Ortsnamen: Araba Moab anchor text [invisible]
Howland, Matthew D. / Liss, Brady, Maps and Models: Applications of GIS and Image-Based Modeling to Field Archaeology in Faynan, Jordan, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1107-1132.
Ortsnamen: Punon anchor text [invisible]
Younker, Randall W., The Case for Jalul as Biblical Bezer, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 943-959.
Ortsnamen: Bezer anchor text [invisible]
Bramlett, Kent / Roddy, Monique / Tyson, Craig / Ninow, Friedbert, The Qasr at Baluʿa, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 923-942.
Ortsnamen: Ar-Moab Stadt mitten im Tal anchor text [invisible]
Gibson, Shimon / Lewis, Rafael Y. / Taylor, Joan E., The Buqeiʿa Plateau of the Judean Desert in the Southern Levant During the Seventh to Early Sixth Centuries BCE: Iron Age Run-off Farmland or a Pastoralist Rangeland?, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 839-897.
Ortsnamen: Achor-Tal anchor text [invisible]
Bruins, Hendrik J., Time and Paradigm at Tel Megiddo: David, Shoshenq I, Hazael and Radiocarbon Dating, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 811-837.
Ortsnamen: Megiddo anchor text [invisible]
Vaknin, Yoav / Mazar, Amihai / Shaar, Ron / Ben-Yosef, Erez, Tel Beth-Shean in the Tenth–Ninth Centuries BCE: A Chronological Query and Its Possible Archaeomagnetic Resolution, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 787-810.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean anchor text [invisible]
Gadot, Yuval / Kleiman, Assaf / Uziel, Joe, The Interconnections Between Jerusalem and Samaria in the Ninth to Eighth Centuries BCE: Material Culture, Connectivity and Politics, (2023), 771-786.
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, Jerusalem’s Settlement History: Rejoinders and Updates, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 753-769.
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Ortiz, Steven M., Gezer Destructions: A Case Study of a Border City , in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 723-751.
Ortsnamen: Geser anchor text [invisible]
Dolphin, Alexis E. / Adams, Russell B., Something old, something new: ongoing revelations within the Faynan Landscape, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 156 (2024), 179-195.
Ortsnamen: Punon anchor text [invisible]
Andreou, Georgia M. / Fradley, Michael / Blue Lucy / Breen, Colin, Establishing a baseline for the study of maritime cultural heritage in the Gaza strip, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 156 (2024), 4-42.
Ortsnamen: Gaza anchor text [invisible]
Yasur-Landau, Assaf / Houghtalin, Chandler / Runjajić, Marko / Dunseth, Zachary / Shahack-Gross, Ruth, Tel Dor in the Middle Bronze Age and Maritime Adaptation along the Carmel Coast, Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research 391 (2024), 135–161.
Ortsnamen: Dor anchor text [invisible]
Tavger, Aharon, A New Look at Iron Age II Olive Oil Production in Southern Samaria: Royal Industry versus Local Economy
, Israel Exploration Journal 74 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Landschaft anchor text [invisible]
Naʾaman, Nadav, The "City of David" in Biblical Historiography and the Location of the Millo, Israel Exploration Journal 74 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Davidstadt Millo anchor text [invisible]
Nezer, Rafi / Tal, Oren, Between an Archaeological Site and Its Agricultural Hinterland—on the Application of an Archaeological-Ecological-Agricultural Model: Hellenistic Marisa/Maresha as a Test Case
, Eretz Israel 35 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Marescha anchor text [invisible]
Dar, Shimon, Roads on Mount Carmel in the Roman and Byzantine Periods
, Eretz Israel 35 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Karmel, Gebirge anchor text [invisible]
Davidovich, Uri / Ben-David, Chaim / Porat, Roi, The Roman Road Network in Southern Moab and the Suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt
, Eretz Israel 35 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Moab anchor text [invisible]
Eisenberg, Emanuel / Bar-Nathan, Rachel, Hellenistic–Hasmonaean Tel Hebron: from Idumeans to Jews
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Ortsnamen: Hebron Kirjat-Arba anchor text [invisible]
Thareani, Yifat, An Archaeological Guide to an Imperial City: Spatial Analysis of Dan during the Neo-Assyrian Period
, Eretz Israel 35 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Tor, Amnon, The Ceremonial Palace at the Center of the Upper City of Hazor
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Ortsnamen: Hazor anchor text [invisible]
Gitin, Seymour, Ekron of the Philistines: a Response to Issues Raised in the Literature
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Ortsnamen: Ekron anchor text [invisible]
Israel Exploration Society (Hg.), Eretz-Israel Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies Vol. 35, The Hillel Geva Volume (Jerusalem 2024).
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Shai, Itzhaq, Agricultural and Economic Change in the Iron II Judean Shephelah as a Result of Geopolitical Shifts: A View from Tel Burna, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 711–721.
Ortsnamen: Libna, judäisch Schefela, Juda anchor text [invisible]
Garfinkel, Yosef, The Late Chalcolithic in the Valley of Elah, Israel, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 245-265.
Ortsnamen: Terebinthental anchor text [invisible]
Davidovich, Uri, The En Gedi Shrine and the Cave of the Treasure: Disentangling the Entangled, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 205-217.
Ortsnamen: En-Gedi anchor text [invisible]
Shooval, Tamar / Cipin, Ian / Pinsky, Sonia / Ebeling, Jennie / Franklin, Norma / Rosenberg, Danny, Tel ‘Ein Jezreel in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods: New Finds, New Insights , in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 173-190.
Ortsnamen: Jesreel anchor text [invisible]
Fossé, Cécile / Yogev, Jonathan / Mirão, José / Schiavon, Nicola / Goren, Yuval , Archaeo-Material Study of the Cuneiform Tablet from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Tel Aviv 51 (2024), 3-17.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schemesch anchor text [invisible]
Naʾaman, Nadav , Biblical Gilgal: A Common Place Name or a Cult Site near Jericho?, Tel Aviv 51 (2024), 59-72.
Ortsnamen: Gilgal anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Tor, Amnon, Hazor Canaanite Metropolis, Israelite City. Expanded Edition 2023
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Ortsnamen: Hazor anchor text [invisible]
Saad, Houmam, Nouvelles données sur le sanctuaire de Jupiter à Damas , Syria 99 (2022), 177-192.
Ortsnamen: Damaskus anchor text [invisible]
D’Orazio, Claudia, Round stone pyxides from Karkemish and North Syria: Remarks on their distribution and significance, Syria 99 (2022), 79-100.
Ortsnamen: Karkemisch anchor text [invisible]
Schneider, Bernhard, Die Ziqqurrat von Nippur im 1. Jahrtausend v.Chr. (marru 12; Münster 2023).
Ortsnamen: Kalne anchor text [invisible]
Wittke, Anne-Maria, König Ḫartapus und das Land Mušku, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 471-490.
Ortsnamen: Meschech anchor text [invisible]
Lichtenberger, Achim, Apollon in Tyros, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 361-374.
Ortsnamen: Tyrus anchor text [invisible]
Novák, Mirko, A Short Reflection on Funeral Customs in Gōzāna (Tall Ḥalaf), in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 429-444.
Ortsnamen: Gosan anchor text [invisible]
Cornelius, Izak , Le Carnaval des Animaux. The Material Imagery of Animals on the Small Orthostats at Tell Halaf, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 181-202.
Ortsnamen: Gosan anchor text [invisible]
Bieberstein, Klaus, Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis. Jerusalem in der Späten Bronzezeit und frühen Eisenzeit, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 63-100.
Ortsnamen: Jebus Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Grekyan, Yervand, The Eastern Taurus: Neo-Assyrian sources, Aramazd (Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies) 17,2 (2023), 100-109.
Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
Miller, Shulamit / Gekht, Yuli / Martin, S. Rebecca / Matskevich, Sveta / Sharon, Ilan (ל”ז), The Houses of Hellenistic–Roman Tel Dor: A Study of Domestic Social Practices and Economic Activities, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 12 (2024), 115–149.
Ortsnamen: Dor anchor text [invisible]
Foran, Debra / Danielson, Andrew / Braun, Gregory / Klassen, Stanley / Doležálková, Věra / Ginson, Grant / Sylvester, Christine, Old Data, New Ideas: Analyzing and Integrating Legacy Data at Khirbat al-Mukhayyat, Jordan, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 12 (2024), 150–171.
Ortsnamen: Nebo, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Khan, Geoffrey, Arabic Documents from Medieval Nubia (Semitic Languages and Cultures 24; Cambridge, UK 2024).
Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean 1 (1979), 475-478 (Rainey, Anson F., Art. Beth-Shean) Dor 1 (1979), 984-985 (Harrison, R. K.; Art. Dor) anchor text [invisible]
Itach, Gilad / Aster, Shawn Zelig / Mclellan, James / Faust, Avraham, Settlement Patterns, Administration and Roads in the Neo-Assyrian Province of Samaria, Orientalia 92 (2023), 130–159.
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Landschaft anchor text [invisible]
Chen, Yi Samuel, Neo-Assyrian Urban and Regional Development and Governance on the Frontiers of the Empire, Orientalia 92 (2023), 71–129.
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Bürge, Teresa / Fischer, Peter M. (Hg.), The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 154; Nicosia 2023).
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, The Highlands of El, Shiloh and Merneptah’s Israel, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Schilo anchor text [invisible]
Kartveit, Magnar, Is Mount Gerizim YHWH’s Chosen Place?, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Garizim anchor text [invisible]
Otto, Eckart, Jerusalem and Samaria in the Final Chapters of the Pentateuch in Deuteronomy, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem Samaria, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Greer, Jonathan S., A “Chosen Place” Not Chosen, But Not Rejected: The Temple of Dan in Archaeology and Text, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
Knittel, Ann-Kathrin, Unspectacular and Yet Special: Re-evaluating the Literary References to Shiloh within the Hebrew Bible, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Schilo anchor text [invisible]
Sergi, Omer, The Nimshide Choice of Samaria: An Archaeological View of Monarchic Israel in the Iron IIA-IIB, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Marti, Lionel, Aššur: an Assyrian City or the Assyrian City, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
Arie, Eran, When was the Sacred Precinct on Mount Gerizim Really Constructed? Why? and by Whom?, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Garizim anchor text [invisible]
Vilain, Sarah, Imitations, transpositions : Chypre et le Levant nord aux âges du Bronze moyen et du Bronze récent, Syria 100 (2023), 41-69.
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Ortiz, Steven / Wolff, Samuel, Solomon’s Powerplay: Gezer’s Royal Complex Confirmed, Biblical Archaeology Review 50,2 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Geser anchor text [invisible]
Tyson, Craig W., Into the Heart of Moab: Excavations at Khirbet Balu‘a, Biblical Archaeology Review 50,2 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Ar-Moab Stadt mitten im Tal anchor text [invisible]
Edrey, Meir / Ebeling, Philip / Harpak, Tamar / Lichtenberger, Achim / Tal, Oren, Field Report on the 2020 German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabbā Excavation Project (Beth Sheʾan), Israel, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 139 (2023), 218–233.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean anchor text [invisible]
Ebeling, Philip / Edrey, Meir / Harpak, Tamar / Lichtenberger, Achim / Tal, Oren, Field Report on the 2020 German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabbā Excavation Project (Beth Sheʾan), Israel, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 137 (2021), 60–74.
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Doumet-Serhal, Claude u.a. (Hg.), [Sidon Archäologie] (Archaeology and History in the Lebanon 58-59; 2023-2024).
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Di Cristina, Silvia / Gallerani, Valentina , Europos. The Archaeology of the Heir of Karkemish during the Classical and Late Antique Periods (DISCI-Archeologia 33; Bologna 2024).
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Levavi, Yuval, On the Location and Context of Ezekiel's Life in Babylon, Beit Mikra 68 (2023), 274-305.
Ortsnamen: Chaldäa Kebar Tel-Abib anchor text [invisible]
Haklay, Gil / Gopher, Avi, Cult and Architecture in the Chalcolithic Period of the Southern Levant: The Case of En-Gedi and Teleilat Ghassul, Tel Aviv 50 (2023), 171-193.
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Freud, Liora, The Pottery of Babylonian-period Jerusalem: Stratum 9/10 at the Summit of the Southeastern Hill, Tel Aviv 50 (2023), 231-262.
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Gadot, Yuval / Bocher, Efrat / Freud, Liora / Shalev, Yiftah, An Early Iron Age Moat in Jerusalem between the Ophel and the Southeastern Ridge/City of David, Tel Aviv 50 (2023), 147-170.
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Radner, Karen / Squitieri, Andrea (Hg.), Assur 2023. Excavations and Other Research in the New Town (Exploring Assur 1; Gladbeck 2024).
Ortsnamen: Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
Tov, Emanuel, 4QJoshb, in: Ulrich, Eugene (ed.), Qumran Cave 4. IX Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XIV; Oxford 1995), 153-160.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Ferrario, Marco, The Steppe Frontiers of Pārsa: Negotiating the Northeastern Borderlands of the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 38/2 (2023), 129-189.
Ortsnamen: Persien anchor text [invisible]
Cousin, Laura / Quillien, Louise / Ramez, Manon (Hg.), Material Culture of Mesopotamia and Beyond 1. People and their Material Environment in First Millennium BCE Babylonia (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 319; Leuven 2023).
Ortsnamen: Mesopotamien Schinar anchor text [invisible]
Maeir, Aren M., Like Frogs out of a Pond: Identity Formation in Early Iron Age Philistia and Beyond, in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 201-208.
Ortsnamen: Philisterland anchor text [invisible]
Gadot, Yuval, Iron I Settlements in the Highlands of Samaria and the Creation of Group Identities with an Emphasis on Mount Ebal, in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 149-158.
Ortsnamen: Ebal Samaria, Landschaft anchor text [invisible]
Arie, Eran, Canaanites in a Changing World: The Jezreel Valley during the Iron Age I , in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 119-134.
Ortsnamen: Jesreelebene anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Yosef, Erez, A False Contrast? On the Possibility of an Early Iron Age Nomadic Monarchy in the Arabah (Early Edom) and Its Implications for the Study of Ancient Israel , in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 235-262.
Ortsnamen: Araba Edom anchor text [invisible]
Naʾaman, Nadav, 'The High Places Which Are in Front of Jerusalem' (2 Kgs 23:13): A Proposed Identification, Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Bechar, Shlomit / Berger, Uri / Shapiro, Anastasia / Stern, Edna J. / Goldberg, Noa / Shivtiel, Yinon, The Intermediate Bronze Age Cemetery of Tel Hazor at Givʿat Raḥalim (Tell eṣ-Ṣafa)", Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 160-183.
Ortsnamen: Hazor anchor text [invisible]
Yahalom-Mack, Naama, The Source of the Lead of the Mount Ebal 'Tablet', Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 153–159.
Ortsnamen: Ebal anchor text [invisible]
Mazar, Amihai, The Lead Object from Mount Ebal as a Fishing-Net Sinker, Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 143–152.
Ortsnamen: Ebal anchor text [invisible]
Maeir,Aren M. / Rollston, Christopher, The So-Called Mount Ebal Curse Tablet: A Critical Response, Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 132–142.
Ortsnamen: Ebal anchor text [invisible]
Dodson, Aidan, The Nubian Pharaohs of Egypt. Their Lives and Afterlives
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Carvounis, Katerina / Gavrielatos, Andreas / Karla, Grammatiki / Papathomas, Amphilochios (Hg.), Cyprus in Texts from Graeco-Roman Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Supplements 467; Leiden / Boston, MA 2023).
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Webster, Lyndelle C. / Wolff, Samuel R. / Ortiz, Steven M. /Barbosa, Marcella /Coyle, Cameron / Arbino, Gary P. / Dee, Michael W. / Hua, Quan / Jacobsen, Geraldine E., The chronology of Gezer from the end of the late bronze age to iron age II: A meeting point for radiocarbon, archaeology egyptology and the Bible., PLoS ONE 18(11): e0293119 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0293119.
Ortsnamen: Geser anchor text [invisible]
Bagg, Ariel M., The Good Vassal. Edom under the Assyrians, in: Mattila, Raija / Rollinger, Robert / Fink, Sebastian (ed.), Deciphering Assyria. A Tribute to Simo Parpola on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday (Melammu Workshops and Monographs 9; Münster 2023), 91-99.
Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
Bagg, Ariel M., Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes. Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der neuassyrischen Zeit. Teil 3: Babylonien, Urarṭu und die östlichen Gebiete. Heft 1 (Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients Reihe B 7/3-1; Wiesbaden 2020).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Bagg, Ariel M., Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes. Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der neuassyrischen Zeit. Teil 3: Babylonien, Urarṭu und die östlichen Gebiete. Heft 2 (Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe B 7/3-2; Wiesbaden 2020).
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Ortsnamen: Jibleam anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Aschdod , 74f Bet-Schean , 72f Dor , 74 Garizim , 69 Marescha , 66-69 Samaria, Ort , 70-72 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur, Stadt , 92 Babel , 99 Erech , 101f Gosan , 95f Habor , 95f Halach , 94f Kebar , 100 Kelach , 92f Ninive , 93f Städte der Meder , 97f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Azmon , 20 Berg Hor, Nord , 21 Berota , 21 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 16f Hamat , 17f Hetlon , 21 Jegar-Sahaduta , 31 Lebo-Hamat , 22 Ribla , 23 Sibrajim , 21f Sifron , 21f Tifsach , 16 Zedad , 22 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Mefaat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Michmetat , 30-33 Naara , 3 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 34-37 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Tappuach, efraimitisch , 137 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Michmetat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Michmetat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Janoach, efraimitisch , 73 Michmetat , 67-69 Taanat-Schilo , 73 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 70-72 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Tamar anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Skorpionensteige anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Atarot, efraimitisch , 237-238 Bach Kana , 248-251 Bet-Schean , 207-212 Dor , 226-229 En-Dor , 212-214 Janoach, efraimitisch , 234-236 Jibleam , 214-217 Michmetat , 242-243 Naara , 231-233 Taanach , 217-221 Taanat-Schilo , 239-242 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 243-247 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bach Kana , 102 Janoach, efraimitisch , 105-106 Jaser , 101 Michmetat , 104-105 Sibma , 92 Taanat-Schilo , 105-106 anchor text [invisible]
Elliger, Karl, Michmethath, in: Kuschke, Arnulf / Kutsch, Ernst (ed.), Archäologie und Altes Testament. Festschrift für Kurt Galling (Tübingen 1970), 91-100.
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Ortsnamen: Atarot, efraimitisch , 279.304 Bach Kana , 274-276 En-Dor , 303 Janoach, efraimitisch , 270 Maarat , 49f Michmetat , 282-291 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 282.291-297 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Addar , 325 Hazar-Addar , 325 Hezron , 325 Kadesch-Barnea anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Jordan anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim , 26.217.219 Achor-Tal , 161.200f Adami-Nekeb , 192 Aditajim , 133 Ai , 54f.62f.65f. Ajalon , 59.133 Araba , 211–216 Aseka , 113 Atarot, efraimitisch , 99.107 Atarot, ostjordanisch , 95.99 Atrot-Addar , 93–107 Atrot-Bet-Joab , 95 Atrot-Schofan , 95 Baal-Perazim , 163f Baala , 120–130.134f.137– Baala, Negeb , 122f Baalat , 123f Baalat-Beer , 124 Baka-Bäume , 163 Baschan , 160 Bealot , 124 Beerot , 135.139 Beerscheba , 124 Berg Baala , 121–123 Berg gegenüber dem Hinnomtal , 158–160.162.168 Berg südlich von Bet-Horon , 118–120 Berg von Bet-El , 57.60 Bergland , 48–52 Bergrücken der Jebusiter , 167–170 Bergrücken von Bet-Araba , 209f Bergrücken von Bet-Hogla , 220-223 Bergrücken von Jericho , 45–48 Bergrücken von Lus , 76–78 Bet-Araba , 201–209 Bet-Awen , 52–70 Bet-Bara , 204 Bet-El , 54–77.78– .130.234–236.241f .249f Bet-Hogla , 216–222 Bet-Horon , 97–99.107–118 Bet-Kerem , 111 Bet-Schean , 23.51 Bet-Schemesch , 134.138.180 Bet-Zur , 88 Betuël , 89 Betul , 88f Dan , 67 Davidstadt , Debir , 205 Debir, benjaminitisch , 205 Debora-Palme , 101 Drachenquelle , 175 Ebal , 175 Efrata , 139 Ekron , 235 En-Eglajim , 218 En-Gedi , 52 En-Schemesch , 179–185 Garizim , 12.19.75 Gaza , 144.217f Gebirge Efraim , 50f.59 Gebirge Israel , 49–51 Gebirge Naftali , 50f Gelilot , 185–191 Geser , 144 Gibea, benjaminitisch , 59.125.136 Gibeon , 109.113.135 Gihon, Quelle , 174.176.178f.184f Gilead, Landschaft , 185.187.244 Gilgal , 29.31.185– Gittajim , 133 Gomorra , 226 Goren-Atad , 26.217.219 Hinnomtal , 145.147.149–157.158– Horma , 89 Horonajim , 108 Jabesch-Gilead , 125 Jebus , 156.160.168f.179.182.238 Jemini , 92 Jericho , 39–45 Jesreelebene , 161 Jordan , 20–28 Kanaan , 161.187.244 Kefira , 135.139 Keïla , 109.125 Kidron , 152– Kirjat-Baal , 120–130.135.137f.249f Kirjat-Jearim , 120–127.129f.131–141.145–147.229f.249f Königsgarten , 175 Lachisch , 132 Lager Dans , 138 Land Benjamin , 234.247 Lebona , 15 Lus , 65.70–76.232.235f.241f.249f Lus im Land der Hetiter , 75 Makkeda , 80.89 Meriba , 142 Meribat-Kadesch , 142 Merom , 142 Michmas , 58f.63f Migron , 64 Misttor , 175 Mizpa , 101f.104.247 Moza , 148 Naara , 99 Neftoach-Quelle , 141–149 Netofa , 110 Nimrim, Wasser von , 142 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 234 On , 53 Palmenstadt , 42 Quellen von Jericho , Quelltor , 175 Rafaïterebene , 154.158.160–167 Rogel-Quelle , 153–156.170–185 Salem , 9 Salzmeer , 212–214.223–228.243 Schilo , 9–20 Schiloach , 111.142.184 Siddimtal , 226 Skorpionensteige , 194f Sodom , 226 Steige von Adummim , 180.186–199.206 Steige von Bet-Horon , 110.112f.133.140 Stein Bohans , 298–201 Stein Sohelet , 174.177f Steppe von Bet-Awen , 57.68–70.236.250 Taanat-Schilo , 11 Tal Joschafat , 152.156.161 Tal Sorek , 165 Taltor , 175 Tamar , 42 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 80.89 Tofet , 150.154 Usen-Scheera , 114 Walkerfeldstraße , 172 Wasser von Meribat-Kadesch , 142 Wasser von Merom , 142 Wasser von Schiloach , 111.142 Wasserquelle, obere und untere , 114 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Lender, Yeshaʿyahu, Map of Har Nafḥa (Archaeological Survey of Israel , Map 196; Jerusalem 1990; online www.antiquities.org.il/survey/new/default_en.aspx, Map 196, 2013).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Cohen, Rudolph, Map of Sede Boqer East (Archaeological Survey of Israel , Map 168; Jerusalem 1981; online www.antiquities.org.il/survey/new/default_en.aspx, Map 168, o.J.).
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Ortsnamen: Jokneam anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Jokneam anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Wüste Sin , 380f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Sin anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Sin anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Rama, efraimitisch Ramatajim anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Lichtenberger, Hermann u.a. (Hg.), Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit, 6 Bände (Güterloh 1973-2005).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Niemann, Hermann Michael, Die Daniten. Studien zur Geschichte eines altisraelitischen Stammes (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 135; Göttingen 1985).
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Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim , 103 Goren-Atad , 103 anchor text [invisible]
Bartelmus, Rüdiger, Topographie und Theologie. Exegetische und didaktische Anmerkungen zum letzten Kapitel der Genesis (Gen 50,1−14), Biblische Notizen 29 (1985), 35−57.
Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim Goren-Atad anchor text [invisible]
Zilberbod, Irina, Bet Leḫem (North). Final Report, Hadashot Arkheologiyot/Excavations and Surveys in Israel 119 (2007), 82.
Ortsnamen: Betlehem anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Betlehem anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-Eden anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-Eden anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-Eden ,13f anchor text [invisible]
Wolff, Hans Walter, Dodekapropheton 2. Joel und Amos (Biblischer Kommentar. Altes Testament 14,2; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1985).
Ortsnamen: Bet-Eden , 190 anchor text [invisible]
Singer-Avitz, Lily, Household Activities at Tel Beersheba, in: Yasur-Landau, Assaf / Ebeling, Jennie R. / Mazow, Laura B. (Hg.), Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 50; Leiden/Boston, MA 2011), 275−301.
Ortsnamen: Beerscheba anchor text [invisible]
Schmitt, Götz, Sinai: Archäologie und Geschichte, in: Mittmann, Siegfried / Schmitt, Götz (ed.), Tübinger Bibelatlas. Auf der Grundlage des Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO) (Stuttgart 2001), .
Ortsnamen: Beerscheba Edom El-Paran Elim En-Mischpat Goschen Hazerot Horma Kadesch-Barnea Laban Mara Midian On Paran Ramses Seïr Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Lipiński, Édouard, Les Japhétites selon Gen 10,2-4 et 1 Chr 1,5-7, Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 3 (1990), 40-53.
Ortsnamen: Aschkenas , 48f Elischa , 50f Gomer , 40f Jawan , 45 Kittäer , 52f Magog , 41‒43 Medien , 43‒45 Meschech , 46f Rifat , 49f Rodaniter , 53 Tarschisch , 51f Tiras , 47f Togarma , 50 Tubal , 45f anchor text [invisible]
Lipiński, Édouard, Les Chamites selon Gen 10,6-20 et 1 Chr 1,8-16, Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 5 (1992), 135-162.
Ortsnamen: Anamiter , 151 Arkiter, Syrien , 157f Arwad , 159f Dedan 149f Girgaschiter , 155f Hawila , 142-145 Het , 154f Hiwiter , 157 Kaftor , 154 Kanaan , 140f Kasluhiter , 152‒154 Kusch , 135-139 Land der Hetiter , 154f Lehabiter , 151 Lud , 150f Naftuhiter , 151f Patros , 152 Put , 140 Ragma , 145f Saba , 147‒149 Sabta , 145 Sabtecha , 146f Seba , 141f Siniter , 158f anchor text [invisible]
Zibelius, Karola, Afrikanische Orts- und Völkernamen in hieroglyphischen und hieratischen Texten (Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe B 1; Wiesbaden 1972).
Ortsnamen: Kusch , 165-169 anchor text [invisible]
Groß, Walter / Gaß, Erasmus, Studien zm Richterbuch und seinen Völkernamen (Stuttgarter Biblische Aufsatzbände. Altes Testament 54; Stuttgart 2012).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Maier, Johann, Amalek in the Writings of Josephus, in: Parente, Fausto / Sievers, Joseph (Hg.), Josephus and the History of the Greco-Roman Period. Essays in Memory of Morton Smith (Studia Post-Biblica 41, Leiden 1994), 109−126.
Ortsnamen: Amalekiter, Gebiet der anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, Archaeology and the List of the Returnees in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 140 (2008), 7−16.
Ortsnamen: Ai , 13 anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Afek, Ascher 3 (1993), 839–841 (Kempinski, Aharon, Art. Kabri) Afek, ostjordanisch 2 (1993), 409–412 (Bar-Yosef, Ofer / Mazar, Benjamin / Kochavi, Moshe, Art. ʿEn Gev); 5 (2009), 1724–1726 (Kochavi, Moshe / Tsukimoto, Akio, Art. ʿEn Gev) Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1993), 62–72 (Eitan, Abraham / Beck, Pirhiya / Kochavi, Moshe, Art. Aphek [in Sharon]) Ai 1 (1993), 39−45 (Callaway, Joseph A., Art. Ai) Arad 1 (1993), 75‒87 (Aharoni, Yohanan / Amiran, Ruth / Ilan, Ornit / Aharoni, Miriam, Art. Arad) Aroër, Moab 1 (1993), 92f (Olávarri Goicoechea, Emilio, Art. Aroer [in Moab]) Aschdod 1 (1993), 93-102 (Dothan, Moshe, Art. Ashdod); 1 (1993), 102f (Kaplan, Jacob, Art. Ashdod-Yam); 3 (1993), 1073f (Dothan, Moshe, Art. Mor, Tel) Aschkelon 1 (1993), 103–112 (Stager, Lawrence E., Art. Ashkelon) Atrot-Addar 3 (1993), 1098‒1102 (Zorn, Jeffrey R., Art. Naṣbeh, Tell en-); 4 (1993), 1253f (Callaway, Joseph A., Art. Raddana, Khirbet) Beerscheba 1 (1993), 167–173 (Herzog, Ze’ev, Art. Beersheba. Tel Beersheba); 1 (1993), 161-163 (Perrot, Jean, Art. Beersheba. The Chalcolitic Settlements); 5 (2008), 1594−1598 (Herzog, Ze’ev, Art. Beersheba) Bet-Araba 5 (2008), 2067f (Eitan, Avraham, Art. Vered Yeriḥo) Bet-El 1 (1993), 192-194 (Kelso, James L., Art. Bethel) Bet-Schean 1 (1993), 214-223 (Mazar, Amihai, Art. Beth-Shean. Tell Beth-Shean and the Northern Cemetry); 5 (2008), 1616-1622 (Mazar, Amihai, Art. Beth-Shean [update]); Betlehem 1 (1993), 205−210 (Tzaferis, Vassilios, Art. Bethlehem); 4 (1993), 1362−1363 (Tzaferis, Vassilios, Art. Shepherds’ Field) Bozra 1 (1993), 264-266 (Reich, Ronny, Art. Bozrah) Dan 1 (1993), 323–332 (Biran, Avraham, Art. Dan); 5 (2008), 1686−1689 (Biran, Avraham, Art. Dan) Dibon 1 (1993), 350–352 (Tushingham, A. Douglas, Art. Dibon) Dor 1 1993), 357-372 (Stern, Ephraim; Art. Dor); 1 (1993), 368-372 (Raveh, Kurt / Kingsley, Sean A.; Art. Martime Dor); 5 (2008), 1695-1703 (Stern, Ephraim; Art. Dor update) Dotan 1 (1993), 372–374 (Ussishkin, David/Cooley, Robert E./Pratico, Gary D., Art. Dothan) Ekron 3 (1993), 1051-1059 (Dothan, Trude / Gitin, Seymour, Art. Miqne, Tel [Ekron]) Emek-Keziz 3 (1993), 965f (Mazar, Amihai, Art. Marjameh, Khirbet); 4 (1993), 1364 (Ilan, Zvi / Mazar, Amihai / Amit, David, Art. Shilḥa, Ḥorvat); 5 (2008), 2067f (Eitan, Avraham, Art. Vered Yeriḥo) Garizim 2 (1993), 484–492 (Magen, Yitzhak, Art. Gerizim, Mount); 5 (2008), 1742–1748 (Magen, Yitzhak, Art. Gerizim, Mount) Gat 4 (1993), 1329–1335 (Oren, Eliezer D., Art. Seraʿ, Tel); 4 (1993), 1522–1524 (Stern, Ephraim, Art. Ẓafit, Tel) Gaza 2 (1993), 464–467 (Ovadiah, Asher, Art. Gaza) Gerar 2 (1993), 580–584 (Oren, Eliezer D., Art. Haror, Tel); 4 (1993), 1329–1335 (Oren, Eliezer D., Art. Sera‘, Tel) Hazezon-Tamar 2 (1993), 593–594 (Cohen, Rudolph, 1979Art. Haẓeva, Meẓad); 4 (1993), 1437−1440 (Gichon, Mordechai, Art. Tamar, Meẓad) Hebron 2 (1993), 606−609 (Ofer, Avi, Art. Hebron) Hermon 2 (1993) 616f (Dar, Shimon, Art. Mt. Hermon) Heschbon 2 (1993), 626–630 (Geraty, Lawrence T., Art. Heshbon) Horma 2 (1993), 553–559 (Seger, Joe D., Art. Ḥalif, Tel); 3 (1993), 986–989 (Kempinski, Aharon, Art. Masos, Tel) Jafia 2 (1993), 659-660 (Barag, Dan, Art. Japhia) Jahaz 2 (1993), 649-652 (Richard, Suzanne, Art. Iskander, Khirbet) Jericho 2 (1993), 674‒691 (Kenyon, Kathleen M. / Netzer, Ehud, Art. Jericho) Jokneam 3 (1993), 805-811 (Ben-Tor, Amnon, Art. Jokneam) Kadesch-Barnea 3 (1993), 843–847 (Cohen, Rudolph, Art. Kadesh-Barnea. The Israelite Fortress) Laban 1 (1993), 15 (Reich, Ronny, Art. Abu Salima, Tell [Sheikh Zuweid]) Makkeda 1 (1993), 177‒180 (Albright, William Foxwell / Greenberg, Raphael, Art. Beit Mirsim, Tell); 2 (1993), 417‒422 (Yeivin, Shmuel, Art. ʿErani, Tel); 4 (1993), 1233‒1235 (Dever, William G., Art. Qôm, Khirbet el-) Mamre 3 (1993), 939–942 (Magen, Itzhak, Art. Mamre); 5 (2008), 1797f (Hizmi, Hanany, Art. Jebel Nimra) Medeba 3 (1993), 992–1001 (Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Madaba) Mefaat 4 (1993), 1490-1493 (Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Umm er-Rasas) Misrefot-Majim 3 (1993), 957–965 (Raban, Avner, Art. Marine Archaeology) Naara 3 (1993), 1075-1076 (Avi-Yonah, Micahel, Art. Naʿaran) Nebo, Ort 3 (1993), 111–115 (Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Nebo, Mount) Negeb 3 (1993), 1119–1145 (Goring-Morris, Nigel / Cohen, Rudolf, Art. Negev) Ofra, manassitisch 1 (1993), 37–39 (Dothan, Moshe, Art. ʿAfula) Peniël 1 (1993), 338–342 (Kooij, Gerrit van der, Art. Deir ‘Alla, Tell) Pisga 3 (1993), 1106‒1118 (Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Nebo, Mount) Rafaïterebene 3 (1993), 1277–1282 (Edelstein, Gershon / Eisenberg, Emanuel, Art. Rephaim, Naḥal) Rama, efraimitisch 4 (1993), 1253f (Callaway, Joseph A., Art. Raddana, Khirbet) Ramatajim 4 (1993), 1253f (Callawy, Joseph A., Art. Raddana, Khirbet) Schilo 4 (1993), 1364‒1370 (Finkelstein, Israel, Art. Shiloh) Sichem 2 (1993), 484−492 (Magen, Itzhak, Art. Gerizim, Mount); 4 (1993), 1354−1359 (Magen, Itzak, Art. Shechem, Neapolis); 4 (1993), 1345−1354 (Campbell, Edward F., Art. Shechem, Tell Balâtah); 5 (2008), 1742−1748 (Magen, Itzak, Art. Gerizim, Mount) Sukkot, Jordantal 1 (1993), 338–342 (Kooij, Gerrit van der, Art. Deir ‘Alla, Tell) Taanach 4 (1993), 1428-1433 (Glock, Albert E., Art. Taanach) Teman 4 (1993), 1446–1447 (Bienkowski, Piotr, Art. Tawilan) Zemarajim 3 (1993), 965f (Mazar, Amihai, Art. Marjameh, Khirbet); 4 (1993), 1364 (Ilan, Zvi / Mazar, Amihai / Amit, David, Art. Shilḥa, Ḥorvat) Zoar 1 (1993), 336−338 (Politis, Konstantinos Demetrios, Art. Deir ‘Ain ‘Abṭa) anchor text [invisible]
Fischer, Erika, Tell el-Far‘ah (Süd). Ägyptisch-levantinische Beziehungen im späten 2. Jahrtausend v.Chr. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 247; Fribourg/Göttingen 2011).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten anchor text [invisible]
Russell, Stephen C., Images of Egypt in Early Biblical Literature. Cisjordan-Israelite, Transjordan-Israelite and Judahite Portayals (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 403; Berlin/New York 2009).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten anchor text [invisible]
Helck, Wolfgang, Die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 3. und 2. Jahrtausend v.Chr. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 5; Wiesbaden 1971, , 2. Aufl.).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Bet-Schean , 132.200-203.248.221 Dor , 244.249 Taanach , 133- anchor text [invisible]
Reich, Ronny, Excavating the City of David. Where Jerusalem's History Began (Jerusalem 2011).
Ortsnamen: Bozra En-Schemesch , 299‒304 Gihon, Quelle anchor text [invisible]
Kaiser, Otto / Janowski, Bernd / Jördens, Andrea / Niehr, Herbert (Hg.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge (Gütersloh 2004ff).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Dietrich, Manfried u.a. (Hg.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Ergänzugslieferung (Gütersloh 2001).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav 1995, Province System and Settlement Pattern in Southern Syria and Palestine in the Neo-Assyrian Period, in: Liverani, Mario (Hg.), Neo-Assyrian Geography (Quaderni di Geografia Storica 5; Roma 1995), 103-115.
Ortsnamen: Gilead, Landschaft Hamat , 107 anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav 2005, Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors. Interaction and Counteraction. Collected Essays Volume 1 (Winona Lake, In 2005).
Ortsnamen: Awim , 352 Bet-Araba , 335f Gilead, Landschaft , 40‒55.220–237 Kirjat-Jearim , 335–339 Rezef , 183 Schihor , 265‒278 anchor text [invisible]
Levin, Christoph, Aram und/oder Edom in den Büchern Samuel und Könige, Textus 24 (2009), 65-84.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Pritchard, James Bennett (Hg.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton, NJ 1974; 3. Auflage).
Ortsnamen: Taanach , 235-236.243.490 anchor text [invisible]
Lemaire, André, New Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea and Their Historical Interpretation, in: Lipschits, Oded / Oeming, Manfred (Hg.), Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Periods (Winona Lake, IN 2006), 413−456.
Ortsnamen: Edom Goschen anchor text [invisible]
Alt, Albrecht, Das System der assyrischen Provinzen auf dem Boden des Reiches Israel, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 52 (1929), 220‒242.
Ortsnamen: Gilead, Ort , 238‒240 anchor text [invisible]
Jericke, Detlef, Der Ort des Mose nach Deuteronomium 1:1, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 34/2 (2008), 35−57.
Ortsnamen: Di-Sahab , 49f Jenseits des Jordan , 36-40 Jordan , 36-40 Laban , 47f Libna, Sinai , 47f Paran , 45f Suf , 44f anchor text [invisible]
Jericke, Detlef, Bet-El und Lus. Lokalisierung und theologische Konnotation der Toponyme, Die Welt des Orients 38 (2008), 176−193.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El Efrata , 184 Kirjat-Arba , 181 Lus Tofel , 46f anchor text [invisible]
Kertai, David, The Guardians at the Doors: Entering the Southwest Palace in Nineveh, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 74 (2015), 325-349.
Ortsnamen: Ninive anchor text [invisible]
Hurowitz, Victor Avigdor, Babylon in Bethel - New Light on Jacob´s Dream, in: Holloway, Steven W. (Hg.), Orientalism, Assyriology and the Bible (Hebrew Bible Monographs 10; Sheffield 2006), 436−448.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Hong, Koog P., The Deceptive Pen of Scribes: Judaean Reworking of the Bethel Tradition as a Program for Assuming Israelite Identity, Biblica 92 (2011), 427−441.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Niesiołowski-Spanò, Łukasz, The Origin Myths of Holy Places in the Old Testament. A Study of Aetiological Narratives (Copenhagen International Seminar ; London / Oakville 2011).
Ortsnamen: Beerscheba , 16-57 Hebron , 115-140 Mamre , 115-140 Sichem , 172-205 anchor text [invisible]
Becker, Uwe, Jakob in Bet-El und Sichem, in: Hagedorn, Anselm C. / Pfeiffer, Henrik (Hg.), Die Erzväter in der biblischen Tradition. Festschrift für Matthias Köckert (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 400; Berlin / New York, NY 2009), 159−186.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El Sichem anchor text [invisible]
Kügler, Joachim, Ein Paradiesfluss umgibt das ganze Land. Was die Bibel Äthiopien nennt, Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 77 (2015), 42−47.
Ortsnamen: Gihon, Strom Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Benati, Giacomo, Re-modeling Political Economy in Early 3rd Millennium BC Mesopotamia. Patterns of Socio-Economic Organization in Archaic Ur (Tell al-Muqayyar, Iraq), Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2015/2 (2015), 1−37.
Ortsnamen: Ur anchor text [invisible]
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Kaiser, Otto / Janowski, Bernd / Jördens, Andrea / Niehr, Herbert (Hg.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. 3 Bände (Gütersloh 1982−1997).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Galling, Kurt / Edel, Elmar / Borger, Riekele (Hg.), Textbuch zur Geschichte Israels. 3. Auflage (Tübingen 1979).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Houtman, Cornelis, Exodus. Volume I: Exodus 1:1−7:13 (Historical Commentary on the Old Testament ; Kampen 1993).
Ortsnamen: Elim , 103 Etam, Sinai , 105 Goschen , 106f Kanaan , 111f Mara , 115 Midian , 113 Moab , 113f Nil , 108 Philisterland , 124f Ramses , 126f Schur , 127 Weg nach Schur , 127 Wüste Schur , 127 Wüste Sin , 116 anchor text [invisible]
Wazana, Nili, All the Boundaries of the Land. The Promised Land in Biblical Thought in Light of the Ancient Near East (Winona Lake, IN 2013).
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Feldman, Ariel / Goldman, Liora, Scripture and Interpretation. Qumram Texts that Rework the Bible (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 449; Berlin / Boston, MA 2014).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Linke, Julia, Das Charisma der Könige. Zur Konzeption des altorientalischen Königtums am Hinblick auf Urartu (Philippika 84; Wiesbaden 2015).
Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
Porten, Bezalel / Yardeni, Ada, Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea. Volume 1. Dossiers 1−10: 401 Commodity Chits (Winona Lake, IN 2014).
Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
Liverani, Mario, Immaginare Babele. Due secoli di studi sulla città orientale antica (Roma/Bari 2013).
Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
Liverani, Mario, Uruk. The First City (London / Oakville 2006).
Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
Jidejian, Nina, Sidon through the Ages (Beirut 2006; 2. Aufl. [1. Aufl. 1971]).
Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
Vincent, Louis-Hugues, Mélanges. III. − Ghassoul et la Pentapole biblique, Revue Biblique 44 (1935), 235−244.
Ortsnamen: Gomorra Sodom anchor text [invisible]
Galil, Gershon / Gilboa, Ayelet / Maeir, Aren M. / Kahn, Danʾel (Hg.), The Ancient Near East in the 12th−10th Centuries BCE: Culture and History. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the University of Haifa, 2−5 May, 2010 (Münster 2012).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Clarke, Joanne / Steel, Louise, Reports. The Gaza Research Project, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 132 (2000), 189−191.
Ortsnamen: Gaza , 189-191 anchor text [invisible]
Abel, Félix-Marie, Géographie de la Palestine. II. Géographie politique. Les villes (Études bibliques 42; Paris 1938).
Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim , 234.274 Abel-Schittim , 234 Addar , 238 Adma , 238f Adullam , 239 Afek, Ascher , 246f Afek, ostjordanisch , 246f Afek, Scharonebene , 246f Afeka , 247 Ai , 239f.257 Aja , 257 Ar-Moab , 248 Arad , 248f Aroër, Moab , 69.250f Aschdod , 253f Aschkelon , 252f Aschtarot , 255.413f Atrot-Addar , 255f Awit , 257 Azmon , 254f Baal-Gad , 258f Baal-Meon , 259 Bamot-Baal , 261 Baschan , 115 Beerscheba , 263 Bered , 264 Bet-Araba , 264f.267 Bet-Awen , 268 Bet-Eden , 270 Bet-El , 270f Bet-Hogla , 234.274.316 Bet-Horon , 274f Bet-Jeschimot , 69.275 Bet-Pegor , 278 Bet-Schean , 20.280-281 Betlehem , 276 Bozra , 287 Dabbeschet , 379 Daberat Damaskus , 301f Dan , 302 Dibon , 304f Dinhaba , 305 Dor , Dotan , 308 Edom , 281–285 Edreï , 310 Efraim, Ort , 402f Efron, Ort , 402f Ekron , 319 Elim , 100‒103 Emek-Keziz , 92 En-Dor , 316 En-Mischpat , 412 En-Schemesch , 49 Enajim , 316 Etam, Sinai , 321 Gat , 325f Gat-Hefer Gaza , 327f Gelilot , 48f.336‒338 Gerar , 330f Gomorra , 339 Goren-Atad , 234.274 Goschen , 339 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 301 Ham , 36.341 Hawot-Jaïr , 71 Hazar-Addar , 344 Hazerot , 214 Hazezon-Tamar , 344f.475 Hebron , 345−347 Heschbon , 348f Hezron , 344.349 Hinnomtal , 49 Hoba , 299 Horma , 350 Jafia , 355 Jagur , 353 Jahaz , 354 Janoach, efraimitisch , 354 Jaser , 356f Jegar-Sahaduta , 390 Jericho , 357‒360 Jibleam , 357 Jokneam Jutta , 366f Kadesch-Barnea , 412 Kedemot , Kesullot , 299 Kirjat-Jearim , 419‒421 Kirjatajim , 419 Kislot-Tabor , 299 Kitron , 423 Laban , 214 Lajisch , 302 Land der Temaniter , 479f Lescha , 368 Lus , 371 Mahanajim , 373f Makhelot , 214 Makkeda , 378 Mamre , 375f Mara , 210.378f Marala , 379 Masreka , 381 Mattana , 381 Meara , 381 Medeba , 381f Mefaat , 188.305 Mibzar , 386 Michmetat , 56-58 Misrefot-Majim , 388 Naara , 393-394 Nahaliël , 217 Nebo, Ort , 397f Neftoach-Quelle , 398 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 402 Ofra, manassitisch , 402f Para , 404 Paran , 201.205 Peniël , 406 Punon , 410f Rama, benjaminitisch , 428f Rama, efraimitisch , 428f Ramatajim , 428f Ramses , 208.429f Rehobot , 434 Rehobot am Strom , 434f Rimmon-Perez , 214 Rissa , 214 Ritma , 214 Rogel-Quelle , 49 Salcha , 440f Salem , 441f Sarid 449-450 Schilo , 462f Schittim , 234 Sibma , 458 Sichem , 396f.458−460.472f Sidon , 461 Skorpionensteige , 47 Sodom , 467f Stadt mitten im Tal , 69.351 Steige von Adummim , 48f Stein Bohans , 48 Sukkot, Jordantal , 470 Taanach , 473f Taanat-Schilo , 474 Teman , 479f Timna, Bergland , 481 Timnat-Heres , 481f Tofel , 487 Wüste Sin , 212f Wüste Zin , 47 Zebojim , 452 Zefat, Negeb , 456 Zemarajim , 454 Zeret-Schahar , 69.457f Zoar , 263.466 anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Haran 10 (1919), 2009–2021 (Weißbach, Franz Heinrich, Art. Κάρραι) Ninive 17 (1936), 635−644 (Weidner, Ernst Friedrich, Art. Ninos) anchor text [invisible]
Morvillez, Eric (Hg.), Paradeisos. Genèse et métamorphose de la notion de paradis dans l’Antiquité. Actes du colloque tenu à Avignon, Palais des Papes, printemps 2009 (Orient & Méditerranée/Archéologie 17; Paris 2014).
Ortsnamen: Eden anchor text [invisible]
Schmitt, Götz, Die Makkabäer und die Hasmonäer (167−37 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients Karte B V 16.2; Wiesbaden 1987).
Ortsnamen: Adullam Afek, Scharonebene Aschdod Bet-El Bet-Horon Damaskus Dotan Edom Efraim, Ort Gebal Gilead, Landschaft Hebron Jaser Jericho Jordan Kinneret, See Libanon Moab Salzmeer Schilo Sichem Sidon Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Krul, Julia, Tradition und Neuerung − Uruk in hellenistischer Zeit, Antike Welt 2013/03 (2013), 34−42.
Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
Ess, Margarete van, 4000 Jahre Baugeschichte − Uruks Architektur im Wandel, Antike Welt 2013/03 (2013), 9−17.
Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
Klemm, Rosemarie / Klemm, Dietrich, Gold and Gold Mining in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Geoarchaeology of the Ancient Gold Mining Sites in the Egyptian and Sudanese Eastern Deserts, Natural Science in Archaeology (Berlin / Heidelberg 2013).
Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Davis, Andrew R., Tel Dan in Its Northern Cultic Context (Archaeological and Biblical Studies 20; Atlanta, GA 2013).
Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
Faust, Avraham, Pottery and Society in Iron Age Philistia: Feasting, Identity, Economy, and Gender, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 373 (2015), 167−198.
Ortsnamen: Philisterland anchor text [invisible]
Bockmuehl, Markus / Stroumsa, Guy G. (Hg.), Paradise in Antiquity. Jewish and Christian Views (Cambridge 2010).
Ortsnamen: Eden anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Ägypten 1 (1996), 156–166 (Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes / Jansen-Winkeln, Karl, Art. Ägypten) Ai 1 (1996), 305f (Köckert, Matthias, Art. Ai) Aschkenas 10 (2001), 951f (Muggia, Anna, Art. Rhegion); 11 (2001), 644-656 (Rolle, Renate / Bredow, Iris von, Art. Skythen) Assur 2 (1996), 113f (Hauser, Stefan, Art. Assur); 2 (1996),115 (Kessler, Karlheinz, Art. Assyria) Assur, Stadt 2 (1996), 113f (Hauser, Stefan, Art. Assur) Babel 2 (1996), 384–389 (Maul, Stefan / Oelsner, Joachim, Art. Babylon) Betlehem 2 (1996), 595–596 (Köckert, Matthias/Pahlitzsch, Johannes, Art. Bethlehem) Chaldäa 2 (1996), 1086f (Maul, Stefan, Art. Chaldaioi [Chaldäer]) Damaskus 3 (1997), 293−297 (Klengel, Horst/Leisten, Thomas, Art. Damaskos) Elam 3 (1997) 958f (Koch, Heidemarie, Art. Elam) Elischa 6 (1999), 990-995 (Meyer, Ernst u.a., Art. Kypros) Erech 12/1 (2002), 1055f (Nissen, Hans Jörg, Art. Uruk) Eufrat 4 (1998), 269–272 (Kessler, Karlheinz, Art. Euphrates) Gaza 4 (1998), 815f (Knauf, Ernst Axel / Leisten, Thomas, Art. Gaza) Gebal 2 (1997), 864f (Finkbeiner, Uwe, Art. Byblos) Gerar 4 (1998), 949 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Gerar[a]) Haran 5 (1998), 166–167 (Kessler, Karlheinz, Art. Ḥarran) Hebron 5 (1998), 219f (Köckert, Matthias/Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Hebron) Jawan 5 (1998), 1077f (Gschnitzer, Fritz, Art. Iones); 5 (1998), 1078 (Olshausen, Eckart, Art. Ionia) Kaftor 6 (1999), 828–834 (Sonnabend, Holger / Niehoff, Johannes, Art. Kreta) Kelach 6 (1999), 170 (Hausleiter, Arnulf, Art. Kalḫu); 8 (2000), 950f (Frahm, Eckart, Art. Nimrod) Libanon 7 (1999), 133 (Podella, Thomas, Art. Libanos) Lud 7 (1999), 538‒547 (Kaletsch, Hans, Art. Lydia [Λυδία]) Mamre 7 (1999) 786 (Ego, Beate, Art. Mamre) Medien 7 (1999), 1094f (Wiesehöfer, Josef, Art. Meder); 7 (1999), 1095f (Wiesehöfer, Josef, Art. Media) Midian 8 (2000), 156 (Podella, Thomas, Art. Midian) Nil 8 (2000), 942−944 (Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes, Art. Nil) Nimrod 8 (2000), 950f (Frahm Eckart, Art. Nimrod) Ninive 8 (2000), 951f (Frahm, Eckart, Art. Ninos) Put 7 (1999), 151f (Zimmermann, Klaus, Art. Libyes, Libye) Rezef 10 (2001), 1163 (Leisten, Thomas, Art. Rusafa) Rodaniter 10 (2001), 996‒1000 (Sonnabend, Holger / Niehoff, Johannes, Art. Rhodos) Saba 10 (2001), 1177‒1179 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Saba’, Sabaioi) Sabta 10 (2001), 1183f (Brentjes, Burchard / Dietrich, Albert, Art. Sabbatha) Seba 10 (2001), 1177‒1179 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Saba’, Sabaioi) Sichem 8 (2000) 776 (Palitzsch, Johannes, Art. Neapolis [11]) Sidon 11 (2001), 520f (Liwak, Rüdiger / Jörg Wagner, Art. Sidon) Sin 9 (2000), 513f (Jansen-Winkeln, Karl, Art. Pelusion) Syene 11 (2001), 1125f (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Syene) Tarschisch 2 (1997‒1999), 998f (Barceló, Pedro, Art. Carthago Nova); 12/1 (2002), 37f (Hild, Friedrich, Art. Tarsos); 12/1 (2002), 39f (Blech, Michael / Barceló, Pedro, Art. Tartessos) Tigris 12/1 (2002), 569f (Kessler, Karlheinz, Art. Tigris) Ur 12/1 (2002), 1022f (Nissen, Hans Jörg, Art. Ur) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Ägypten 1 (1993), 253−263 (Görg, Manfred u.a., Art. Ägypten) Ai 1 (1993), 270 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Ai) Ajalon 1 (1993), 277f (Wenning, Robert, Art. Ajalon) Akko 1 (1993), 290 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Akko) Amalekiter, Gebiet der 1 (1993), 483 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Amalekiter) Ammon 7 (1998), 1203f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ostjordanland) Anatot 1 (1993), 607 (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Anatot) Araba 1 (1993), 903 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Araba) Arabien 1 (1993), 903-910 (Oehring, Otmar u.a., Art. Arabien) Arad 1 (1993), 910 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Arad) Aram 1 (1993), 912-914 (Angerstorfer, Andreas, Art. Aramäer) Aram Naharajim 7 (1998), 156–157 (Schwemer, Daniel, Art. Mesopotamien) Ararat 1 (1993), 916 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Ararat) Argob 1 (1993), 962 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Argob) Arnontal 1 (1993), 1027 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Arnon) Aschdod 1 (1993), 1056f (Wenning, Robert, Art. Aschdod) Aschkelon 1 (1993), 1059 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Aschkelon) Aschkenas 2 (1994), 509 (Hild, Friedrich, Art. Bithynien) Assur 1 (1995), 1094−1100 (Hunger, Hermann, Art. Assyrien); 5 (1996), 578-580 (Suermann, Harald / Antes, Peter, Art. Irak) Baal-Pegor 1 (1993), 1331 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst-Axel, Art. Baal-Pegor) Babel 1 (1993), 1334−1336 (Röllig, Wolfgang / van Esbroeck, Michael, Art. Babylon); 1 (1993), 1336−1339 (Röllig, Wolfgang / Stemberger, Günter, Art. Babylonien) Baschan 2 (1994), 50f (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst-Axel, Art. Baschan) Beerscheba 2 (1994), 124 (Stiglmair, Arnold, Art. Beerscheba) Bet-Araba 8 (1999), 778-785 (Fabry, Heinz-Josef, Art. Qumran) Bet-El 2 (1994), 329f (Ruppert, Lothar, Art. Bet El) Bet-Schean 2 (1994), 330f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Bet Schean) Bet-Schemesch 2 (1994), 331 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Bet Schemesch) Bet-Schemesch, Issaschar 2 (1994), 331 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Bet Schemesch) Bet-Schemesch, Naftali 2 (1994), 331 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Bet Schemesch) Betlehem 2 (1994), 334–335 (Schwank, Benedikt, Art. Bet(h)lehem. I. Orte) Bozra 2 (1994), 624 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Bozra) Bozra, Moab 2 (1994), 625 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Bozra [Moab]) Chaldäa 2 (1994), 998f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Chaldäa. Chaldäer) Damaskus 2 (1994), 1382−1384 (Niehr, Herbert/Freyberger, Klaus S./van Esbroeck, Michael, Art. Damaskus) Dan 3 (1995), 7 (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Dan) Dibon 3 (1995), 206 (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Dibon [Moab]) Dibon, judäisch 3 (1995), 206 (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Dibon [Negeb]) Edom 3 (1995), 457–458 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Edom, Edomiter) 7 (1998), 1203f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ostjordanland) Efraim, Land 3 (1995), 460f (Jüngling, Hans-Winfried, Art. Efraim) Elam 3 (1995), 577f (Angerstorfer, Andreas, Art. Elam, Elamiter) Elat 3 (1995), 578f (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Elat) Elischa 6 (1997), 438-440 (Hiesel, Gerhard / Papakoustantinou, Art. Kreta); 10 (2001), 1534-1536 (Gatz, Erwin, Art. Zypern) En-Gedi 3 (1995), 645f (Küchler, Max, Art. En-Gedi) Erech 10 (2001), 495 (Pongratz-Leisten, Beate, Art. Uruk) Eufrat 3 (1995), 979 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Eufrat) Galiläa 4 (1994), 269f (Bösen, Willibald, Art. Galiläa I. Landschaft Palästinas) Gaza 4 (1994), 306f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Gaza) Gebal 2 (1994), 860f (Wenning, Robert, Art. Byblos) Gerar 4 (1995), 494f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Gerar) Geser 4 (1994), 579 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Geser) Gibeon 4 (1994), 642 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Gibeon) Gihon, Quelle 4 (1995), 646 (Schwank, Benedikt, Art. Gihon) Gihon, Strom 4 (1995), 646 (Schwank, Benedikt, Art. Gihon) Gilboa 4 (1994), 650f (Frevel, Christian, Art. Gilboa) Gilead, Landschaft 4 (1995), 651 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Gilead); 7 (1998), 1203f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ostjordanland) Gilead, Ort 4 (1995), 651 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Gilead) Gilgal 4 (1994), 651 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Gilgal) Golan, Ort 4 (1994), 820 (Bösen, Willibald, Art. Golan) Gomorra 9 (2000), 684f (Ruppert, Lothar, Art. Sodom u. Gomorra) Gottesberg 9 (2000), 616f (Steins, Georg / Berardino, Angelo di, Art. Sinai) Ham 4 (1995), 1163 (Haag, Ernst, Art. Ham, Hamiten) Haran 4 (1995), 1187 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Haran) Haurangebirge 4 (1994), 1212 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Hauran) Hazor 4 (1994), 1224f (Frevel, Christian, Art. Hazor) Hebron 4 (1995), 1234f (Küchler, Max, Art. Hebron) Henoch 4 (1995), 1424f (Wacker, Marie-Theres / Peters, Ulrike, Art. Henoch, Henochliteratur) Hermon 5 (1996), 13 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Hermon) Het 5 (1996), 74 (Hutter, Manfred, Art. Hetiter) Hinnomtal 5 (1996), 143f (Frevel, Christian, Art. Hinnomtal) Horeb 5 (1996), 273 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Horeb) Indien 5 (1996), 451-468 (Wilfred, Felix u.a., Art. Indien) Ir-Melach 8 (1999), 778-785 (Fabry, Heinz-Josef, Art. Qumran) Israel, Land 5 (1996), 635-655 (Fabry, Heinz-Josef u.a., Art. Israel) Jabbok 5 (1996), 703 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Jabbok) Jafo 5 (1996), 708 (Weiser, Alfons, Art. Jaffa, Jafo) Jebus 5 (1996), 778-785 (Otto, Eckart u.a., Art. Jerusalem) Jebusiterstadt 5 (1996), 778-785 (Otto, Eckart u.a., Art. Jerusalem) Jericho 5 (1996), 776f (Schwienhorst-Schönberger, Ludger, Art. Jericho) Jerusalem 5 (1996), 778-785 (Otto, Eckart u.a., Art. Jerusalem) Jesreel 5 (1996), 792f (Hentschel, Georg, Art. Jesreel) Jordan 5 (1996), 990–991 (Knauf-Belleri, Ernst Axel, Art. Jordan) Juda 5 (1996), 1023f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Judäa) Kadesch am Orontes 5 (1996), 1122 (Reichert, Andreas, Art. Kadesch am Orontes) Kadesch-Barnea 5 (1996), 1123 (Reichert, Andreas, Art. Kadesch-Barnea) Kaftor 5 (1996), 1217-1219 (Brakmann, Heinzgerd / Koder, Johannes, Art. Kappadokien); 6 (1997), 438-440 (Hiesel, Gerhard / Papakoustantinou, Art. Kreta) Kalne 9 (2000), 433f (Olshausen, Eckart, Art. Seleukia am Tigris) Kana 5 (1996), 1163f (Schwank, Benedikt, Art. Kana) Kanaan 5 (1996), 1164–1165 (Kinet, Dirk, Art. Kanaan); 7 (1998), 1279-1289 (Knauf, Ernst Axel / Mathes, Richard, Art. Palästina)) Karmel, Gebirge 5 (1996), 1251f (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Karmel) Kidrontal 5 (1996), 1422f (Frevel, Christian, Art. Kidrontal) Kusch 1 (1993), 1145-1157 (Fiaccadori, Gianfranco u.a., Art. Äthiopien); 7 (1998), 941-943 (Gessel, Wilhelm M., Art. Nubien); 9 (2000), 1091 (Alkofer, Andreas-Pazifikus, Art. Sudan) Lachisch 6 (1997), 580f (Frevel, Christian, Art. Lachisch) Land der Hebräer 4 (1995), 1226 (Angerstorfer, Andreas, Art. Hebräer) Land der Hetiter 5 (1996), 74 (Hutter, Manfred, Art. Hetiter) Lehabiter 3 (1995), 584f (Seidlmayer, Stephan, Art. Elephantine) Lescha 5 (1996), 1150 (Küchler, Max, Art. Kallirhoë) Libanon 6 (1997), 876-879 (Kinet, Dirk, Art. Libanon I. Biblisch) Lod 6 (1997), 1155f (Schwank, Benedikt, Art. Lydda) Machpela 6 (1997), 1165f (Fischer, Irmtraud, Art. Machpela) Mamre 6 (1997), 1256f (Fischer, Irmtraud, Art. Mamre) Masch 10 (2001), 306-308 (Anschütz, Helga, Art. Ṭūr ʿAḇdīn) Medeba 7 (1998), 28f (Merklein, Helmut, Art. Medeba) Medien 7 (1998), 30 (Ahn, Gregor, Art. Meder); 7 (1998), 35-44 (Hahn, Johan G. u.a., Art. Medien) Meer 7 (1998), 61-63 (Maier, Bernhard u.a., Art. Meer) Megiddo 4 (1994), 1194 (Ritt, Hubert, Art. Harmagedon); 7 (1998), 65 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Megiddo) Mesopotamien 7 (1998), 156–157 (Schwemer, Daniel, Art. Mesopotamien) Midian 7 (1998), 245 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Midian) Mizpa 7 (1998), 352 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Mizpa) Moab 7 (1998), 352 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Moab, Moabiter) 7 (1998), 1203f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ostjordanland) Morija 7 (1998), 475 (Becker, Joachim, Art. Morija) Nebajot 7 (1998), 605-607 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Nabatäer) Nebo, Berg 7 (1998), 718 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Nebo) Nebo, Ort 7 (1998), 718 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Nebo) Negeb 7 (1998), 726–727 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Negeb) Nil 7 (1998), 872 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Nil) Ninive 7 (1998), 500 (Suermann, Harald, Art. Mosul); 7 (1998), 876f (Schmitt, Armin, Art. Ninive) No 9 (2000), 1385f (Frank, Karl Suso, Art. Thebais) Ölberg 7 (1998), 1036f (Küchler, Max / Rüdiger, Michael, Art. Ölberg) On 2 (1994), 331 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Bet Schemesch) Peniël 8 (1999), 24 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Penuel) Persien 5 (1996), 580-582 (Suermann, Harald u.a., Art. Iran); 8 (1999), 39-42 (Hutter, Manfred u.a., Art. Persien) Philisterland 8 (1999), 242 (Niehr, Herbert, Art. Philister) Pitom 8 (1999), 320f (Engel, Helmut, Art. Pitom u. Ramses) Rama, Ascher 8 (1999), 820 (Sticher, Claudia, Art. Rama) Rama, benjaminitisch 8 (1999), 820 (Sticher, Claudia, Art. Rama) Rama, efraimitisch 8 (1999), 820 (Sticher, Claudia, Art. Rama) Rama, Naftali 8 (1999), 820 (Sticher, Claudia, Art. Rama) Ramat-Negeb 8 (1999), 820 (Sticher, Claudia, Art. Rama) Ramot-Gilead 8 (1999), 820 (Sticher, Claudia, Art. Rama) Ramses 8 (1999), 320f (Engel, Helmut, Art. Pitom u. Ramses) Rezef 8 (1999), 1119f (Ulbert, Tilo, Art. Resafa) Saba 8 (1999), 1398 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Saba) Salem 8 (1999), 1482 (Müller, Paul-Gerhard, Art. Salem, bibl. Orte) Samaria, Landschaft 8 (1999), 1510f (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Samaria 2. Provinz) Samaria, Ort 8 (1999), 1509f (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Samaria 1. Stadt) Scharon 9 (2000), 111 (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Scharon) Schefela, Israel 9 (2000), 117 (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Schefela) Schefela, Juda 9 (2000), 117 (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Schefela) Schilfmeer 8 (1999), 1320 (Weimar, Peter, Art. Rotes Meer) Schilo 9 (2000), 144f (Wenning, Robert, Art. Schilo) Schiloach 9 (2000), 145 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Schiloach) Schinar 1 (1993), 1336-1339 (Röllig, Wolfgang / Stemberger, Günter, Art. Babylonien); 5 (1996), 578-580 (Suermann, Harald / Antes, Peter, Art. Irak) Sichem 9 (2000), 558f (Otto, Eckart, Art. Sichem) Sidon 9 (2000), 561 (Sedlmeier, Franz, Art. Sidon) Sinai, Berg 9 (2000), 616f (Steins, Georg / Berardino, Angelo di, Art. Sinai) Sodom 9 (2000), 684f (Ruppert, Lothar, Art. Sodom u. Gomorra) Susa 9 (2000), 1141 (Angerstorfer, Andreas, Art. Susa) Tabor 9 (2000), 1224 (Wenning, Robert, Art. Tabor) Tadmor 7 (1998), 1304f (Gessel, Wilhelm M., Art. Palmyra) Tarschisch 5 (1996), 1272-1275 (Gessel, Wilhelm M., Art. Karthago); 9 (2000), 1271 (Bohlen, Reinhold, Art. Tarschisch) Tigris 10 (2001), 37 (Frevel, Christian, Art. Tigris) Tiras 10 (2001), 11s (Olshausen, Eckart, Art. Thrakien) Tyrus 10 (2001), 327f (Sedlmeier, Franz, Art. Tyrus) Ur 10 (2001), 453 (Ruppert, Lothar, Art. Ur) Wüste 10 (2001), 1335f (Willmes, Bernd / Deselaers, Paul, Art. Wüste) Zeret-Schahar 5 (1996), 1150 (Küchler, Max, Art. Kallirhoë) Zion 10 (2001), 1462f (Schreiner, Josef, Art. Zion) Zypern 10 (2001), 1534-1536 (Gatz, Erwin, Art. Zypern) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Ägypten 1 (1977), 465–505 (Bergman, Jan, Art. Ägypten. I. Ägyptische Religion); 1 (1977), 492−505 (Williams, Ronald J., Art. Ägypten. II. Ägypten und Israel) Ai 2 (1978), 130f (Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich, Art. Ai) Arabien 3 (1978), 571–577 (Müller, Hans-Peter, Art. Israel und Arabien) Arad 3 (1978), 587‒590 (Aharoni, Yohanan, Art. Arad) Aram 32 (2001), 585‒587 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Syrien I. Zeit des Alten Testaments) Assur 4 (1979), 265–277 (Lambert, Wilfred George, Art. Assyrien und Israel) Babel 5 (1980), 67–79 (Lambert, Wilfred George, Art. Babylonien und Israel) Beerscheba 5 (1980), 402ff (Zimmerli, Walther, Art. Beerseba) Bet-El 5 (1980), 757–759 (Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich, Art. Bethel) Betlehem 5 (1980), 759–763 (Mittmann, Siegfried, Art. Bethlehem) Dan 8 (1981), 323−325 (Wanke, Gunther, Art. Dan) Edom 9 (1982), 291–299 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Edom und Israel) Elam 9 (1982), 491−493 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Elam und Israel) Elischa 36 (2004), 810-812 (Ulbrich, Anja / Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Zypern I. Altes Testament) Garizim 12 (1984), 28f (Hahn, Joachim, Art. Garizim und Ebal) Gaza 12 (1984), 29ff (Gillard, Geoffrey V., Art. Gaza) Hebron 14 (1985), 521–524 (Welten, Peter, Art. Hebron) Jericho 16 (1987), 586‒588 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Jericho) Kadesch-Barnea 17 (1988), 509–510 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Kadesch) Kanaan 17 (1988), 539–556 (Stolz, Fritz, Art. Kanaan) Kelach 4 (1979), 271-273 (Lambert, Wilfred George, Art Assyrien und Israel) Kusch 24 (1994), 682–689 (Scholz, Piotr Otto, Art. Nubien); 32 (2001), 310–322 (Scholz Piotr Otto, Art. Sudan) Mahanajim 21 (1991), 703–704 (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Mahanajim) Mamre 22 (1992), 11ff (Welten, Peter, Art. Mamre) Moab 23 (1994), 124–129 (Hahn, Joachim, Art. Moab und Israel) Ofra, benjaminitisch 25 (1995), 299f (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Ophra) Ofra, manassitisch 25 (1995), 299f (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Ophra) Peniël 26 (1996), 209−211 (Liwak, Rüdiger, Art. Penuel) Petor 6 (1980), 635-639 (Schmidt, Ludwig, Art. Bileam. I. Altes Testament) Rehobot-Ir 4 (1979), 272 (Lambert, Wilfred George, Art. Assyrien und Isrel) Resen 4 (1979), 272 (Lambert, Wilfred George, Art. Assyrien und Israel) Schilo 31 (2000), 266f (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Silo) Sichem 31 (2000), 245-247 (Fritz,Volkmar, Art. Sichem) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Ai (1977), 5 (Galling, Kurt, Art. Ai) Arad , 11f (Wüst, Manfried, Art. Arad) Aschdod (1977), 13–15 (Weippert, Helga, Art. Asdod) Aschkelon (1977), 15f (Galling, Kurt, Art. Askalon) Assur (1977), 17−19 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Assur) Assur, Stadt (1977), 17−19 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Assur) Babel (1977), 26–29 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Babylon) Beerscheba (1977), 36 (Wüst, Manfried, Art. Beerseba) Bet-El (1977), 44f (Wüst, Manfried, Art. Bethel) Damaskus (1977), 54–55 (Galling, Kurt, Art. Damaskus) Dan (1977), 55–56 (Weippert, Helga, Art. Dan) Dibon , 57 (Helga Weippert, Art. Dibon) Dor (1977), 62-63 (Galling, Kurt; Art. Dor) Ekron , 66f (Weippert, Helga, Art. Ekron) Gat (1977), 85f (Helga Weippert, Art. Gath) Gaza (1977) 86ff (Thompson, Thomas L., Art. Gaza) Gebal (1977), 53f (Weippert, Helga, Art. Byblos) Hebron (1977), 144f (Weippert, Helga, Art. Hebron und Mamre) Jericho (1977), 152–157 (Weippert, Helga / Weippert, Manfred , Art. Jericho) Lus (1977), 44f (Wüst, Manfried, Art. Bethel) Mamre (1977), 144f (Weippert, Helga, Art. Hebron und Mamre) Ninive (1977), 238 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Ninive) Schilo (1977), 307f (Galling, Kurt, Art. Silo) Sichem (1977), 293−296 (Weippert, Helga, Art. Sichem) Sidon (1977), 296ff (Weippert, Helga, Art. Sidon) Tarschisch (1977), 332f (Galling, Kurt, Art. Tarsis) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Afek, Ascher 1 (1975), 335 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Aphek) Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1975), 336 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Aphek) Assur 1 (1975), 498f (Dietrich, Manfried, Art. Assyrien und Ägypten); 1 (1975), 496 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Assur) Assur, Stadt 1 (1975), 496 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Assur) Edom 5 (1984), 828 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Se’ir) Elam 1 (1975), 1213 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Elam) Eufrat 2 (1977), 47 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Eufrat) Gebal 1 (1975), 889-891 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Byblos) Kaftor 1 (1975), 69‒76 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Ägäis und Ägypten) Kanaan 3 (1980), 309f (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Kanaan) Kusch 3 (1980), 888−893 (Säve-Söderbergh, Torgny, Art. Kusch) Land der Amoriter 1 (1975), 251f (Giveon, Raphael, Art. Amurru) Libanon 3 (1980), 1013f (Giveon, Raphael, Art. Libanon) Neftoach-Quelle 4 (1982), 71–76 (Krauss, Rolf, Art. Merenptah) Nil 4 (1982), 480-483 (Butzer, Karl W., Art. Nil) On 2 (1977), 1111−1113 (Kákosy, Lászlo, Art. Heliopolis) Pi-Beset 1 (1975), 873f (Habachi, Labib, Art. Bubastis) Ramses 5 (1984), 128–146 (Bietak, Manfred, Art. Ramsesstadt) Schihor 5 (1984), 623–626 (Bietak, Manfred, Art. Schi-Hor) Seïr 5 (1984), 828 (Helck, Wolfgang, Art. Se’ir) Sichem 5 (1984) 922 (Giveon, Raphael, Art. Sichem) Sidon 5 (1984), 922f (Giveon, Raphael, Art. Sidon) Sin 4 (1982), 925f (Thissen, Heinz-Josef, Art. Pelusium) Syene 1 (1975), 495f (Habachi, Labib, Art. Assuan) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1928), 122 (Honigmann, Ernst, Art. Apqu) Ägypten 1 (1928), 45 (Honigmann, Ernst, Art. Ägypten); 1 (1928), 45-51 (Opitz, Dietrich, Art. Ägypten und Mesopotamien, ihre Beziehungen zueinander) Akkad 1 (1932), 62 (Unger, Eckart, Art. Akkad) Ar-Moab 8 (1993), 318–325 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Moab) Assur 1 (1932), 170−196 (Unger, Eckard / Ebeling, Erich, Art. Aššur); 1 (1932), 228−303 (Weißbach, Franz Heinrich, Art. Assyrien); 11 (2006–2008), 42−68 (Radner, Karen Art. Provinz. C. Assyrien) Assur, Stadt 1 (1932), 170−196 (Unger, Eckard / Ebeling, Erich, Art. Aššur) Babel 1 (1932), 330−384 (Unger, Eckard / Weißbach, Franz Heinrich, Art. Babylon) Bet-Eden 2 (1938), 33f (Honigman, Ernst, Art. Bit-Adini) Bet-Schean 2 (1938), 50 (Honigman, Ernst, Art. Bît-Sâni) Chaldäa 5 (1976−1980), 291−297 (Edzard, Dietz Otto, Art. Kaldu [Chaldäer]) Damaskus 2 (1938), 104 (Honigmann, Ernst, Art. Damaskus) Dibon 8 (1997), 318–325[321] (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Moab) Eden 2 (1938), 33f (Honigman, Ernst, Art. Bit-Adini) Edom 2 (1938), 274 (Jirku, Anton, Art. ’Edom) Elam 2 (1938), 324−338 (König, Friedrich Wilhelm, Art. Elam) Eufrat 2 (1938), 483f (Meier, G., Art. Eufrat) Gaza 3 (1971), 152f (Falkner, Margarete / Unger, Eckard, Art. Gaza) Gebal 3 (1971), 673-675 (Hrouda, Barthel / Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Gubla) Girgaschiter 5 (1976‒1980), 423‒425 (Schmitt, Rüdiger, Art. Karer); 446f (Heinhold-Krahmer, Susanne, Art. Karkiša) Hamat 4 (1972‒1975), 67‒70 (Hawkins, J. David, Art. Hamath) Haran 4 (1975), 122–125 (Postgate, John Nicholas, Art. Ḫarrān) Hermon 4 (1975), 331 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Hermon) Jawan 5 (1976-1980), 150 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Ionier) Kaftor 6 (1980‒1983), 225–230 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Kreta. A. Philologisch); 6 (1980‒1983), 230‒240 (Herrmann, H.-V., Art. Kreta. B. Archäologisch) Kanaan 5 (1980), 352−355 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Kanaan) Kedar 11 (2008), 176f (Radner, Karen, Art. Qedar, Nordarabischer Stamm) Kelach 5 (1980), 303–323 (Postgate, John Nicholas / Reade, Julian E., Art. Kalḫu) Kusch 6 (1983), 347f (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Kuš, Kuschiten); 8 (1993–1997), 53−55 (Heimpel, Wolfgang, Art. Meluḫḫa) Land der Amoriter 1 (1928), 99‒103 (Ebeling, Erich, Art. Amurru) Land der Hebräer 4 (1975), 14−27 (Bottéro, Jean, Art. Ḫabiru) Land der Hetiter 4 (1975), 152–159 (Hawkins, J. David, Art. Ḫatti) Libanon 6 (1980-1983), 641-650 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Libanon) Lud 7 (1987‒1990), 184‒186 (Neumann, Günter, Art. Lydien) Medien 7 (1987‒1990), 619‒623 (Brown, St. C., Art. Media) Meschech 8, 493-495 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Muški, Muski) Moab 8 (1993-1997), 318-325 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Moab) Ninive 9 (2001), 388−439 (Reade, Julian E. / Veenhof, Klaas Roelof / Roaf, Michael, Art. Ninive [Nineveh]) Tofel 8 (1993-1997), 318-325 (Weippert, Manfred, Art. Moab) anchor text [invisible]
Crawford, Harriet, Ur. The City of the Moon God (London 2015).
Ortsnamen: Ur anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1998), 583f (Lipiński, Edward, Art. Aphek [Sharon]) Ägypten 1 (1998), 193–219 (Schenkel, Wolfgang u.a., Art. Ägypten) Ai 1 (1998), 232 (Niemann, Hermann Michael, Art. Ai) Arad 1 (1998), 675 (Herzog, Zeʾev, Art. Arad) Aram 7 (2004), 1985–1989 (Schwemer, Daniel, Art. Syrien I. Geographie, II. Geschichte) Ararat 1 (1998), 763−766 (Schmitt, Rüdiger, Art. Armenien. I. Altertum) Aroër, Damaskus 1 (1998), 795 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Aroer) Aroër, Moab 1 (1998), 795 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Aroer) Aschdod 1 (1998), 807f (Uehlinger, Christoph, Art. Asdod) Aschkelon 1 (1998), 829f (Uehlinger, Christoph, Art. Askalon) Assur 1 (1998), 849 (Maul, Stefan, Art. Assur) Assur, Stadt 1 (1998), 849 (Maul, Stefan, Art. Assur) Babel 1 (1998),1042‒1044 (Klengel-Brandt, Evelyn, Babylon) Beerscheba 1 (1998), 1203f (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Beerscheba); 8 (2005), 129f (Herzog, Ze’ev, Art. Tell es-Seba‘) Bergland der Amoriter 1 (1998), 417 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Amoriter) Bet-Awen 1 (1998), 1375f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Bethel) Bet-El 1 (1998),1375f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Bethel) Bet-Schean 1 (1998), 1379-1380 (Mazar, Amihai, Art. Beth-Shean) Betlehem 1 (1998), 1377–1378 (Bloedhorn, Hanswulf, Art. Bethlehem) Bozra 1 (1998), 1713 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Bosra) Chaldäa 2 (1999), 95 (Steymans, Hans Ulrich, Art. Chaldäa, Chaldäer) Damaskus 2 (1999), 526f (Weber, Thomas u.a., Art. Damaskus) Dan 2 (1999), 547–548 (Niemann, Hermann Michael, Art. Dan) Dibon 2 (1999), 834 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Dibon) Dor 2 (1999), 945-946 (Noort, Ed; Art. Dor) Dotan 2 (1999), 960 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Dothan) Edom 2 (1999), 1061−1063 (Dietrich, Walter, Art. Edom) Ekron 2 (1999), 1185 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Ekron) Elischa 8 (2005), 1959‒1966 (Stephan, Christian u.a., Art. Zypern) Garizim 3 (2000), 467f (Dexinger, Ferdinand, Art. Garizim) Gat 3 (2000), 478 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Gath) Gaza 3 (2000), 481 (Uehlinger, Christoph / Hahn, Johannes, Art. Gaza) Gebal 1 (1998),1928f (Lipiński, Edward, Art. Byblos) Gelilot 3 (2000), 930f (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Gilgal) Gomorra 7 (2004), 1413 (Loader, James Alfred, Art. Sodom und Gomorrha) Hamat 3 (2000), 1397 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Hamath) Haran 3 (2000), 1438 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Haran) Hebron 3 (2000), 1498f (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Hebron) Henoch 3 (2000), 1626f (Herrmann, Klaus, Art. Henoch) Hermon 3 (2000), 1674 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Hermon) Heschbon 3 (2000), 1702 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Hesbon) Horma 3 (2000), 1902 (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Horma) Jericho 4 (2001), 425f (Bienkowski, Piotr, Art. Jericho) Jokneam 4 (2001), 566 (Münger, Stefan, Art. Jokneam) Jordan 4 (2001), 572–573 (Zangenberg, Jürgen, Art. Jordan) Kadesch-Barnea 4 (2001), 729 (Na’aman, Nadav, Art. Kadesh [Barnea]) Kanaan 4 (2001), 306f (Niehr, Herbert, Art. Israel und Kanaan) Kinneret, See 3 (2000), 670 (Zangenberg, Jürgen, Art. Genezareth) Kusch 6 (2003), 423f (Scholz, Piotr Otto, Art. Nubien) Land der Hebräer 3 (2000), 1493–1494 (Koch, Klaus, Art. Hebräer) Lus 1 (1998),1375f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Bethel) Mamre 5 (2002), 721f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Mamre) Medeba 4 (2002), 652f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Madeba) Meer, großes 5 (2002), 1357f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Mittelmeerraum) Nil 6 (2003), 337 (Schenkel, Wolfgang, Art. Nil) Ninive 6 (2003), 342 (Berlejung, Angelika, Art. Ninive) Ofir 6 (2003), 593 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ophir) Ofra, manassitisch 6 (2003), 594 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ophra [in Manasse]) Peniël 6 (2003), 1103 (Knauf, Enst-Axel, Art. Penuel) Philisterland 6 (2003), 1282−1285 (Niemann, Hermann Michael/Noort, Ed, Art. Philister) Rama, benjaminitisch 7 (2004), 29 (Naʾaman, Nadav, Art. Rama) Rama, efraimitisch 7 (2004), 29 (Naʾaman, Nadav, Art. Rama) Rezef 7 (2004), 678 (Ulbert, Thilo, Art. Rusafa) Schilo 7 (2004), 1319 (Bunimovitz, Shlomo, Art. Silo) Seba 7 (2004), 709f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Sabäer) Sichem 7 (2004), 1295f (Otto, Eckart, Art. Sichem) Sidon 7 (2004), 1302 (Yon, Marguerite, Art. Sidon) Sodom 7 (2004), 1413 (Loader, James Alfred, Art. Sodom und Gomorrha) Taanach 8 (2005), 1 (Niemann, Hermann Michael, Art. Taanach) Ur 8 (2005) 816f (Frahm, Eckart, Art. Ur) Wüste 8 (2005), 1746f (Achenbach, Reinhard, Art. Wüstenwanderung/Wüstenwanderungsüberlieferung) anchor text [invisible]
Weippert, Helga, Palästina in vorhellenistischer Zeit (Handbuch der Archäologie, Vorderasien II/1; München 1988).
Ortsnamen: Adullam , Register Ai , Register Ararat Register (Ararat, Urartu) Assur , Register Babel , Register Beerscheba , Register Bergland , Register Bet-El , Register Betlehem , Register Bozra , Register Damaskus , Register Dan , Register Dotan , Register Edom , Register Elam , Register Eufrat , Register Gaza , Register Gihon, Quelle , Register Gilead, Landschaft , Register Grenzbach Ägyptens , Register Haran , Register Hebron , Register Hoba , Register („Upe“) Jabbok , Register Jibleam , 546 Jordan , Register Jordanau , Register Kadesch-Barnea , Register Kanaan , Register Kelach Register („Nimrūd“) Negeb , Register Nil , Register Ninive , Register Paran , Register Salzmeer , Register Sichem , Register Sidon , Register Taanach , Tigris , Register anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim 2010 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Abel [in Ortsnamen] 2. Abel-Mizrajim) Abel-Schittim 2010 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Abel [in Ortsnamen], 3. Abel-Schittim) Adma 2007 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Sodom und Gomorra) Adullam 2008 (Ederer, Matthias, Art. Adullam) Afek, Ascher 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Afek) Afek, Libanon 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Afek) Afek, ostjordanisch 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Afek) Afek, Scharonebene 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Afek) Afeka 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Afek, 4.5. Afeka in Juda) Ägypten 2014 (Schneider, Thomas / Schipper, Bernd, Art. Kulturkontakte, Israel - Ägypten) Ai 2007 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Ai) Amalekiter, Gebiet der 2008 (Tanner, Hans Andreas, Art. Amalek/Amalekiter) Araba 2006 (Hübner, Ülrich, Art. Araba) Arabien 2006 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Araber) Arad 2019 (Kiefer, Jörn, Art. Arad) Aram 2016 (Niehr, Herbert, Art. Aram / Aramäer) Argob 2014 (Bremer, Johannes, Art. Argob) Arnontal 2010 (Ninow, Friedbert, Art. Arnon) Aroër, Damaskus 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Aroer) Aroër, Moab 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Aroer) Assur, Stadt 2017 (Schmitt, Aaron, Art. Assur [Stadt]) Atarot, efraimitisch 2019 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Atarot) Atrot-Addar 2014 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet Raddana) Awim 2013 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Para) Baal-Schalischa 2016 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet el-Marǧame) Babel 2009 (Renz, Johannes, Art. Babylonien / Babylonier) Baschan 2013 (Reuter, Eleonore, Art. Baschan) Beer-Lahai-Roï 2011 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Beer Lahai-Roï) Beerscheba 2010 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Beerscheba) Bergrücken der Jebusiter 2011 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jebus / Jebusiter); 2016 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Jerusalem, 2.4.) Bet-Awen 2007 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Bet-Awen); 2010 (Koenen, Klaus, Art Bethel [Ort], 1.2.) Bet-El 2010 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Bethel [Ort]) Bet-Horon 2021 (Filitz, Judith E., Art. Horon); 2022 (Seidel, Johannes, Art. Bet-Horon) Bet-Pegor 2014 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Peor) Bet-Schean 2006 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Bet-Schean) Betlehem 2011 (Faßbeck, Gabriele/Schmitz, Barbara, Art. Bethlehem) Damaskus 2020 (Niehr, Herbert, Art. Damaskus [AT]) Dan 2014 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Dan) Dedan 2015 (Knauf, Ernst Axel. Art. Dedan) Dibon 2006 (Ninow, Friedbert, Art Dibon) Eden 2006 (Pfeiffer, Henrik, Art. Eden) Edom 2019 (Wöhrle, Jakob, Art. Edom / Edomiter) Efraim, Ort 2013 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Ofra); 2016 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet el-Marǧame); 2018 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Efron) Efrata 2019 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Efrata / Efrat) Efron, Ort 2018 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Efron) Elam 2008 (Bagg, Ariel M., Art. Assurbanipal) Elat 2024 (Hagemeyer, Felix, Art. Elat) Emek-Keziz 2016 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet el-Marǧame) En-Dor 2006 (Zee-Hansen, Lara van der; Art. En-Dor) Eufrat 2014 (Renz, Johannes, Art. Euphrat) Gal-Ed 2015 (Michel, Andreas, Art. Jegar-Sahaduta) Garizim 2012 (Kieweler, Hans Volker, Art. Garizim) Gaza 2022 (Wimmer, Stefan J., Art. Gaza) Gelilot 2015 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Gilgal) Gerar 2009 (Kellenberger, Edgar, Art. Gerar) Geschur 2017 (Schücking-Jungblut, Friederike, Art. Geschur) Gilead, Landschaft 2019 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Gilead) Gilead, Ort 2019 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Gilead) Girgaschiter 2022 (Neef, Heinz-Dieter, Art. Girgaschiter) Gomer 2010 (Bergmann, Claudia, Art. Gomer) Gomorra 2007 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Sodom und Gomorra) Gosan 2020 (Cornelius, Izak, Art. Tell Halaf) Goschen 2020 (Theis, Christoffer, Art. Goschen) Grenzbach Ägyptens 2022 (Theis, Christoffer, Art. Bach Ägyptens) Ham 2020 (Gertz, Jan Christian, Art. Ham) Haran 2015 (Bagg, Ariel, Art. Haran) Hawila 2011 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Hawila) Hazerot 2009 (Kellenberger, Edgar, Art. Hazerot) Hebron 2006 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Hebron) Hena 2022 (Bagg, Ariel M., Art. Hena) Henoch 2007 (Ego, Beate, Art. Henoch/Henochliteratur) Het 2015 (Gerhards, Meik, Art. Hethiter im AT) Hinnomtal 2011 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Hinnomtal) Hiwiter 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Hiwiter) Horma 2008 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Horma) Inselvölker 2012 (Rösel, Christoph, Art. Insel) Jahaz 2018 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Jahaz) Jawan 2017 (Spans, Andrea, Art. Jawan) Jebus 2011 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jebus / Jebusiter); 2016 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Jerusalem, 2.4.) Jericho 2008 (van der Veen, Peter, Art. Jericho [AT]) Jibleam (2012) (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jibleam) Kadesch-Barnea 2008 (Schipper, Friedrich, Art. Kadesch-Barnea) Kaftor 2020 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Kaftor) Kalne 2019 (Hilbrands, Walter, Art. Kalne) Kanaan 2020 (Krause, Joachim J., Art. Kanaan / Kanaanäer) Karmel, Gebirge 2024 (Wörner, Laura, Art. Karmel) Karmel, Juda 2024 (Wörner, Laura, Art. Karmel) Kelach 2017 (Schmitt, Aaron, Art. Kalchu) Kinneret, Ort 2021 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Kinneret) Kinneret, See 2021 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. See Genezareth) Kirjat-Arba 2006 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Hebron) Kirjat-Baal 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Kirjat-Jearim) Kirjat-Jearim 2019 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Kirjat-Jerarim) Kirjatajim 2020 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Kirjatajim) Kislot-Tabor (2008) (Müller, Monika, Art. Tabor) Kusch 2022 (Rudolf, Stefanie, Art. Kusch / Kuschiter) Land der Hebräer 2012 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Hebräer/Hapiru) Land der Hetiter 2015 (Gerhards, Meik, Art. Hethiter im AT) Land der Temaniter 2009 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Teman) Lehabiter 2010 (Rohrmoser, Angela, Art. Elephantine); 2021 (Röhrig, Meike J., Art. Libyen / Libyer [AT]) Libna, judäisch 2010 (Mulzer, Martin, Art. Libna) Libna, Sinai 2010 (Mulzer, Martin, Art. Libna) Lud 2017 (Spans, Andrea, Art. Lud / Luditer) Lus 2010 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Bethel [Ort]) Maacha 2019 (Fischer, Andrea / Koenen, Klaus, Art. Maacha) Maacha, judäisch 2019 (Fischer, Andrea / Koenen, Klaus, Art. Maacha) Machpela 2006 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Hebron) Magog 2012 (Rösel, Christoph, Art. Gog/Magog) Mahanajim 2012 (Pola, Thomas, Art. Pnuël/Pniël) Makkeda 2018 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Chirbet el-Qōm [Makkeda]) Mamre 2006 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Hebron) Mara 2009 (Michel, Andreas, Art. Mara) Medeba 2006 (Wagner, Thomas, Art. Mescha / Mescha-Stele); 2024 (Soennecken, Katja / Vieweger, Dieter, Art. Madeba) Meribat-Kadesch 2008 (Schipper, Friedrich, Art. Kadesch-Barnea) Midian 2020 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Midian / Midianiter) Mizpa 2021 (Focken, Friedrich-Emanuel, Art. Mizpa / Mizpe) Mizpa in Gilead 2021 (Focken, Friedrich-Emanuel, Art. Mizpa / Mizpe) Mizpe, judäisch 2021 (Focken, Friedrich-Emanuel, Art. Mizpa / Mizpe) Mizpe, ostjordanisch 2021 (Focken, Friedrich-Emanuel, Art. Mizpa / Mizpe) Mizpe-Moab 2021 (Focken, Friedrich-Emanuel, Art. Mizpa / Mizpe) Morija 2015 (Michel, Andreas, Art. Morija) Naftuhiter 2009 (Quack, Joachim Friedrich, Art. Naftuhiter) Negeb 2011 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Negev) Nil 2009 (Hoffmann, Friedhelm, Art. Nil) Ninive 2017 (Schmitt, Aaron, Art. Ninive) Ofir 2024 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Ofir) Ofra, benjaminitisch 2013 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Ofra) Ofra, manassitisch 2013 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Ofra) Paddan-Aram 2010 (Kellenberger, Art. Paddan Aram) Para 2006 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Gibea); 2013 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Para) Patros 2021 (Quack, Joachim Friedrich, Art. Patros) Peniël 2012 (Pola, Thomas, Art. Pnuël/Pniël) Petor 2007 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Bileam, 2.3.) Philisterland 2007 (Ehrlich, Carl Stephan, Art. Philister) Pisga 2014 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Pisga) Pitom 2007 (Jansen-Winkeln, Karl, Art. Pitom) Punon 2024 (Hagemeyer, Felix, Art. Punon) Put 2021 (Röhrig, Meike J., Art. Libyen / Libyer [AT]) Ragma 2010 (Sedlmeier, Franz, Art. Ragma) Rama, benjaminitisch 2007 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Rama); 2014 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet Raddana) Rama, efraimitisch 2007 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Rama); 2014 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet Raddana) Ramatajim 2007 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Rama); 2014 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet Raddana) Ramses 2016 (Pusch, Edgar B. / Franzmeier, Henning, Art. Pi-Ramesse) Rehobot 2006 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Rehobot [in Edom]) Rehobot am Strom 2006 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Rehobot [in Edom]) Rogel-Quelle 2016 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Jerusalem), 1.2. Saba 2014 (Stein, Peter, Art. Saba) Salem 2014 (Kalimi, Isaac, Art. Salem) Scheba, Arabien 2014 (Stein, Peter, Art. Saba) Schefela, Juda 2019 (Gaß Erasmus, Art. Schefela) Schihor 2021 (Theis, Christoffer, Art. Schihor) Schilo 2019 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Silo [Ort]) Schinar 2008 (Ziemer, Benjamin, Art. Amrafel); 2009 (Renz, Johannes, Art. Babylon / Babylonier) Schittim 2010 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Abel [in Ortsnamen], 3. Abel-Schittim) Schur 2021 (Theis, Christoffer, Art. Schihor, 4.) Sefarwajim 2022 (Bagg, Ariel M., Art. Sefarwajim) Seïr 2008 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Seïr) Sichem 2011 (Wimmer, Stefan Jakob, Art. Sichem) Sidon 2015 (Saur, Markus, Art. Sidon) Sin 2008 (Kellenberger, Edgar, Art. Sin); 2010 (Schütze, Alexander, Art. Sais) Siniter 2019 (Gerhards, Meik, Art. Sinim) Sodom 2007 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Sodom und Gomorra) Sukkot, Jordantal 2013 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Sukkot [Ort]) Syene 2010 (Rohrmoser, Angela, Art. Elephantine) Taanach 2008 (Kreuzer, Siegfried, Art. Taanach) Taanat-Schilo 2019 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Silo [Ort]) Tabor (2008) (Müller, Monika, Art. Tabor) Tappuach, efraimitisch 2019 (Hilbrands, Walter, Art. Tappuach) Tarschisch 2019 (Grüninger, Ann-Christin, Art. Tarsis) Tekoa 2022 (Seidel, Johannes, Art. Tekoa) Teman 2009 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Teman) Tigris 2020 (Bagg, Ariel, Art. Tigris) Tob 2020 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Tob) Tubal 2014 (Gertz, Jan-Christian, Art. Tubal-Kain) Uz 2009 (Witte, Markus, Art. Uz) Wüste Sin 2008 (Kellenberger, Edgar, Art. Sin) Wüste Zin 2008 (Kellenberger, Edgar, Art. Zin); 2011 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Negev) Zaretan 2021 (Soennecken, Katja, Art. Tell es-Sa‘īdīje) Zebojim 2007 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Sodom und Gomorra) Zemarajim 2015 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Zemarajim); 2016 (Koenen, Klaus, Art. Chirbet el-Marǧame) Zin 2008 (Kellenberger, Edgar, Art. Zin) Zoar 2010 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Zoar) Zora 2019 (Hilbrands, Walter, Art. Zora) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Abana 1 (2009), 35 (Davies, Michael T., Art. Abana) Abarimgebirge 1 (2009), 38 (Davies, Michael T., Art. Abarim) Abdon 1 (2009), 56 (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Abdon [Place]); 7 (2013), 254 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Ebron) Abel-Bet-Maacha 1 (2009), 67f (Davies, Michael T., Art. Abel-Beth-Maacha); 17 (2019), 280f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Maacah [Place]) Abel-Keramim 1 (2009), 68f (Herr, Larry G., Art. Abel-Keramim) Abel-Mehola 1 (2009), 69f (Herr, Larry G., Art. Abel-Mehola) Abel-Mizrajim 1 (2009), 687 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Ajjul, Tell El-); 2 (2009), 1174f (Tebes, Juan Manuel, Art. Atad) Abimaël 1 (2009), 91 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Abimael) Abrona 1 (2009), 233 (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Abronah) Achlab 1 (2009), 669f (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Ahlab) Achor-Tal 1 (2009), 277 (Greer, Jonathan, Art. Achor) Achschaf 1 (2009), 278f (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Achshaph) Achsib, judäisch 1 (2009), 280 (Steiner, Margreet, Art. Achzib 2. Town of Judah) Achsib, phönizisch 1 (2009), 279f (Steiner, Margreet, Art. Achzib 1. City of Asher) Adada 1 (2009), 296 (Davies, Michael T., Art. Adadah) Adam 1 (2009), 333f (Wong, Fook-Kong, Art. Adam [Place]) Adama, Naftali 1 (2009), 365 (Wong, Fook-Kong, Art. Adamah) Adami-Nekeb 1 (2009), 367f (Ristau, Kenneth, Art. Adami-Nekeb) Addar 1 (2009), 371 (Ngwa, Kenneth Numfor, Art. Addar [Place]) Aditajim 1 (2009), 375f (Pioske, Daniel D., Art. Adithaim) Adma 1 (2009), 376f (Wong, Fook-Kong, Art. Admah) Adorajim 1 (2009), 404 (Werlin, Steven H., Art. Adoraim) Adullam 1 (2009), 446–447 (Briend, Jacques, Art. Adullam) Afek, Ascher 2 (2009), 305 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aphek 1. Of Asher) Afek, Libanon 2 (2009), 305 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aphek, 3. Of Lebanon) Afek, ostjordanisch 2 (2009), 304 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aphek 2. Of Aram); 7 (2013), 884-885 (Hasegawa, Shuichi / Paz, Yitzhak, Art. En-Gev) Afek, Scharonebene 2 (2009), 278‒281 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Antipatris); 2 (2009), 305-308 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aphek 4. In Sharon) Afeka 2 (2009), 308f (Knowles, Melody D. / Levin, Yigal, Art. Aphekah) Ägypten 7 (2013), 468-522 (Gee, John u.a., Art. Egypt, Ancient) Ahawa 1 (2009), 632f (Davies, Michael T., Art. Ahava) Ai 1 (2009), 678−681 (Mullins, Robert, Art. Ai) Ajalon, Dan 1 (2009), 682f (Münger, Stefan, Art. Aijalon); 17 (2019), 919-921 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Marjamah, Khirbet el-) Ajalon, Sebulon 1 (2009), 682f (Münger, Stefan, Art. Aijalon) Ajin, Juda 1 (2009), 684f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Ain 2. Ain in Judah) Ajin, Syrien 1 (2009), 684 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Ain 1. At the Eastern Border of Canaan) Akkad 1 (2009), 697f (Liverani, Mario, Art. Akkad) Akko 1 (2009), 262-264 (Killebrew, Ann E. / Wilson, Mark, Art. Acco) Alammelech 1 (2009), 778f (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Allamelech); 15 (2017), 102-104 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Keisan, Tell) Almodad 1 (2009), 826 (Davis, Michael T., Art. Almodad) Almon 1 (2009) 826f (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Almon) Almon-Diblatajim 1 (2009), 828 (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Almon-Diblathaim) Alusch 1 (2009), 911 (Ngwa, Kenneth Numfor, Art. Alush) Amad 1 (2009), 917 (Stewart, Anne, Art. Amad) Amalekiter, Gebiet der 1 (2009), 918-930 (Lipton, Diana u.a., Art. Amalek, Amalekites) Amam 1 (2009), 930 (Stewart, Anne, Art. Amam) Ammon 1 (2009), 1001-1010 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Ammon, Ammonite) Anab 1 (2009), 1068f (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Anab) Anahara 1 (2009), 1076f (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Anaharath) Anamiter 1 (2009), 1079f (Hutton Jeremy M., Art. Anamim) Ananeja 1 (2009), 1082 (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Ananiah [Place]) Anatot 1 (2009), 1099f (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Anathoth) Anem 1 (2009), 1152 (Starbuck, Scott R.A., Art. Anem) Aner 1 (2009), 1153 (Starbuck, Scott R.A., Art. Aner [Place]) Anim 2 (2009), 1 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Anim) Ar-Moab 2 (2009), 573f (Smoak, Jeremy, Art. Ar) Arab 2 (2009),574f (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Arab [Place]) Araba 2 (2009), 575‒577 (Herr, Larry G., Art. Arabah) Arabien 2 (2009), 578-589 (Knauf, Ernst Axel u.a., Art. Arabia, Ancient); 13 (2016), 352-355 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Ishmael [Son of Abraham and Hagar], 1. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament) Arad 2 (2009), 610‒615 (Herzog, Zeʾev / Roberts, J.J.M., Art Arad [Place]) Aram 2 (2009), 636‒645 (Pitard, Wayne T., Art. Arameans) Aram Naharajim 2 (2009), 645f (Pitard, Wayne T., Art. Aram-Naharaim) Ararat 2 (2009), 646−649 (Fulton, Deirfre N. / Berner, Christoph, Art. Ararat) Argob 2 (2009), 704 (Lemaire, André, Art. Argob [Place]) Ariël 2 (2009), 706f (Becker, Uwe, Art. Ariel [Deity, Place]) Arkiter, Syrien 2 (2009), 767f (Hutton, Jeremy M., Art. Arkite, The) Arnontal 2 (2009), 802f (Greer, Jonathan, Art. Arnon) Aroër gegenüber Rabba 2 (2009), 805 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aroer, Aroerite 3. "Before Rabbah") Aroër, Damaskus 2 (2009), 806 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aroer, Aroerite 4. Of Damascus) Aroër, Moab 2 (2009), 804–807 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aroer, Aroerite, 2.–5.) Aroër, Negeb 2 (2009), 803f (Levin, Yigal, Art. Aroer, Aroerite 1. In the Negeb) Arpachschad 2 (2009), 808 (Hutton, Jeremy M., Arpachshad, 1. Son of Shem) Arpad 2 (2009), 809f (Branson, Robert D. / Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Arpad) Arubbot 2 (2009), 870-872 (Smoak, Jeremy, Artz. Arruboth) Aruma 2 (2009), 872 (Ristau, Kenneth, Art. Arumah) Arwad 2 (2009), 616 (Hagedorn, Anselm C., Art. Aradus); 2 (2009) 873f (Finlay, Timothy, Art. Arvad, Arvadites) Aschan 2 (2009), 967 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Ashan); 14 (2017), 977f (McKinny, Chris, Art. Judeidah, Tell) Aschdod 2 (2009), 968-972 (Ben-Shlomo, David, Art. Ashdod); 2 (2009), 972 (Ben-Shlomo, David, Art. Ashdod-Yam); 3 (2011), 190f (Wilson, Mark, Art. Azotus) Aschkelon 2 (2009), 987-992 (Master, Daniel, Art. Ashkelon) Aschkenas 2 (2009), 992f (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Ashkenaz); 4 (2012), 71-74 (Marsengill, Katherine, Art. Bithynia) Aschna 2 (2009), 997 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Ashnah) Aschtarot 2 (2009), 999 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Ashtaroth [Place]); 2 (2009), 999f (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Ashteroth-Karnain); 3 (2011), 765 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Beeshterah) Aschterot-Karnajim 2 (2009), 999f (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Ashteroth-Karnain); 15 (2017), 52 (Fuhrmann, Sebastian, Art. Karnaim) Aseka 3 (2011), 182-184 (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Azekah) Asmawet 3 (2011), 187-188 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Azmaveth) Asnot-Tabor 3 (2011), 189 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Aznoth-Tabor) Assur 2 (2009), 1058−1061 (Frahm, Eckart, Art. Asshur [City]); 2 (2009), 1071−1093 (Nissinen, Martti u.a., Art. Assyria) Assur, Stadt 2 (2009), 1058−1061 (Frahm, Eckart, Art. Asshur [City]) Atach 2 (2009), 1181f (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Athach) Atarot, efraimitisch 2 (2009), 1178 (Altmann, Peter, Art. Ataroth 2. Of the Archites) Atarot, ostjordanisch 2 (2009), 1177f (Altmann, Peter, Art. Ataroth 1. East of the Jordan) Atrot-Addar 1 (2009), 371 (Ngwa, Kenneth Numfor, Art. Addar [Place]); 2 (2009), 1177f (Altmann, Peter, Art. Ataroth); 2 (2009), 1187f (Altmann, Peter, Art. Ataroth-Addar) Atrot-Bet-Joab 3 (2011), 67-68 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Atroth-Beth-Joab) Atrot-Schofan 3 (2011), 68 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Atroth-Shophan) Awa 3 (2011), 157-158 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Avva, Avvites); 13 (2016), 545 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Ivvah) Awen 3 (2011), 144-145 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Aven, 2. High Places of Aven) Awim 3 (2011), 157f (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Avva, Avvites); 3 (2011), 158f (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Avvim) Awit 3 (2011), 149-150 (Hutton, Jeremy M., Art. Avith) Azmon 3 (2011), 188 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Azmon) Baal-Gad 3 (2011), 212‒213 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Baal-Gad) Baal-Hamon 3 (2011), 213-214 (Longman III, Tremper, Art. Baal-Hamon) Baal-Hazor 3 (2011), 215-216 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Baal-Hazor) Baal-Hermon 3 (2011), 217 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Baal-Hermon) Baal-Meon 3 (2011), 220-221 (Smelik, Klaas, Art. Baal-Meon); 3 (2011), 885 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beon); 3 (2011), 961 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Baal-Meon); 3 (2011), 1002 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Meon) Baal-Schalischa 3 (2011), 226 (Edelman, Diana, Art. Baal-Shalishah); 17 (2019), 919-921 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Marjamah, Khirbet el-) Baal-Tamar 3 (2011), 228-229 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Baal-Tamar) Baal-Zefon 3 (2011), 230-231 (Kurtz, Paul Michael, Art. Baal-Zephon) Baala 3 (2011), 210f (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Baalah); 3 (2011), 220 (Hutzli, Jürg, Art. Baal-Judah); 3 (2011), 374 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Balah) Baala, Negeb 3 (2011), 210-211 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Baalah); 3 (2011), 374 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Balah); 3 (2011), 1199 (Junior, Nyasha, Art. Bilhah [Place]) Baalat 3 (2011), 211 (Mellish, Kevin, Art. Baalath); 3 (2011), 1199 (Junior, Nyasha, Art. Bilhah [Place]) Baalat-Beer 3 (2011), 211-212 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Baalath-Beer) Babel 3 (2011), 284−325 (Hill, John u.a., Art. Babylonia); 3 (2011), 256−284 (Joannès, Francis u.a., Art. Babylon); 3 (2011), 237-254 (Sherman, Phillip u.a., Art. Babel, Tower of) Bach Besor 3 (2011), 935 (Münger, Stefan, Art. Besor) Bach der Araba-Steppe 2 (2009), 577 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Arabah, Brook of the) Bach Kana 15 (2017), 20 (Hasegawa, Shuichi, Art. Kanah, 1. A Brook) Bach Kerit 5 (2012), 54 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Cherith, Brook of) Bäckergasse 3 (2011), 353 ( Mellish, Kevin, Art. Baker’s Street) Bahurim 3 (2011), 345 (Jones, Scott C., Art. Bahurim) Baka-Bäume 3 (2011), 328 (Hutzli, Jürg, Art. Baca, Valley of) Bamot-Baal 3 (2011), 411-412 (Jones, Scott C., Art. Bamoth-Baal) Baschan 3 (2011), 581 (Blischke, Mareike V., Art. Bashan) Bealot 3 (2011), 624-625 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Bealoth) Beer, ostjordanisch 3 (2011), 751 (Jones, Scott C., Art. Beer (Place), 1. In Moab) Beer, westjordanisch 3 (2011), 751 (Jones, Scott C., Art. Beer [Place], 2. Refuge of Jotham) Beer-Elim 3 (2011), 752 (Jones, Scott C., Art Beer-Elim) Beer-Lahai-Roï 3 (2011), 754–755 (Seow, Choon-Leong, Art. Beer-Lahai-Roi) Beerot 3 (2011), 755-756 (Edelman, Diana, Art. Beeroth) Beerot-Bene-Jaakan 3 (2011), 756 (Jones, Scott C., Art. Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan) Beerscheba 3 (2011), 757−765 (Suriano, Matthew / Herzog, Ze’ev / Thomas, David, Art. Beer-Sheba) Bela 3 (2011), 793 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Bela [Place]) Bene-Jaakan 3 (2011), 844 (Kim, Hyun Chul Paul, Art. Bene-Jaakan) Benjamintor 3 (2011), 864-865 (Edelman, Diana, Art. Benjamin Gate) Beon 3 (2011), 885 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beon) Bered 3 (2011), 899 (Starbuck, Scott R.A., Art. Bered [Place]) Berg des Verderbens 6 (2013), 646-647 (Berner, Christoph, Art. Destruction, Mount of) Berg Hor, Nord 12 (2016), 390-391 (Hiltunen, Chelica, Art. Hor, Mount, 2. Place at the Northern Border of Israel) Berg Hor, Süd 12 (2016), 389-390 (Hiltunen, Chelica, Art. Hor, Mount, 1. Place of Aaron’s Death) Berg von Jearim 13 (2016), 820-821 (Lemaire, André, Art. Jearim, Mount) Bergland 14 (2017), 866-869 (Robker, Jonathan Miles, Art. Judah [Place]); 19 (2021), 1267-1269 (Hawley, Lance R., Art. Mountain, II. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament) Bergland der Amoriter 1 (2009), 1016‒1028 (Huffmon, Herbert B. / Charpin, Dominique, Art. Amorites) Berota 3 (2011), 927 (Starbuck, Scott R. A., Art. Berothah) Berotai 3 (2011), 927 (Starbuck, Scott R. A., Art. Berothai) Besek 3 (2011), 1060-1061 (Pioske, Daniel D., Art. Bezek) Bet-Anat 3 (2011), 952-953 (Guillaume, Philippe, Art. Beth-Anath) Bet-Anot 3 (2011), 953 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Beth-Anoth) Bet-Araba 3 (2011), 957f (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Bet-Arabah) Bet-Arbeel 3 (2011), 958 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Beth-Arbel); 13 (2016), 241-242 (Maeir, Aren M., Art. Irbid, Tell) Bet-Aschbea 3 (2011), 958-959 (Kim, Hyun Chul Paul, Art. Beth-Ashbea) Bet-Asmawet 3 (2011), 959 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Bethasmoth); 3 (2011), 960-961 (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Beth-Azmaveth) Bet-Awen 3 (2011), 959f (Noort, Ed, Art. Beth-Aven) Bet-Baal-Meon 3 (2011), 961 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Baal-Meon) Bet-Bara 3 (2011), 961 (Bowman, Craig, Art. Beth-Barah) Bet-Biri 3 (2011), 961 (Bowman, Craig, Art. Beth-Biri) Bet-Dagon, Ascher 3 (2011), 963 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Dagon, 2. Boundary of the Tribe of Asher) Bet-Dagon, judäisch 3 (2011), 962-963 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Dagon, 1. Town of Judah) Bet-Diblatajim 3 (2011), 963 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Diblathaim) Bet-Eden 3 (2011), 964 (Altman, Peter, Art. Beth-Eden) Bet-Eked 3 (2011), 964-965 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Eked) Bet-El 3 (2011), 967−975 (Killebrew, Ann E. u.a., Art. Bethel [North of Jerusalem]); 3 (2011), 967 (Pfeiffer, Henrik, Art. Bethel [In Judah]) Bet-Emek 3 (2011), 975 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Beth-Emek) Bet-Gader 3 (2011), 976-977 (Münger, Stefan, Art. Beth-Gader) Bet-Gamul 3 (2011), 977 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Beth-Gamul) Bet-Gan 3 (2011), 978-979 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Haggan) Bet-Gilgal 3 (2011), 977 (Wright, Jacob L., Art. Beth-Gilgal) Bet-Haezel 3 (2011), 976 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Beth-Ezel) Bet-Haram 3 (2011), 979 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Beth-Haram); 12 (2016), 849-850 (Prag, Kay, Art. Iktanu, Tell) Bet-Hogla 3 (2011), 979-980 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Beth-Hoglah); 12 (2016), 25 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Hoglah) Bet-Horon 3 (2011), 980-982 (Vos, J. Cornelis de, Art. Beth-Horon) Bet-Jeschimot 3 (2011), 982 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Jeshimoth) Bet-Kar 3 (2011), 962 (Bowman, Craig, Art. Beth-Car) Bet-Kerem 3 (2011), 977-978 (Wright, Jacob L., Art. Beth-Haccherem); 7 (2013), 544-546 (Kaswalder, Pietro, Art. Ein Kerem) Bet-Leafra 2 (2009), 693f (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Areini, Tell El-); 3 (2011), 982-983 (Hutton, Jeremy M., Art. Beth-Leaphrah); 7 (2013), 1119-1120 (Brandl, Baruch, Art. Erani, Tel) Bet-Meon 3 (2011), 961 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Baal-Meon); 3 (2011), 1002 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Meon) Bet-Millo 3 (2011), 1002f (Becker, Uwe, Art. Beth-Millo) Bet-Nimra 3 (2011), 1003 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Nimrah) Bet-Pazzez 3 (2011), 1003 (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Beth-Pazzez) Bet-Pegor 3 (2011), 221-224 (Kurtz, Paul Michael / Lockshin, Martin, Art. Baal-Peor); 3 (2011), 1004-1005 (Pioske, Daniel D., Art. Beth-Peor) Bet-Pelet 3 (2011), 1003-1004 (Marrs, Rick R., Art. Beth-Pelet) Bet-Schean 3 (2011), 1008-1013 (Mullins, Robert, Art. Beth-Shean) Bet-Schemesch 3 (2011), 1020-1023 (Lee, Won, Art. Beth-Shemesh, 1. Boundary of the Tribe of Judah) Bet-Schemesch, Issaschar 3 (2011), 1023 (Lee, Won, Art. Beth-Shemesh, 2. Town of Issachar) Bet-Schemesch, Naftali 3 (2011), 1023 (Lee, Won, Art. Beth-Shemesh, 3. Town of Naphtali) Bet-Schitta 3 (2011), 1024 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Shittah) Bet-Tappuach 3 (2011), 1024 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Tappuah) Bet-Ter 3 (2011), 975-976 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Bether) Bet-Zur 3 (2011), 1028-1031 (Tal, Oren, Art. Beth-Zur) Betlehem 3 (2011), 983−1001 (Sweeney, Marvin A. u.a., Art. Bethlehem [Ephratah]); 16 (2018), 82 (Marzouk, Safwat, Art. Lehem) Betlehem, Sebulon 3 (2011), 1001 (Briend, Jacques, Art. Bethlehem of Zebulun) Betonim 3 (2011), 1032 (Bowman, Craig, Art. Betonim) Betuël 3 (2011), 1025 (Mead, James K., Art. Bethuel [Place]) Bezer 3 (2011), 1062 (Kim, Hyun Chul Paul, Art. Bezer [Place]); 4 (2012), 384 (Berg, Shane, Art. Bosor); 4 (2012), 395-396 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Bozrah, 2. In Moab) Bochim 4 (2012), 261-262 (Wong, Gordon, Art. Bochim) Bozez 4 (2012), 394 (Mead, James K., Art. Bozez) Bozkat 4 (2012), 395 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Bozkath) Bozra 4 (2012), 395 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Bozrah 1. In Edom) Bozra, Moab 4 (2012), 395-396 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Bozrah, 2. In Moab) Bus 4 (2012), 686-687 (Ngwa, Kenneth Numfor, Art. Buz [Place]) Chaldäa 4 (2012), 1141−1148 (Dietrich, Manfried / Mayfield, Tayler / Brummitt, Mark, Art. Chaldeans); 15 (2017 ), 1206-1208 (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Leb-qamai [Place]) Dabbeschet 6 (2013), 1 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Dabbesheth) Daberat 6 (2013), 1 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Dabberath) Damaskus 6 (2013), 29-36 (Maeir, Aren M. u.a., Art. Damascus) Dan 6 (2013), 61-63 (Ilan, David / Greer, Jonathan, Art. Dan [Place]) Danna 6 (2013), 146 (Römer, Thomas, Art. Dannah) Davidstadt 5 (2012), 379-381 (Maeir, Aren M. / Becking, Bob, Art. City of David) Debir 3 (2011), 785-786 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Beit Mirsim, Tell); 6 (2013), 404-405 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Debir (Place), 1. In Southern Judah) Debir, benjaminitisch 6 (2013), 405 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Debir [Place], 2. In Northern Judah) Dedan 6 (2013), 451-453 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Dedan) Di-Sahab 6 (2013), 1015 (Lewis, John, Art. Dizahab) Dibon 6 (2013), 788-789 (Porter, Benjamin W., Art. Dibon); 6 (2013), 822-823 (Park, Hye Kyung, Art. Dimon) Dikla 6 (2013), 819 (Stulac, Daniel, Art. Diklah) Dilan 6 (2013), 819 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Dilan) Dimna 6 (2013), 822 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Dimnah) Dimona 6 (2013), 823 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Dimonah) Dinhaba 6 (2013), 839 (Lewis, John, Art. Dinhabah) Dofka 6 (2013), 1096 (Lewis, John, Art. Dophkah [Place]) Dor 6 (2013), 1096-1098 (Gilboa, Ayelet u.a., Art. Dor) Dotan 6 (2013), 1114-1115 (Master, Daniel, Art. Dothan) Drachenquelle 13 (2016), 578 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jackal’s Well) Duma, Edom 7 (2013), 74 (Lewis, John, Art. Dumah (Place), 2. Place in Edom) Duma, Juda 7 (2013), 74 (Lewis, John, Art. Dumah (Place), 1. Place in Judah) Dura 7 (2013), 79-80 (Park, Hye Kyung, Art. Dura) Ebal 7 (2013), 238-240 (Zertal, Adam, Art. Ebal, Mount) Eben-Eser 7 (2013), 243 (Wöhrle, Jakob, Art. Ebenezer [Place]); 13 (2016), 546-549 (Gadot, Yuval, Art. ‘Izbet Ṣartah) Ebene Jesreel 14 (2017), 266-268 (Becking, Bob / Davis, Joseph, Art. Jezreel Valley) Eber 7 (2013), 243f (Westbrook, April, Art. Eber 1. Son of Shelah); 7 (2013), 244f (Meverden, Amy E., Art. Eber [Place]) Ecktor 5 (2012), 794-795 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Corner Gate) Eden 4 (2012), 1045-1046 (Horrell, Paul, Art. Çatal Höyük); 6 (2013), 821-822 (Nissinen, Martti, Art. Dilmun); 7 (2013), 362-391 (Spieckermann, Hermann u.a., Art. Eden, Garden of) Eder 7 (2013), 391-392 (Arnet, Samuel, Art. Eder [Place]) Edom 4 (2012), 395 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Bozrah, 1. In Edom); 7 (2013), 403-413 (Mellish, Kevin / Lockshin, Martin, Art. Edom, Edomites); 12 (2016), 838-840 (Marshak, Adam Kolman, Art. Idumea, Idumeans) Edreï 7 (2013), 413 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Edrei, 1. Town in Bashan) Edreï, Naftali 7 (2013), 413 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Edrei, 2. Town in Naphtali) Efes-Dammim 7 (2013), 996 (Adam, Klaus-Peter, Art. Ephes-Dammim) Efraim, Ort 17 (2019), 919-921 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Marjamah, Khirbet el-) Efraimtor 7 (2013), 1033 (Abadie, Philippe, Art. Ephraim Gate) Efrata 3 (2011), 983−1001 (Sweeney, Marvin A. u.a., Art. Bethlehem [Ephratah]); 7 (2013), 1035 (Adam, Klaus-Peter, Art. Ephrath, Ephrathah [Place]) Efron, Ort 7 (2013), 1036 (Guillaume, Philippe, Art. Ephron [Place]) Eglajim 7 (2013), 465-466 (Clarke, Christopher, Art. Eglaim) Eglat-Schelischija 7 (2013), 466 (Clarke, Christopher, Art. Eglath-Shelishiyah) Eglon 3 (2011), 785-786 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Beit Mirsim, Tell); 7 (2013), 1119-1120 (Brandl, Baruch, Art. Erani, Tel); 8 (2014), 163-164 (Faust, Avraham, Art. ‘Eton, Tel); 11 (2015), 985 (Blakely, Jeffrey, Art. Ḥesi, Tell el-) Eiche bei Sichem 21 (2023), 1034f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Oak of the Pillar) Ekbatana 7 (2013), 254-256 (Silverman, Jason M., Art. Ecbatana) Ekron 7 (2013), 556-560 (Gitin, Seymour / Dothan, Trude, Art. Ekron) El-Paran 7 (2013), 566-567 (Lewis, John, Art. El-Paran) Elale 7 (2013), 600-601 (Arnet, Samuel, Art. Elealeh) Elam 7 (2013), 571-577 (Potts, Daniel u.a., Art. Elam, Elamites) Elat 7 (2013), 578 (Wälchli, Stefan, Art. Elath, Eloth); 15 (2017), 167-170 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Kheleifeh, Tell el-) Elef 10 (2015), 1104 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Ha-Eleph) Elim EBR 7 (2013) 721f (Sun, Chloe, Art. Elim) Elischa 5 (2012), 1207-1213 (Ulbrich, Anja u.a., Art. Cyprus); 7 (2013), 748-750 (Higgins, Ryan, Art. Elishah); 22 (2024), 1310f (Nomicos, Sophia, Art. Paphos) Elkosch 7 (2013), 768-769 (Clarke, Christopher, Art. Elkosh) Elon 7 (2013), 782-783 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Elon [Place]) Emek-Keziz 7 (2013), 806-807 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Emek-Keziz); 17 (2019), 919-921 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Marjamah, Khirbet-el) En-Dor 7 (2013), 871-872 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Dor) En-Eglajim 7 (2013), 881-883 (Clarke, Christopher, Art. En-Eglaim) En-Gannim, Issaschar 7 (2013), 883 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Gannim) En-Gannim, Juda 1 (2009), 1152 (Starbuck, Scott R.A., Art. Anem); 7 (2013), 883 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Gannim) En-Gedi 7 (2013), 883-884 (Uziel, Joe, Art. En-Gedi) En-Hadda 7 (2013), 885 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Haddah) En-Hazor 7 (2013), 885-886 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Hazor) En-Schemesch 7 (2013), 886 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Shemesh) Enajim 7 (2013), 888 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Enam) Erech 7 (2013), 1127-1130 (Lenzi, Alan, Art. Erech) Eschan 7 (2013), 1206 (Guillaume, Philippe, Art. Eshan) Eschtaol 7 (2013), 1209-1210 (Guillaume, Philippe, Art. Eshtaol) Eschtemoa 7 (2013), 1210 (Leuchter, Mark, Art. Eshtemoa [Place]) Esek 7 (2013), 1205-1206 (Shelley, Austin Crenshaw, Art. Esek) Et-Kazin 8 (2014), 157 (Bodi, Daniel, Art. Eth-Kazin) Etam, Sinai 8 (2014), 94f (Higgins, Ryan, Art. Etham); 17 (2019), 1260-1263 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Maskhuta, Tell el-) Eter 8 (2014), 96-97 (Bodi, Daniel, Art. Ether) Eufrat 8 (2014), 185-187 (Blischke, Mareike V., Art. Euphrates) Ezjon-Geber 8 (2014), 622-626 (Belli, Andrew, Art. Ezion-Geber); 15 (2017), 167-170 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Kheleifeh, Tell el- Fischtor 9 (2014), 119 (Kim, Soo Jung, Art. Fish Gate) Gaasch 9 (2014), 855 (Vermeylen, Jacques, Art. Gaash) Gad, Land 9 (2014), 880 (Pappani, Nicholas, Art. Gad [Place]) Gal-Ed 9 (2014), 906-907 (Lewis, John, Art. Galeed); 19 (2021), 473 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 2. The Pillar) Galiläa 9 (2014), 907-914 (Aviam, Mordechai u.a., Art. Galilee, Galileans) Gallim 9 (2014), 924 (Lee, Won W. / Pappani, Nicholas, Art. Gallim) Gareb (2014), 985 (Long, Shelley L., Art. Gareb [Place]) Garizim 10 (2015), 105-117 (Magen, Yitzhak / Pummer, Reinhard, Art. Gerizim, Mount) Gat 9 (2014), 886 (Lee, Won W., Art. Gai); 9 (2014), 1021-1023 (Maeir, Aren M., Art. Gath) Gat-Hefer 9 (2014), 1023 (Lee, Won W., Art. Gath-Hepher) Gat-Rimmon 9 (2014), 1023-1024 (Lee, Won W., Art. Gath-Rimmon); 10 (2015), 104f (Herzog, Ze'ev, Art. Tel Gerisa) Gaza 9 (2014), 1046-1057 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Gaza) Geba 9 (2014), 1058-1059 (Lee, Won W., Art. Geba) Gebal 4 (2012), 687-696 (Charaf, Hanan / Monferrer Sala, Juan Pedro, Art. Byblos [Gebal]) Gedera 9 (2014), 1063 (Himbaza, Innocent, Art. Gederah, 1. Town of Judah); 9 (2014), 1063 (Himbaza, Innocent, Art. Gederah, 2. Home of Jozabad) Gederot 9 (2014), 1064 (Himbaza, Innocent, Art. Gederoth) Gederotajim 9 (2014), 1064 (Himbaza, Innocent, Art. Gederothaim) Gedor 9 (2014), 1064-1065 (Himbaza, Innocent, Art. Gedor (Place) Gelilot 9 (2014), 1088 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Geliloth); 10 (2015), 277‒279 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Gilgal) Gerar 11 (2015), 325-326 (Zukerman, Alexander, Art. Haror, Tel); 13 (2016), 880-881 (Ben-Shlomo, David, Art. Jemmeh, Tell) Geschur 10 (2015), 138f (Bouzard, Walter C., Art. Geshur); 10 (2015), 139 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Geshurites); 10 (2015), 1063-1064 (Zukerman, Alexander, Art. Hadar, Tel [Place]); Geser 10 (2015), 178-181 (Ortiz, Steven M. / Wolff, Sam, Art. Gezer) Geter 10 (2015), 163 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Gether) Giach 10 (2015), 198 (Spronk, Klaas, Art. Giah) Gibbeton 10 (2015), 207 (Thompson, Richard Jude, Art. Gibbethon) Gibea, benjaminitisch 9 (2014), 786 (Zukerman, Alexander, Art. Ful, Tell el-); 10 (2015), 216 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gibeah, 3. Town of Benjamin); 10 (2015) 216f (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gibeah, 4. City of Benjamin) Gibea, Juda 10 (2015), 216 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gibeah, 1. Town of Judah) Gibea-Saul 9 (2014), 786 (Zukerman, Alexander, Art. Ful, Tell el-) Gibeat-Amma 1 (2009), 993f (Cohen, Margaret, Art. Ammah) Gibeat-Elohim 10 (2015), 217 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gibeath-Elohim) Gibeon 10 (2015), 217-224 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Gibeon, Gibeonites) Gidom 10 (2015), 236 (Thompson, Richard Jude, Art. Gidom) Gihon, Quelle 10 (2015), 256 (Anhtonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gihon, 2. Spring in Jerusalem) Gihon, Strom 10 (2015), 255f (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gihon, 1. The River) Gilboa 10 (2015), 267 (Koch, Ido, Art. Gilboa, Mount) Gilead, Landschaft 10 (2015), 268-276 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Gilead [Place]) Gilead, Ort 10 (2015), 268-276 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Gilead [Place]) Gilgal 10 (2015), 277-279 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Gilgal) Gilo 10 (2015), 282 (Koch, Ido, Art. Giloh) Gimso 10 (2015), 283 (Koch, Ido, Art. Gimzo) Girgaschiter 10 (2015), 292f (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Girgashite) Gittajim 10 (2015), 296 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Gittaim) Goa 10 (2015), 370 (Kim, Soo Jung, Art. Goah) Gob 10 (2015), 382 (Koch, Ido, Art. Gob) Gojim 10 (2015), 519 (Olson, Dennis T, Art. Goiim [Place]) Golan, Ort 10 (2015), 520f (Koch, Ido, Art. Golan); 10 (2015), 521-523 (Ma'oz, Zvi Uri / Goldfus, Haim, Art. Golan Heights) Gomer 5 (2012), 323f (Ivantchik, Askold, Art. Cimmerians) Goren-Atad 1 (2009), 687 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Ajjul, Tell El-); 2 (2009), 1174f (Tebes, Juan Manuel, Art. Atad) Gosan 10 (2015), 748-751 (Becking, Bob / Novák, Mirko, Art. Gozan) Goschen 10 (2015), 671-672 (Römer, Thomas, Art. Goshen) Gottesberg 15 (2017), 48f (McKinny, Chris, Art. Karkom, Mount) Grenzbach Ägyptens 7 (2013), 522 (Blischke, Mareike V., Art. Egypt, River of); 7 (2013), 523-524 (Blischke, Mareike V., Art. Egypt, Wadi of) Habor 10 (2015), 1056-1057 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Habor) Hachila 10 (2015), 1057 (Koch, Ido, Art. Hachilah) Hadascha 10 (2015), 1064 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Hadashah) Hadid 10 (2015), 1095-1096 (Römer, Thomas, Art. Hadid) Hadoram 10 (2015), 1101f (Römer, Thomas, Art. Hadoram 1. Son of Joktan) Hadrach 10 (2015), 1102-1103 (Mayfield, Tyler, Art. Hadrach) Halach 11 (2015), 1 (Becking, Bob, Art. Halah) Hali 11 (2015), 33 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Hali) Ham 11 (2015), 80 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Ham [Place]) Hamat 11 (2015), 105‒107 (Marti, Lionel, Art. Hamath) Hammat 11 (2015), 110-111 (Jonker, Louis, Art. Hammath [Place]); 11 (2015), 111-113 (Arav, Rami, Art. Hammath Tiberias) Hammon 11 (2015), 146-147 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Hammon) Hammot-Dor 11 (2015), 148 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Hammoth-Dor) Hamona 11 (2015), 152 (Kim, Soo Jung, Art. Hamonah) Hannaton 11 (2015), 251 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Hannathon) Har-Heres 11 (2015), 310 (Spronk, Klaas, Art. Har-Heres) Hara 11 (2015), 290 (Christian, Mark A., Art. Hara) Harada 11 (2015), 290 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Haradah) Haran 11 (2015), 291-299 (Tubach, Jürgen / Hämeen-Anttila, Jaakko, Art. Haran [Place]) Harod 11 (2015), 324-325 (Spronk, Klaas, Art. Harod [Place], 2. The Town) Harod-Quelle 11 (2015), 324-325 (Spronk, Klaas, Art. Harod [Place], 1. The Spring) Haroschet-Gojim 11 (2015), 326 (Spronk, Klaas, Art. Harosheth-Hagoiim) Hawila 11 (2015), 415-417 (Bibb, Bryan, Art. Havilah [Place]) Hawot-Jaïr 11 (2015), 422-423 (Bibb, Bryan, Art. Havvoth-Jair) Hazar-Addar 1 (2009), 371 (Ngwa, Kenneth Numfor, Art. Addar [Place]); 11 (2015), 1011 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Hezron [Place]) Hazar-Enan 11 (2015), 435 (Bibb, Bryan, Art. Hazar-Enan); 11 (2015), 438-439 (Laie, Benjamin T., Art. Hazer-Hatticon) Hazar-Gadda 11 (2015), 435 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Hazar-Gaddah) Hazarmawet 11 (2015), 436 (Roskop Erisman, Angela, Art. Hazarmaveth) Hazerot 11 (2015), 439 (Bibb, Bryan, Art. Hazeroth) Hazezon-Tamar 11 (2015), 438 (Bibb, Bryan, Art. Hazazon-Tamar) Hazor 11 (2015), 440-444 (Ben-Tor, Amon, Art. Hazor) Hazor-Hadatta 11 (2015), 444-445 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Hazor-Hadattah) Hebron 11 (2015), 694-702 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Hebron [Place]) Hefer 11 (2015), 825-826 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Hepher [Place]) Helam 11 (2015), 733 (Yoo, Philip Young, Art. Helam) Helba 11 (2015), 733 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Helbah) Helbon 11 (2015), 734 (Laie, Benjamin T., Art. Helbon) Helef 11 (2015), 743 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Heleph) Helkat 11 (2015), 752 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Helkath) Helkat-Hazzurim 11 (2015), 752-753 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Helkath-Hazzurim) Henoch 7 (2013), 945-947 (Moster, David, Art. Enoch [Son of Cain]) Herberge des Kimham 10 (2015), 136 (Long, Shelley L.,Art.Geruth-Chimham) Hermon 11 (2015), 321 (Harris, Beau, Art. Harmon); 11 (2015), 882–884 (Arav, Rami / Goldfus, Haim; Art. Hermon, Mount) Heschbon 3 (2011), 597-598 (Pioske, Daniel D., Art. Bath-Rabbim); 11 (2015), 983-984 (Ray, Paul J.; Art. Heshbon) Heschmon 11 (2015), 984-985 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Heshmon) Het 11 (2015), 996f (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Heth) Hetlon 11 (2015), 997 (Laie, Benjamin T., Art. Hethlon) Hezron 11 (2015), 1011 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Hezron [Place]) Hinnomtal 9 (2014), 1068–1078 (Blischke, Mareike V. u.a., Art. Gehinnom [Gehenna] I. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament; II. Judaism); 11 (2015), 1095-1096 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R., Art. Hinnom Valley); 15 (2017), 142-145 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Ketef Hinnom) Hiwiter 11 (2015), 1197‒1199 (Olson, Dennis T., Hivites) Hoba 12 (2016), 8-9 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Hobah) Holon 11 (2015), 1080 (Thompson, Richard Jude, Art. Hilen); 12 (2016), 116 (Lee, Won W., Art. Holon) Hor-Gidgad 10 (2015), 988 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Gudgodah) Horem 12 (2016), 391 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Horem) Horma 11 (2015), 33-34 (Borowski, Oded, Art. Halif, Tell); 12 (2016), 393-394 (Jeon, Jaeyoung, Art. Hormah) Horonajim 12 (2016), 400 (Blank, Gavrielle, Art. Horonaim) Hosa 12 (2016), 416 (Lee, Won W., Art. Hosah [Place]) Hügel der Vorhäute 10 (2015), 217 (Anthonioz, Stephanie, Art. Gibeath-Haaraloth) Hügel Pinhas 10 (2015), 216 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Gibeah, 2. Town of Ephraim) Hukkok 12 (2016), 519 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Hukkok); 12 (2016), 519-520 (Titus, Joseph, Art. Hukok) Hul 12 (2016), 520 (Kashow, Robert, Art. Hul) Humta 12 (2016), 582 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Humtah) Ije-Abarim 13 (2016), 546 (Kohles, Sarah, Art. Iye-Abarim) Ijim 12 (2016), 848 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Iim) Ijon 12 (2016), 848-849 (Koch, Ido, Art. Ijon) Immer 12 (2016), 1007 (Markl, Dominik, Art. Immer [Place]) Inselvölker 1 (2009), 482f (Thompson, Trevor W., Art. Aegean Sea) Irad 13 (2016), 240 (Kohles, Sarah, Art. Irad) Israel, Land 13 (2016), 451-481 (White, Ellen u.a., Art. Israel, Land of) Jaar-Heret 11 (2015), 866 (Thompson, Richard Jude, Art. Hereth) Jabbok 13 (2016), 558-560 (Sergi, Omer, Art. Jabbok) Jabesch-Gilead 13 (2016), 562-563 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Jabesh-Gilead) Jabez 13 (2016), 565 (Anthonioz, Stéphanie, Art. Jabez [Place]) Jabne 13 (2016), 748-750 (Burns, Joshua Ezra, Art. Jamnia) Jabneel, Juda 13 (2016), 568 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Jabneel, 1. City in Judah) Jabneel, Naftali 13 (2016), 568-569 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Jabneel, 2. City in Galilee) Jafia 13 (2016), 773f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Japhia [Place]) Jafo 14 (2017), 635-639 (Xeravits, Géza / Azaryahu, Maoz, Art. Joppa) Jagur 13 (2016), 679f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jagur) Jahaz 13 (2016), 398-399 (Long, Jesse C. Jr., Art. Iskandar, Khirbet); 13 (2016), 681-682 (Prakasam, Antony Dhas, Art. Jahaz); 20 (2022), 49f (Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Art. Mudayna, Khirbat al-) Janoach, efraimitisch 13 (2016), 757-758 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Janoah) Janum 13 (2016), 750 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Janim) Jarmut 13 (2016), 777-778 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jarmuth, 2. Canaanite Town) Jarmut, Issaschar 13 (2016), 777 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Jarmuth, 1. Town in Issachar) Jaser 13 (2016), 794 (Pakkala, Juha, Art. Jazer) Jattir 13 (2016), 789 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Jattir) Jawan 10 (2015), 856-876 (Redding, Jonathan u.a., Art. Greece, Ancient); 13 (2016), 789-792 (Marti, Lionel / Gonzalez, Hervé, Art. Javan) Jebus 13 (2016), 822-823 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Jebus, Jebusites) Jegar-Sahaduta 13 (2016), 832-833 (Gzella, Holger, Art. Jegar-Sahadutha) Jehud 3 (2011), 189-190 (Ben-Shlomo, David, Art. Azor); 13 (2016), 870 (Titus, Joseph, Art. Jehud); 14 (2017), 866-869 (Robker, Jonathan Miles, Art. Judah [Place]); 14 (2017), 976f (Grätz, Sebastian, Art. Judea, Judeans) Jehud, danitisch 13 (2016), 870 (Titus, Joseph, Art. Jehud) Jenseits des Stroms 3 (2011), 1057-1058 (Grabbe, Lester L., Art. Beyond the River) Jerach 13 (2016), 902 (Tolley, Kevin, Art. Jerah) Jericho 13 (2016), 956-974 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Jericho) Jerusalem 13 (2016), 822-823 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Jebus, Jebusites); 13 (2016), 1002-1095 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Jerusalem) Jeschana 13 (2016), 1109-1110 (Jeon, Jaeyoung, Art. Jeshanah) Jeschanator 22 (2024), 117-119 (Pakkala, Juha, Art. Old Gate) Jesodtor 9 (2014), 515 (Lemaire, André, Art. Foundation Gate) Jesreel 14 (2017), 265f (Franklin, Norma / Becking, Bob, Art. Jezreel [Place in Issachar]) Jesreel, judäisch 14 (2017), 264f (Becking, Bob, Art. Jezreel [Place], 1. Town in Judah) Jibleam 3 (2011), 367 (Kim, Hyun Chul Paul, Art. Balamon); 3 (2011), 1196 (Auld, Graeme, Art. Bileam [Place]); 12 (2016), 705-706 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Ibleam) Jidala 12 (2016), 800-801 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Idalah) Jiftach 13 (2016), 236 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Iphtah) Jiftach-El 13 (2016), 236 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Iphtahel) Jiron 13 (2016), 249 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Iron [Place]) Jirpeel 13 (2016), 257-258 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Irpeel) Jitla 13 (2016), 539 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Ithlah) Jitna 8 (2014), 157 (Bodi, Daniel, Art. Ethnan); 13 (2016), 539-540 (Hawkins, Ralph K., Art. Ithnan) Jobab 14 (2017), 404 (Groenewald, Alphonso, Art. Jobab 1. Son of Joktan) Jokdeam 14 (2017), 560 (Hasegawa, Shuichi, Art. Jokdeam) Jokmeam 14 (2017), 561 (Landolt, Jean-François, Art. Jokmeam) Jokneam 14 (2017), 561-562 (Hasegawa, Shuishi, Art. Jokneam) Joktan 14 (2017), 562 (Bührer, Walter, Art. Joktan) Jokteel, edomitisch 14 (2017), 562 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Jokthe-el, 2. An Edomite City) Jokteel, judäisch 14 (2017), 562 (Meyer, Esias, Art. Jokthe-el, 1. Town in the Shephelah) Jordan 3 (2011), 1055-1057 (Grabbe, Lester L., Art. Beyond the Jordan); 14 (2017), 648-666 (Hutton, Jeremy M. u.a., Art. Jordan River) Jotba 14 (2017), 810 (Landolt, Jean-François, Art. Jotbah) Jotbata 14 (2017), 810f (Koch, Ido, Art. Jotbatha) Juda 14 (2017), 866-869 (Robker, Jonathan Miles, Art. Judah [Place]); 14 (2017), 976f (Grätz, Sebastian, Art. Judea, Judeans) Jutta 14 (2017), 1158 (White, Ellen, Art. Juttah) Kabul 4 (2012), 705-706 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Cabul) Kabzeel 13 (2016), 874-875 (Kazen, Thomas, Art. Jekabzeel) Kadesch am Orontes 14 (2017), 1203-1205 (Fraser, James, Art. Kadesh-on-the-Orontes) Kadesch-Barnea 14 (2017), 1201-1203 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Kadesh-Barnea) Kaftor 4 (2012), 950-951 (Hull, John, Art. Caphtor, Caphtorim); 5 (2012), 1031-1032 (Fletcher, Richard / Stepney, Erin, Art. Crete) kahle Berge 11 (2015), 1 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Halak, Mount) Kain 14 (2017), 1225f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Kain [Place]) Kalne 4 (2012), 832 (Mellish, Kevin, Art. Calneh); 21 (2023), 534-536 (Paulus, Susanne, Art. Nippur) Kalne, Syrien 4 (2012), 832 (Mellish, Kevin, Art. Calneh) Kana 4 (2012), 853 (Wahlde, Urban von / Friesen, Dwight, Art. Cana of Galilee); 15 (2017), 20 (Hasegawa, Shuichi, Art. Kanah, 2. A Town) Kanaan 4 (2012), 857-860 (Prudký, Martin u.a., Art. Canaan [Person]); 4 (2012), 860−870 (Knauf, Ernst Axel u.a., Art. Canaan (Place]); 4 (2012), 872-878 (Schmidt, Brian B. u.a., Art. Canaanites); 5 (2012), 461 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Coele-Syria); 22 (2024), 1 Kanne 4 (2012), 880-881 (Mellish, Kevin, Art. Canneh) Karka 15 (2017), 47f (Karasszon, István, Art. Karka) Karkemisch 4 (2012), 978-981 (Jasink, Anna Margherita, Art. Carchemish) Karkor 15 (2017), 49 (Prudký, Martin, Art.Karkor) Karmel, Gebirge 4 (2012), 988-993 (Nocquet, Dany / Dar, Shimon, Art. Carmel) Karnajim 4 (2012), 996 (Schulte, Lucas L., Art. Carnaim); 15 (2017), 52 (Fuhrmann, Sebastian, Art. Karnaim) Karta 3 (2011), 23-24 (Steiner, Margreet, Art. Atlit) Kasluhiter 4 (2012), 1024 (Pioske, Daniel D., Art. Casluhim); 16 (2018), 494-497 (McKinny, Chris, Art.Libya, Ancient) Kattat 15 (2017), 85 (Karasszon, István, Art. Kattath) Kebar 5 (2012), 45-46 (Vanderhooft, David, Art. Chebar) Kedar 15 (2017), 96f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Kedar) Kedemot 15 (2017), 97f (Anderson, Bradford A., Art. Kedemoth) Kedesch, Issaschar 15 (2017), 98 (Karasszon, István, Art. Kedesh, 2. City in Issachar) Kedesch, Naftali 15 (2017), 98 (Karasszon, István, Art. Kedesh, 3. City in Naphtali); 15 (2017), 99f (Goldfus, Haim, Art. Kedesh, Tel) Kefar-Ammoni 5 (2012), 53 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Chephar-Ammoni) Kefira 5 (2012), 53 (Pakkala, Juha, Art. Chephirah) Kehelata 15 (2017), 101 (Anderson, Bradford A., Art. Kehelathah) Keïla 15 (2017), 102 (Karasszon, István, Art. Keilah) Kelach 4 (2012), 774-775 (Nissinen, Martti, Art. Calah); 21 (2023), 486–508 (Bührer, Walter u.a., Art. Nimrod) Kenat 15 (2017), 109f (Dershowitz, Idan, Art. Kenath) Kerijot 15 (2017), 130 (Jung, Mihye, Art. Kerioth) Kerijot-Hezron 15 (2017), 130 (Pakkala, Juha, Art. Kerioth-Hezron) Kerub-Addon 1 (2009), 370 (Bilkes, Gerald, Art. Addan [Place]); 5 (2012), 55 (Ahn, John, Art. Cherub [Place]) Kesalon 13 (2016), 820-821 (Lemaire, André, Art. Jearim, Mount) Kesib 5 (2012), 77-78 (Seow, Choon-Leong, Art. Chezib [Place]) Kesullot 5 (2012), 76 (Seow, Choon-Leong, Art. Chesulloth) Kibrot-Hataawa 15 (2017), 177f (Marzouk, Safwat, Art. Kibroth-Hattaavah) Kibzajim 15 (2017), 178 )Pakkala, Juha, Art. Kibzaim) Kidron 15 (2017), 191f (Jung, Mihye, Art. Kidron) Kina 15 (2017), 206 (Pakkala, Juha, Art. Kinah) Kinneret, Ort 5 (2012), 129-131 (Münger, Stefan, Art. Chinnereth); 9 (2014), 1212 (Allison, Dale C. Jr., Art. Gennesaret) Kinneret, See 9 (2014), 914-916 (Aviam, Mordechai, Art. Galilee, Sea of) Kir, aramäisch 15 (2017), 340 (Park, Haejin, Art. Kir, 1. Place of Exile Arameans) Kir, moabitisch 15 (2017), 45f (Pace, James H., Art. Karak); 15 (2017), 340f (Park, Haejin, Art. Kir, 2. Town in Moab) Kir-Heres 15 (2017), 45f (Pace, James H., Art. Karak), 15 (2017), 341f (Christian, Mark A., Art. Kir-Hareseth) Kir-Moab 15 (2017), 340f (Park, Haejin, Art. Kir, 2. Town in Moab) Kirjat-Arba 1 (2009), 1077-1079 (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Anak, Anakites); 2 (2009), 656 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Arba); 15 (2017), 343 (Christian, Mark A., Art.Kiriath-arba) Kirjat-Baal 3 (2011), 210f (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Baalah) Kirjat-Huzot 15 (2017), 343f (Mäkipelto, Ville, Art. Kiriath-Huzoth) Kirjat-Jearim 3 (2011), 210f (Shipp, R. Mark, Art. Baalah); 15 (2017), 344 (Koch, Ido, Art. Kiriath-Jearim) Kirjat-Sanna 15 (2017), 344f (Mäkipelto, Ville, Art. Kiriath-Sanna) Kirjat-Sefer 15 (2017), 345 (Koch, Ido, Art. Kiriath-Sepher) Kirjatajim 15 (2017), 342 (Christian, Mark A., Art. Kiriathaim) Kischjon 15 (2017), 102-104 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Keisan, Tell); 15 (2017), 351f (Christian, Mark A., Art. Kishion) Kischon 15 (2017), 352f (Christian, Mark A., Art Kishon) Kislot-Tabor 5 (2012), 134-135 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Chisloth-Tabor) Kitlisch 5 (2012), 135 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Chitlish) Kitron 15 (2017), 380f (Christian, Mark A., Art. Kitron) Kittäer 5 (2012), 1207-1213 (Ulbrich, Anja u.a., Art. Cyprus); 15 (2017), 379f (Fourrier, Sabine, Art. Kition); 15 (2017), 384-387 (Hawkins, Ralph K. / Hartog, Bärry, Art. Kittim), Art., Koa 15 (2017), 427 (Park, Haejin, Art. Koa) Koë 15 (2017), 488 (Marti, Lionel, Art. Kue) Königsstraße 15 (2017), 252 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. King's Highway) Königsteich 15 (2017), 252 (Park, Haejin, Art. King's Pool [Place]) Koseba 5 (2012), 953 (Seow, Choon-Leong, Art. Cozeba) Kusch 5 (2012), 1190−1194 (Marbury, Herbert R. / Wechsler, Michael G., Art. Cush (Place); 8 (2014), 138-150 (Witakowski, Witold u.a., Art. Ethiopia, Ancient); 21 (2023), 910–917 (Töyräänvuori, Joanna u.a., Art. Nubia) Kuta 5 (2012), 1198 (Vanderhooft, David, Art. Cuth) Laban 15 (2017), 535 (Vesely, Patricia, Art. Laban [Place]) Lachisch 3 (2011), 785-786 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Beit Mirsim, Tell); 11 (2015), 985 (Blakely, Jeffrey, Art. Ḥesi, Tell el-) ; 15 (2017), 590-594 (Garfinkel, Yosi, Art. Lachish) Lager Dans 17 (2019), 531f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Mahaneh-Dan) Lajescha 15 (2017), 614f (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Laishah) Lajisch 15 (2017), 613f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Laish [Place]) Lakkum 15 (2017), 626 (Mäkipelto, Ville, Art. Lakkum) Land der Amoriter 1 (2009), 1016‒1028 (Huffmon, Herbert B. / Charpin, Dominique, Art. Amorites) Land der Hetiter 2 (2009), 1005-1037 (Herrill, J. Albert u.a., Art. Asia Minor); 11 (2015), 996f (Olson, Dennis T., Art. Heth); 11 (2015) 1168‒1196 (Beal, Richard H. u.a., Art. Hittites); 21 (2023), 102–105 (Taggar-Cohen, Ada, Art. Neo-Hittites) Lebo-Hamat 15 (2017) 1205f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Lebo-Hamath) Lebona 15 (2017), 1206 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Lebonah) Lehabiter 16 (2018), 81 (Holbrook, Grant, Art. Lehabim); 16 (2018), 494-497 (McKinny, Chris, Art.Libya, Ancient) Lehi 16 (2018), 82-84 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Lehi) Lescha 15 (2017), 830 (Vesely, Patricia, Art. Lasha) Leschem 16 (2018), 202 (Titus, Joseph, Art. Leshem) Libanon 2 (2009), 230f (Fulton, Deirdre N., Art. Antilebanon); 9 (2014), 434-435 (Lemaire, André, Art. Forest of Lebanon); 15 (2017), 1191–1203 (McKinny, Chris u.a., Art. Lebanon, Ancient) Libna, judäisch 2 (2009), 693f (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Areini, Tell El-); 16 (2018), 485-487 (Shai, Itzick, Art. Libnah) Lo-Dabar 6 (2013), 405-406 (Viviano, Pauline A., Art. Debir (Place), 3. Boundary of the Tribe of Gad); 16 (2018), 986f (Ro, Johannes Unsok, Art. Lo-debar) Lod 16 (2018), 984-986 (Goldfus, Haim, Art. Lod); 17 (2019), 266f (Pietersen, Lloyd, Art. Lydda) Lud 16 (2018), 494-497 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Libya, Ancient); 17 (2019), 127f (Müller, Katrin, Art. Lud); 17 (2019), 269-271 (Goldfus, Haim, Art. Lydia [Place]) Luhit 17 (2019), 129f (Birdsong, Shelley L., Art. Luhith) Lus 3 (2011), 967-975 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Bethel [North of Jerusalem]); 17 (2019), 258f (Lippke, Florian, Art. Luz) Lus im Land der Hetiter 17 (2019), 259 (Lippke, Florian, Art. Luz, 3. Town in the Land of Hittites) Maacha 17 (2019), 277-280 (Cho, Naeyoun, Art. Maacah [Person]); 17 (2019), 280f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Maacah [Place]) Maacha, judäisch 17 (2019), 277-280 (Cho, Naeyoun, Art. Maacah [Person]); 17 (2019), 280f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Maacah [Place]) Maale-Heres 11 (2015), 845 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Heres, Ascent of) Maarat 17 (2019), 285 (Mäkipelto, Ville, Art. Maarath) Machpela 17 (2019), 365-373 (Weigl, Michael u.a., Art. Machpelah, Cave of) Madmanna 17 (2019), 391 (Mäkipelto, Ville, Art. Madmannah) Madmen 17 (2019), 392 (Bayer, Scott, Art. Madmen [Place]) Madmena 17 (2019), 392 (Bayer, Scott, Art. Madmenah) Madon 17 (2019), 392f (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Madon) Magbisch 17 (2019), 397 (Fried, Lisbeth S., Art. Magbish) Magog 10 (2015), 504-518 (Sweeney, Marvin A. u.a., Art. Gog and Magog); 17 (2019), 269-271 (Goldfus, Haim, Art. Lydia [Place]); 17 (2019), 525 (Nõmmik, Urmas, Art. Magog [Person]) Mahaleb 17 (2019), 526 (Ro, Johannes Unsok, Art. Mahalab) Mahanajim 17 (2019), 529-531 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Mahanaim); 17 (2019), 533 (Pajunen, Mika, Art. Mahavite) Makaz 17 (2019), 572f (Kauhanen, Tuukka, Art. Makaz) Makhelot 17 (2019), 573f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Makheloth) Makkeda 2 (2009), 693f (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Areini, Tell El-); 3 (2011), 785f (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Beit Mirsim, Tell); 7 (2013), 1119-1120 (Brandl, Baruch, Art. Erani, Tel); 17 (2019), 574f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Makkedah) Mamre 17 (2019) 639-642 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Mamre [Person and Place]); 21 (2023), 1035–1042 (Jericke, Detlef u.a., Art. Oaks of Mamre) Manahat 17 (2019), 700 (Nõmmik, Urmas, Art. Manahath [Place]) Manasse, Land 17 (2019), 700-704 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Manasseh, Manassites) Maon 17 (2019), 837 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Maon [Place]) Mara 17 (2019), 866f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Marah [Place]) Marala 17 (2019), 867f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Maralah/Mareal) Marescha 17 (2019), 890f (Mizzi, Dennis, Art. Mareshah [Place]) Marot 17 (2019), 985 (Bayer, Scott, Art. Maroth) Masch 17 (2019), 1257f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Mash) Masreka 17 (2019), 1282 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Masrekah) Massa 18 (2020), 19 (Hoppe, Isabell, Art. Massa [Place]); 18 (2020), 36f (Oswald, Wolfgang, Art. Massah and Meriba) Mattana 18 (2020), 117f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Mattanah); 18 (2020), 283-286 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Medeineh, Khirbet el-); 20 (2022), 49f (Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Art. Mudayna, Khirbat-al)) Me-Jarkon 18 (2020), 481f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Me-Jarkon) Meara 18 (2020), 248f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Mearah) Mechona 18 (2020), 280f (Ro, Johannes Unsok, Art. Meconah) Medeba 17 (2019), 387–389 (Pappalardo, Carmelo, Art. Madeba) Medien 17 (2019), 387 (Nõmmik, Urmas, Art. Madai); 18 (2020), 286-289 (Wiesehöfer, Josef, Art. Medes, Media) Meer, großes 18 (2020), 449-455 (Lemaire, André / Cancik, Hubert, Art. Mediterranean Sea) Mefaat 18 (2020), 691f (Richelle, Mattieu, Art. Mephaath) Megiddo 2 (2009), 769-784 (Bauckham, Richard u.a., Art. Armageddon); 18 (2020), 465-471 (Cline, Eric, Art. Megiddo) Memfis 18 (2020), 594f (McKenzie, Steven, Art. Memphis); 21 (2023), 749 (McKenzie, Steven L., Art. Noph) Meratajim 18 (2020), 702 (Yang, Iuchol, Art. Merathaim) Meriba 18 (2020), 36f (Oswald, Wolfgang, Art. Massah and Meriba) Meribat-Kadesch 18 (2020), 760f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Meribath-kadesh) Merom 18 (2020), 782-784 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Merom, Waters of) Meros 18 (2020), 784f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Meroz) Mescha 18 (2020), 792f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Mesha [Place]) Meschech 18 (2020), 801 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Meshech) Mesopotamien 2 (2009), 645f (Pitard, Wayne T., Art. Aram-Naharaim); 18 (2020), 811-822 (Frahm, Eckart u.a., Art. Mesopotamia) Mibzar 18 (2020), 1090 (Nõmmik, Urmas, Art. Mibzar) Michmas 18 (2020), 1171f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Michmash) Michmetat 18 (2020), 1172f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Michmethath) Middin 18 (2020), 1186 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Middin) Midian 18 (2020), 1211-1220 (Leuenberger, Martin, Art. Midian, Midianites) Migdal-Eder 7 (2013), 392 (Arnet, Samuel, Art. Eder, Tower of) Migdal-El 19 (2021), 63 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Migdal-el) Migdal-Gad 11 (2015), 985 (Blakely, Jeffrey, Art. Ḥesi, Tell el-); 19 (2021), 63 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Migdal-gad) Migdol 19 (2021), 63f (Wilson-Wright, Aren M., Art. Migdol) Migron 19 (2021), 96f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Migron) Millo 19 (2021), 181-184 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Millo) Minit 19 (2021), 235 (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Minnith) Minni 19 (2021), 234f (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Minni) Mischal 15 (2017), 102-104 (Lehmann, Gunnar, Art. Keisan, Tell); 19 (2021), 375f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Mishal) Misrefot-Majim 19 (2021), 423f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Misrephot-maim) Misttor 7 (2013), 77 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Dung Gate) Mitka 19 (2021), 460 (Davis, Jordan, Art. Mithkah) Mizar-Berg 19 (2021) 471f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Mizar) Mizpa 19 (2021), 475-478 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 3. Of Benjamin); 20 (2022), 826 (Maeir, Aren M., Art. Nasbeh, Tell en-) Mizpa in Gilead 19 (2021), 478-480 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 7. Of Gilead) Mizpe, judäisch 19 (2021), 474f (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 4. Of Judah) Mizpe, Land 19 (2021), 473f (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 3. The Land of Mizpah) Mizpe, ostjordanisch 19 (2021), 473 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 2. The Pillar) Mizpe-Moab 19 (2021), 478 (Levin, Yigal, Art. Mizpah, Mizpeh, 6. Of Moab) Moab 19 (2021), 486-497 (Zwickel, Wolfgang u.a., Art. Moab, Moabite) Molada 17 (2019), 617-619 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Malhata, Tel); 19 (2021), 656f (Sergi, Omer, Art. Moladah) More 19 (2021), 1018f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Moreh) Moreschet 19 (2021), 1019 (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Moresheth) Moreschet-Gat 14 (2017), 977f (McKinny, Chris, Art. Judeidah, Tell) Morija 19 (2021), 1026-1036 (Leonard-Fleckmann, Mahri u.a., Art. Moriah) Moser 19 (2021) 1067 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Moserah) Moserot 19 (2021) 1067 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Moserah) Naara 20 (2022), 515 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Naaran) Neballat 20 (2022), 1147 (Kauhanen, Tuukka, Art. Neballat) Neftoach-Quelle 21 (2023), 133f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Nephtoah) Negeb 21 (2023), 31–48 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Negeb/Negev) Negeb der Keniter 15 (2017), 111-113 (Leuenberger, Martin / Walfish, Barry Dov, Art. Kenites) Negiël 21 (2023), 76f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Neiel) Nehelam 21 (2023), 48f (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Nehelam) Netaim 21 (2023), 183f (Pajunen, Mika, Art. Netaim) Netofa 21 (2023), 220f (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Netophah) Neues Tempeltor 21 (2023), 257–260 (McKinny, Chris, Art. New Gate) Nezib 21 (2023), 387 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Nezib) Nibschan 21 (2023), 391 (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Nibshan) Nimra 21 (2023), 484f (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Nimrah) Nimrim, Wasser von 21 (2023), 485f (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Nimrim, The Waters of) Ninive 21 (2023), 509–532 (Frahm, Eckart u.a., Art. Nineveh) Nob 21 (2023), 688–690 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Nob) Nobach, nord 21 (2023), 691f (Jericke, Detlef, Art Nobah [Place], 1. A Place named after a Descendant of Manasseh) Nobach, süd 21 (2023), 692 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Nobah [Place], 2. A Place in Gideon’s Campaign) Nod 21 (2023), 709–711 (Jericke, Detlef u.a., Art. Nod, Land of) Nordland 21 (2023), 757f (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. North, Land of the) Obot 21 (2023), 1143 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Oboth) Ofel 22 (2024), 449-451 (Sweeney, Marvin A., Art. Ophel) Ofenturm 22 (2024), 965f (Pakkala, Juha, Art. Ovens, Tower of the) Ofir 22 (2024), 451-453 (Töyräänvuori, Joanna, Art. Ophir [Place]) Ofni 10 (2015), 660 (Watley, Gordon L., Art. Gophna) Ofra der Abiësriter 22 (2024), 457f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Ophrah [Place], 3. A Town Belonging to the Clan of Abiezer) Ofra, benjaminitisch 22 (2024), 455f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Ophrah [Place], 1. A Town in Benjamin) Ofra, manassitisch 1 (2009), 505f (Ristau, Kenneth, Art. Affula, El-); 22 (2024), 456f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Ophrah [Place], 2. A Town in Manasseh); 22 (2024), 457f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Ophrah [Place], 3. A Town Belonging to the Clan of Abiezer) Ölberg 19 (2021), 1288-1303 (Pappalardo, Carmelo u.a., Art. Mount of Olives) On 3 (2011), 144 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Aven, 1. On [Heliopolis]); 3 (2011), 1023-1024 (Lee, Won, Art. Beth-Shemesh, 4. Heliopolis); 11 (2015), 751-752 (Wilke, Alexa F., Art. Heliopolis) Ono 22 (2024), 417f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Ono) Oreb 22 (2024), 664f (Gaß, Erasmus, Art. Oreb) Osttor 7 (2013), 205 (Pakkala, Juha, Art. East Gate ) Paddan-Aram 22 (2024), 1075f (Niehr, Herbert / Hayes, Christine, Art. Paddan-Aram) Palmenstadt 13 (2016), 956-974 (Chadwick, Jeffrey R. u.a., Art. Jericho) Pisga 2 (2009), 961f (Nelson, Richard D., Art. Asdot-Pisgah) Pitom 17 (2019), 1260-1263 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Maskhuta, Tell el-) Put 16 (2018), 494-497 (McKinny, Chris, Art.Libya, Ancient) Quelle des Rufers 7 (2013), 885 (Christian, Mark A., Art. En-Hakkore) Quelltor 9 (2014), 516-517 (Bodi, Daniel, Art. Fountain Gate) Rabbat-Ammon 1 (2009), 994-996 (Herr, Larry G., Art. Amman) Ramat-Negeb 13 (2016), 239-240 (Maeir, Aren M., Art. ‘Ira, Tel) Resen 15 (2017), 171f (Marti, Lionel, Art. Khorsabad) Rogel-Quelle 7 (2013), 886 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. En-Rogel) Rosstor 12 (2016), 409 (Blank, Gavrielle, Art. Horse Gate) Salzmeer 6 (2013), 336-337 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Dead Sea); 7 (2013), 217-218 (Westbrook, April, Art. Eastern Sea); 7 (2013), 870-871 (Werlin, Steven H., Art. En-Boqeq) Schafir 2 (2009), 693f (Suriano, Matthew, Art. Areini, Tell El-); 7 (2013), 1119-1120 (Brandl, Baruch, Art. Erani, Tel) Scharon 15 (2017), 830f (Mäkipelto, Ville, Art. Lasharon) Scharuhen 1 (2009), 687 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Ajjul, Tell El-) Seïr 7 (2013), 403-413 (Mellish, Kevin / Lockshin, Martin, Art. Edom, Edomites) Senke 19 (2021), 1053-1055 (Sweeney, Marvin A. / Walfish, Barry Dov, Art. Mortar, The [Place], I. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament, II. Judaism) Sichem 13 (2016), 635 (Tolmie, D. Francois, Art. Jacob’s Well) Skorpionensteige 1 (2009), 702f (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Akrabbim) Stadt mitten im Tal 13 (2016), 248f (Flanders, Denise, Art. Ir-Moab); 18 (2020), 283-286 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Medeineh, Khirbet el-) Stadt Moabs 13 (2016), 248-249 (Flanders, Denise, Art. Ir-Moab) Stadt Nahors 20 (2022), 583 (Bührer, Walter, Art. Nahor [Place]) Städte der Keniter 15 (2017), 111-113 (Leuenberger, Martin / Walfish, Barry Dov, Art. Kenites) Steige von Adummim 1 (2009), 474f (Davies, Philip, Art. Adummim) Stein Bohans 4 (2012), 305 (Kuan, Kah-Jin Jeffrey, Art. Bohan, Stone of) Sukkot, Jordantal EBR 6 (2013), 474-477 (Blum, Erhard, Art. Deir ‘Allā) Tabor-Terebinthe 21 (2023), 1034 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Oak of Tabor) Tachpanhes 6 (2013), 151-153 (Arav, Rami, Art. Daphne [Place]) Tal Beracha 3 (2011), 889-890 (Mathys, Hans-Peter, Art. Beracah, Valley of) Tal der Pracht Gogs 11 (2015), 151 (Pumphrey, Nicholaus, Art. Hamon-Gog) Tal Joschafat 13 (2016), 856-857 (Long, Shelley L. Birdsong, Art. Jehoshaphat, Valley of) Tamar 11 (2015), 438 (Bibb, Bryan, Art. Hazazon-Tamar) Tarschisch 4 (2012), 1013-1015 (Vainstub, Daniel, Art. Carthage) Tebach 3 (2011), 947 (Hutton, Jeremy M., Art. Betah) Tenne Araunas 2 (2009), 654f (Mythys, Hans-Peter, Art. Araunah Tenne Kidons 5 (2012), 83 (Seow, Choon-Leong, Art. Chidon) Tenne Nachons
5 (2012), 83 (Seow, Choon-Leong, Art. Chidon) Terebinthental 7 (2013), 569-570 (Arnet, Samuel / Walfish, Barry Dov, Art. Elah, Valley of) Timna, Schefela 3 (2011), 595-596 (Killebrew, Ann E., Art. Batashi, Tell el-) Tor zwischen den beiden Mauern 9 (2014), 1005 (Dušek, Jan, Art. Gate Between the Two Walls) Träneneiche 1 (2009), 816‒817 (Knowles, Melody D., Art. Allon-Bacuth) Traubental 7 (2013), 1208-1209 (Moster, David, Art. Eshcol [Place]) Turm der Hundert 12 (2016), 583-584 (Titus, Jospeh, Art. Hundred, Tower of the) Turm Hananels 11 (2015), 159-160 (Harris, Beau, Art. Hananel, Tower of) Wachtor 9 (2014), 1005 (Dušek, Jan, Art. Gate of the Guard) Wasserquelle, obere und untere 10 (2015), 1017-1018 (Spronk, Klaas, Art. Gulloth) Weg von Atarim 2 (2009), 1192 (Starbuck, Scott R.A., Art. Atharim) Wüste 6 (2013), 622f (Ehrlich, Carl S., Art. Desert I. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament) Wüste Etam 8 (2014), 94f (Higgins, Ryan, Art. Etham) Wüste Jeruël 13 (2016), 1001 (Pfitzmann, Fabian, Art. Jeruel) Zemarajim 17 (2019), 919-921 (McKinny, Chris, Art. Marjamah, Khirbet el-) Ziklag 7 (2013), 1119-1120 (Brandl, Baruch, Art. Erani, Tel) Zoar 3 (2011), 793 (Marrs, Rick M., Art. Bela) Zoba 11 (2015), 107-108 (Jonker, Louis, Art. Hamath-Zobah) Zypern 5 (2012), 1207-1213 (Ulbrich, Anja u.a., Art. Cyprus); 22 (2024), 1310f (Nomicos, Sophia, Art. Paphos) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Abana 1 (1992), 6 (Roth, Ray Lee, Art. Abana) Abarimgebirge 1 (1992), 6f (Ferch, Arthur J., Art. Abarim) Abel-Mizrajim 1 (1992), 508–509 (Oller, Gary H., Art. Atad) Abel-Schittim 5 (1992), 1222f (Slayton, Joel C., Art. Shittim) Abimaël 1 (1992), 20 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Abimael) Addar 1 (1992), 70 (Fretz, Mark J., Art. Addar) Adma 1 (1992), 73 (Pressler, Carolyn J., Art. Admah) Adullam 1 (1992), 81 (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Adullam) Afek, Ascher 1 (1992), 275–276 (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Aphek [Place], 1. Aphek of Asher) Afek, Libanon 1 (1992), 276 (Frankel, Rafael, Aphek [Place], 3. Aphek in Lebanon) Afek, ostjordanisch 1 (1992), 276 (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Aphek [Place], 2. Aphek of Aram) Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1992), 272‒274 (Kochavi, Moshe, Art. Antipatris); 1 (1992), 276 (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Aphek [Place], 4. Aphek in Sharon)) Afeka 1 (1992), 276 (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Aphek [Place], 5. Aphekah in Judah); 1 (1992), 277 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Aphekah) Ägypten 2 (1992), 321–374 (Kitchen, Kenneth A. u.a., Art. Egypt) Ai 1 (1992), 125–130 (Callaway, Joseph A., Art. Ai); 1 (1992), 532 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Ayyah) Aja 1 (1992), 532 (Thompson, Henry O. „Ayyah“) Akkad 1 (1992), 49f (Davila, James R., Art. Accad) Almodad 1 (1992), 1607 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Almodad) Amalekiter, Gebiet der 1 (1992), 169−171 (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Amalek) Anamiter 1 (1992), 222f (Hess, Richard S., Art. Anamim) Ar-Moab 1 (1992), 321 (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Ar) Araba 1, 321–324 (Seely, David. R., Art. Arabah) Arabien 1 (1992), 324–327 (Smith, Robert Houston, Art. Arabia [Place]) Arad 1 (1992), 331–336 (Manor, Dale W. / Herion, Gary A., Art. Arad) Aram 1 (1992), 338–341 (Pitard, Wayne T., Art. Aram [Place]); 6 (1992), 271–281 (Cauvin, Jacques C. / Dornemann, Rudolph H., Art. Syria) Aram Naharajim 1 (1992), 341 (Pitard, Wayne Thomas, Art. Aram-Naharaim) Ararat 1 (1992), 351‒353 (Bailey, Lloyd R., Art. Ararat); 4 (1992), 1131‒1133 (Bailey, Lloyd R., Art. Noah and the Ark. Noah’s Ark) Argob 1 (1992), 376 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Argob [Place]) Arkiter, Syrien 1 (1992), 393f (Hess, Richard S., Art. Arkite) Arnontal 1 (1992), 398f (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Arnon) Aroër, Damaskus 1 (1992), 399f (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Aroer) Aroër, Moab 1 (1992), 399f (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Aroer) Arpachschad 1 (1992), 400 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Arpachshad) Arwad 1 (1992), 337 (Wei, Tom F., Art. Aradus); 1 (1992), 468 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Arvad) Aschdod 1 (1992), 477–482 (Dothan, Moshe, Art. Ashdod); 482 (Kaplan, Jacob, Art. Ashdod-Yam); 541f (Redditt, Paul L., Art. Azotus) Aschkelon 1 (1992), 487–490 (Esse, Douglas L., Art. Ashkelon) Aschkenas 1 (1992), 490 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Ashkenaz); 5 (1992), 1056f (Rubinson, Karen S., Art. Scythians) Aschtarot 1 (1992), 491–492 (Day, John, Art. Ashtaroth) Assur 1 (1992), 500 (Grayson, A. Kirk, Art. Asshur); 4 (1992), 732−755 (Grayson, A. Kirk, Art. Mesopotamia. History and Culture of Assyria) Assur, Stadt 1 (1992), 500 (Grayson, A. Kirk, Art. Asshur) Atarot, efraimitisch 1 (1992), 510 (Franklin, Paul Nimrah, Art. Ataroth [Place]) Atrot-Addar 1 (1992), 510 (Franklyn, Paul Nimrah, Art. Atrot-Addar) Awim 1, 531 (Herion, Gary A., Art. Avva); 1, 531f (McGarry, Susan E., Art. Avvim) Azmon 1 (1992), 540 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Azmon) Baal-Meon 1 (1992), 552 (Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Baal-Meon) Baala 1 (1992), 555 (Ehrlich, Carl S., Art. Baalah) Babel 1 (1992), 563−565 (Margueron, Jean-Claude, Art. Babylon); 1 (1992), 561–565 (Spina, Frank Anthony, Art. Babel) Bach Kana 4 (1992), 5 (Kanah [Place]; Thompson, Henry O.) Bamot-Baal 1 (1992), 574f (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Bamoth-Baal) Baschan 1 (1992), 623f (Slayton, Joel C., Art. Bashan) Bealot 1 (1992), 628f (Baker, David W., Art. Bealoth) Beer-Lahai-Roï 1 (1992), 640 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Beer-Lahai-Roi) Beerscheba 1 (1992), 641–645 (Manor, Dale W., Art. Beer-Sheba) Bela 1 (1992), 654 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Bela [Place]) Bered 1 (1992), 676 (Herion, Gary A., Art. Bered) Bergland 3 (1992), 1033-1036 (De Geus, Cornelis Hendrik Jan, Art. Judah [Place]); 3 (1992), 1036f (Ferris, Paul Wayne Jr., Art. Judah, Hill Country of) Bergland der Amoriter 1 (1992), 199‒202 (Mendenhall, George E., Art. Amorites) Bergrücken der Jebusiter 3 (1992), 652f (Reed, Stephen A., Art. Jebus) Bet-Araba 1 (1992), 681 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Beth-Arabah) Bet-Awen 1 (1992), 682 (Arnold, Patrick M., Art. Beth-Aven) Bet-Eden 1 (1992), 684 (Meier, Samuel A., Art. Beth-Eden) Bet-El 1 (1992), 710-712 (Brodsky, Harold, Art. Bethel); 1 (1992), 651f (Dever, William G., Art. Beitin) Bet-Hogla 1, 687f (McGarry, Susan E., Art. Beth-Hoglah) Bet-Horon 1 (1992), 688f (Peterson, John L., Art. Beth-Horon) Bet-Jeschimot 1 (1992) 689 (Romero, C. Gilbert; Art. Beth-Jeshimoth) Bet-Pegor 1 (1992), 691 (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Beth-Peor); 5 (1992), 223f (Terry L. Brensinger, Art. Peor) Bet-Schean 1 (1992), 693-697 (McGovern, Patrick E., Art. Beth-Shan [Place]) Betlehem 1 (1992), 712–715 (Cazelles, Henri, Art. Bethlehem) Bozra 1 (1992), 774f (Hart, Stephen/Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Bozrah. 1. Bozrah in Edom) Dabbeschet 2 (1992), 1 (Greenberg, Raphael, Art. Dabbeshett [Place]) Daberat 1 (1979), 541 (Peterson, John L.) Damaskus 2 (1992), 5−7 (Pitard, Wayne Thomas, Art. Damascus) Dan 2 (1992), 12-17 (Biran, Avraham, Art. Dan); 4 (1992), 130-131 (Manor, Dale W., Art. Laish) Dedan 2 (1992), 121-123 (Graf, David F., Art. Dedan) Di-Sahab 2 (1992), 219 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Dizahab) Dibon 2 (1992), 194–196 (Tushingham, A. Douglas, Art. Dibon) Dikla 2 (1992), 198f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Diklah) Dinhaba 2 (1992), 200f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Dinhabah) Dor 2 (1992), 223-225 (Stern, Ephraim; Art. Dor) Dotan 2 (1992), 226-227 (Dever, William G., Art. Dothan) Eber 2 (1992), 260 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Eber [Person]) Eden 2 (1992), 281–283 (Wallace, Howard N., Art. Eden); 2 (1992), 906f (Wallace, Howard N., Art. Garden of God) Edom 2 (1992), 287‒301 (Bartlett, John R. / MacDonald, Burton, Art. Edom); 3 (1992), 382–383 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Idumea) Edreï 2 (1992), 301 (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Edrei) Efraim, Ort 2 (1992), 556 (Thompson, Henry O.); 5 (1992), 27f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Ophra) Efrata 2 (1992), 557–558 (Luker, Lamontte M., Art. Efratah) Efron, Ort 2 (1992), 558 (Moyer, James C., Art. Ephron); 5 (1992), 27f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Ophra) Ekron 2 (1992), 415–422 (Dothan, Trude / Gitin, Seymour, Art. Ekron) Elam 2 (1992), 424–429 (Vallat, François, Art. Elam) Elim 2 (1992), 469 (Zorn, Jeffrey R., Art. Elim) Elischa 1 (1992), 1228–1230 (McRay, John, Art. Cyprus); 2 (1992), 473 (Baker, David W., Art. Elishah) Ellasar 2 (1992), 476f (Astour, Michael C., Art. Ellasar) Emek-Keziz 2 (1992), 496 (NN, Art. Emek-Keziz) En-Dor II (1992), 499-501 (Edelman, Diana; Art. Endor (Place) Enajim 2 (1992), 505 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Enam); 2 (1992), 505 (Oller, Gary H., Art. Enaim) Erech 2 (1992), 571ff (Margueron, Jean-Claude, Art. Erech) Etam, Sinai 2 (1992) 644 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Etham) Gat 2 (1992), 869 (Ehrlich, Carl S., Art. Gai); 2 (1992), 908f (Seger, Joe D., Art. Gath) Gat-Hefer 2 (1992), 909-910 (Greenberg, Raphael) Gaza 2 (1992), 912–921 (Katzenstein, H. Jacob u.a., Art Gaza) Gebal 2 (1992), 922f (Roth, Ray Lee, Art. Gebal) Gelilot 2 (1992), 1022‒1024 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Gilgal) Gerar 2 (1992), 989ff (Oren, Eliezer D., Art. Gerar) Geschur 2 (1992), 996 (Maʿoz, Zvi U., Art. Geshur); 2 (1992), 996f (Petter, Gerald J., Art. Geshurites) Geter 2 (1992), 997 (Baker, David W., Art. Gether) Gihon, Quelle 2 (1992), 1018f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gihon) Gihon, Strom 2 (1992), 1018f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gihon); 2 (1992), 281ff (Wallace, Howard N., Art. Eden) Gilead, Landschaft 2 (1992), 1020−1022 (Ottosson, Magnus, Art. Gilead) Gilead, Ort 2 (1992), 1020−1022 (Ottosson, Magnus, Art. Gilead) Girgaschiter 2 (1992), 1028 (Baker, David W., Art. Girgashite) Gomer 2 (1992), 1074 (Baker, David W., Art. Gomer) Gomorra 6 (1992), 99–103 (Mulder, Martin J., Art. Sodom and Gomorrah) Goren-Atad 1 (1992), 508–509 (Oller, Gary H., Art. Atad) Goschen 2 (1992), 1076–1077 (Ward, William A., Art. Goshen) Grenzbach Ägyptens 2 (1992), 321f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Egypt, Brook of); 2 (1992), 378 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Egypt, River of) Hadoram 3 (1992), 16 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Hadoram) Ham 3 (1992), 32 (Astour, Michael C., Art. Ham) Hamat 3 (1992), 33‒36 (Buhl, Marie Louise, Art. Hamath) Haran 3 (1992), 58–59 (Kobayashi, Yoshitaka, Art. Haran) Hawila 3 (1992), 81–82 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Havilah) Hawot-Jaïr 3 (1992), 82f (Schmitz, Philip C., Art. Havvoth-Jair) Hazar-Addar 3 (1992), 194 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Hezron [Place]) Hazarmawet 3 (1992), 85f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Hazarmaveth) Hazerot 3 (1992), 86f (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Hazeroth) Hazezon-Tamar 3 (1992), 68 (Astour, Michael C., Hazazon-Tamar) Hazor-Hadatta 3 (1992), 88 (Zorn, Jeffrey R., Art. Hazor-Hadattah) Hebron 3 (1992), 107f (Wayne Ferris, Paul, Art. Hebron) Hermon 3 (1992), 158–160 (Arav, Rami, Art. Hermon) Het 3 (1992), 188 (Baker, David W., Art. Heth) Hezron 3 (1992), 194 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Hezron [Place]) Hinnomtal 2 (1992), 926–928 (Watson, Duane F., Art. Gehenna); 3 (1992), 202f (Watson, Duane F., Art. Hinnom Valley) Hiwiter 3 (1992), 234 (Baker, David W., Art. Hivites) Hoba 3 (1992), 235 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Hobah) Horma 3 (1992), 288f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Hormah); 6, 1080 (Baker, David B., Art. Zephat) Hul 3 (1992), 321 (Baker, David W., Art. Hul) Jabbok 3 (1992), 593–594 (Younker, Randall W., Art. Jabbok) Jafia 3 (1992), 642-643 (Howard, David M. Jr., Art. Japhia [Place]) Jagur 3 (1992), 611 (Zorn; Jeffrey R., Art. Jagur) Jahaz 3 (1992), 612 (Dearman, John Andrew, Art. Jahaz) Janoach, efraimitisch 13 (1992), 640-641 (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Janoah) Jaser 3 (1992), 650f (Peterson, John L., Art. Jazer) Jawan 3 (1992), 650 (Baker, David W., Art Javan) Jebus 3, 652f (Reed, Stephen A., Art. Jebus) Jegar-Sahaduta 3 (1992), 656 (Kobayashi, Yoshitaka, Art. Jegar-Sahadutha) Jerach 3 (1992), 683 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Jerah) Jericho 3 (1992), 723–740 (Holland, Thomas A. / Netzer, Ehud, Art. Jericho) Jibleam 3 (1992), 355 (Hunt, Melvin, Art. Jibleam) Jobab 3 (1992), 871 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Jobab) Jokneam 3 (1992), 933-935 (Ben-Tor, Amnon) Joktan 3 (1992), 935 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Joktan) Jordan 3 (1992), 953–958 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Jordan, River); 3 (1992), 958−960 (Ibrahim, Moawiyah M., Art. Jordan Valley); 3 (1992) 960f (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Jordan, Jungle of) Jordanau 3 (1992), 953–958 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Jordan, River) Jutta 3, 1135 (Peterson, John L., Art. Juttah) Kadesch-Barnea 4 (1992), 1-3 (Manor, Dale W., Art. Kadesh-Barnea) Kaftor 1 (1992), 869f (Hess; Richard S., Art. Caphtor) Kalne 1 (1992), 823f (Meier, Samuel A., Art. Calneh) Kanaan 1 (1992), 828–831 (Schmitz, Philip C., Art. Canaan) Karka 4 (1992), 6 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Karka) Kasluhiter 1 (1992), 877f (Hess, Richard S., Art. Casluhim) Kedemot 4 (1992), 10f (Peterson, John L., Art. Kedemoth) Kelach 1 (1992), 807f (Grayson, A. Kirk, Art. Calah) Kesullot 1 (1992), 910f (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Chisloth-Tabor) Kina 4 (1992) , 39f (Liwak, Rüdiger, Art. Kinah) Kinneret, See 2 (1992), 899–901 (Freyne, Seán, Art. Galilee, Sea of) Kirjat-Arba 4 (1992), 84 (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Kiriath-Arba) Kirjat-Baal 1 (1992), 555 (Ehrlich, Carl S., Art. Baalah); 4 (1992), 84f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Kirjath-Jearim) Kirjat-Jearim 4 (1992), 84f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Kirjath-Jearim) Kirjatajim 4 (1992), 85 (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Kiriathaim); 5 (1992), 1168 (Astour, Michael C., Shaveh-Kiriathaim) Kislot-Tabor 1 (1992), 910-911 (Frankel, Rafael, Art. Chisloth-Tabor) Kitron 4 (1992), 93 (Hunt, Melvin, Art. Kitron) Kittäer 4 (1992), 93 (Baker, David W., Art. Kittim) Königstal 5 (1992), 1168 (Astour, Michael C., Art. Shaveh, Valley of) Kusch 1 (1992), 1219f (Baker, David W., Art. Cushan); 4 (1992), 109ff (Redford, Donald B., Art. Kusch) Laban 4 (1992), 114 (Zorn, Jeffrey R., Art. Laban) Lajisch 4 (1992), 130-131 (Manor, Dale W., Art. Laish) Land der Amoriter 1 (1992), 199‒202 (Mendenhall, George E., Art. Amorites) Land der Hebräer 3 (1992), 6−10 (Lemche, Niels Peter, Art. Ḫabiru/Ḫapiru) Land der Hetiter 3 (1992), 231‒233 (McMahon, Gregory, Art. Hittites in the OT) Land der Söhne des Ostens 2 (1992), 248 (Williams, David Salter, Art. East Country); 2 (1992), 249 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. East, People of the) Lebo-Hamat 3 (1992), 36f (Wei, Tom F., Art. Hamath, Entrance of Num) Lehabiter 4 (1992), 274 (Baker, David W., Art. Lehabim); 4 (1992), 324 (Heard, Warren J. Jr., Art. Libya) Lescha 4 (1992), 234 (Oller, Gary H., Art. Lasha) Libanon 4 (1992), 269f (Houston Smith, Robert, Art. Lebanon) Libna, Sinai 4 (1992), 114 (Zorn, Jeffrey R., Art. Laban [Place]) Lud 4 (1992), 397 (Baker, David W., Art. Lud [Person]); 4 (1992), 423‒425 (McLauchlin, Barbara Kelley, Art. Lydia [Place]) Lus 4 (1992), 420 (Toews, Wesley I., Art. Luz) Maacha 4 (1992), 429f (Schaering, Linda S., Art. Maacah [Person]); 4 (1992), 430 (Schley, Donald G., Art Maacah [Place]) Maacha, judäisch 4 (1992), 429f (Schaering, Linda S., Art. Maacah [Person]); 4 (1992), 430 (Schley, Donald G., Art Maacah [Place]) Maale-Heres 3 (1992), 143 (Herion, Gary A., Art. Heres, Ascent of) Machpela 4 (1992), 460f (DeVries, LaMoine F., Art. Machpelah) Mahanajim 4 (1992), 472–473 (Edelman, Diana Vikander, Art. Mahanaim) Makhelot 4 (1992), 478 (Zorn, Jeffrey R., Art. Makheloth); 15 (2017), 493-497 (Schmidt, Brian B., Art. Kuntillet ʿAjrud) Makkeda 1 (1992), 648f (Dever, William G., Art. Beit Mirsim, Tell); 4 (1992), 97‒100 (Holladay, John S. Jr. / Geraty, Lawrence T., Art. Khom, Khirbet el-); 4 (1992), 478 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Makkedah) Mamre 4 (1992), 492f (Arbeitman, Yoel L., Art. Mamre) Mara 4 (1992), 513 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Marah) Marala 4 (1992), 523 (Greenberg, Raphael, Art. Mareal [Place]) Masch 4 (1992) 587f (Baker, David W., Art. Mash) Masreka 4, 600 (Knauf, Erst Axel, Art. Masrekah) Mattana 4 (1992), 613 (Ferch, Arthur J., Art. Mattanah [Place]) Meara 4 (1992), 655 (Roth, R.L., Art. Mearah [Place]) Medeba 4 (1992), 656–658 (Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Medeba) Medien 1, 908f (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Chilmad); 4, 658f (Young, T. Cuyler, Art. Media) Meer 5 (1992), 1058f (Follis, Elaine R., Art. Sea) Meer, großes 2 (1992), 1091f (Lubetski, Meir, Art. Great Sea); 4 (1992), 664–666 (Lubetski, Meir, Art. Mediterranean Sea); 6 (1992), 908f (Lubetski, Meir, Art. Western Sea) Meer, westliches 6 (1992), 908f (Lubetski, Meir, Art. Western Sea) Mefaat 4 (1992), 696 (Peterson, John L. / Piccirillo, Michele, Art. Mephaat) Meribat-Kadesch 4 (1992), 704 (Herion, Gary A., Art. Meribath-Kadesh) Mescha 4 (1992), 708 (Oller, Gary H., Art. Mesha) Meschech 4 (1992), 711 (Baker, David W., Art. Meshech) Mesopotamien 1 (1992), 341 (Pitard, Wayne Thomas, Art. Aram-Naharaim) Michmetat 4 (1992), 815 (Dyck, Elmer, Art. Michmetath) Midian 4 (1992), 815–818 (Mendenhall, George E., Art. Midian [Person]); 5 (1992), 594‒596 (Parr, Peter J., Art. Qurayya) Migdal-Eder 2 (1992), 284 (Liid, Dale C., Art. Eder, Tower of) Misrefot-Majim 4 (1992), 873f (Benjamin, Paul, Art. Misrephoth-Maim) Moab 4 (1992), 882–893 (Miller, Maxwell J., Art. Moab) Morgenland 2 (1992), 248 (Williams, David Salter, Art. East Country) Morija 4 (1992), 905 (Davila, James R., Art. Moriah) Naara 4 (1992), 969 (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Naarah [Place]) Naftuhiter 4 (1992), 1022 (Baker, David W., Art. Naphtuhim) Nahaliël 4 (1992), 995 (Younker, Randall W., Art. Nahaliel) Nebo, Ort 4 (1992), 1056 (Ferch, Arthur J., Art. Nebo, Place) Neftoach-Quelle 4 (1992), 1073 (Toews, Wesley I., Art. Nephtoah) Negeb 4 (1992), 1061–1068 (Rosen, Steven A. / Beit-Arieh, Itzhaq / Negev, Avraham, Art. Negeb) Nil 4 (1992), 1108–1116 (Huddlestun, John R./Williams, Bruce B., Art. Nile) Nimrod 4 (1992) 1116‒1118 (Machinist, Peter, Art. Nimrod) Ninive 4 (1992), 1118f (Grayson, A. Kirk, Art. Nineveh) Nod 4 (1992), 1133f (Davila, James R., Art. Nod) Obal 5 (1992), 4f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Obal) Ofir 5 (1992), 26f (Baker, David W., Art. Ophir) Ofra, benjaminitisch 5 (1992), 27f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Ophra) Ofra, manassitisch 5 (1992), 27f (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Ophra) On 1 (1992), 529–530 (Pressler, Carolyn J., Art. Aven); 3 (1992), 122–123 (Redford, Donald B., Art. Heliopolis) Orakeleiche 4 (1992), 904 (Hunt, Melvin, Art. Moreh) Paddan-Aram 5 (1992), 55 (Pitard, Wayne Thomas, Art. Paddan-Aram) Pagu 5 (1992), 186 (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Pau) Para 5, 155 (Dyck, Elmer H., Art. Parah) Paran 5 (1992), 162 (Hamilton, Jeffries M., Art. Paran) Patros 5 (1992), 178 (Baker, David W. / Redford, Donald B., Art. Pathros) Peleg 5 (1992), 217f (Hess, Richard S., Art. Peleg) Peniël 5 (1992), 223 (Slayton, Joel C., Art. Penuel) Petor 5 (1992), 288 (Brensinger, Terry L., Art. Pethor) Philisterland 5 (1992), 326−333 (Katzenstein, H. Jacob/Dotan, Trude, Art. Philistines) Pi-Beset 5 (1992), 370f (Redford, Donald B., Art. Pi-Beseth) Pischon 5 (1992), 374 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Pishon) Pisga 5 (1992), 373f (Mattingly, Gerald L., Art. Pisgah) Punon 5 (1992), 556f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Punon) Put 5 (1992), 560 (Baker, David W., Art. Put) Rafaïterebene 5 (1992), 676f (Edelstein, Gershon, Art. Rephaim, Valley of) Ragma 5 (1992), 597 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Raamah) Rama, benjaminitisch 5 (1992), 613f (Arnold, Patrick M., Art. Ramah) Rama, efraimitisch 5 (1992), 613f (Arnold, Patrick M., Art. Ramah) Ramatajim 5 (1992), 613f (Arnold, Patrick M., Art. Ramah) Ramses 5 (1992), 617–618 (Wente, Edward F., Art. Ramses) Rehobot 5 (1992), 664 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Rehoboth) Rehobot am Strom 5 (1992), 664 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Rehoboth) Rehobot-Ir 5 (1992), 664 (Davila, James R., Art. Rehoboth-Ir) Resen 5 (1992), 678 (Davila, James R., Art. Resen) Rezef 5 (1992), 708 (Thompson, Henry O. Art. Rezeph) Rifat 5 (1992), 775 (Hess, Richard, Art. Riphath) Rimmon-Perez 5 (1992), 773f (Arnold, Patrick, M., Art. Rimmon) Rissa 5 (1992), 775 (White, Sidnie Ann, Art. Rissah) Ritma 5 (1992), 775 (White, Sidnie Ann, Art. Rithmah) Rodaniter 5 (1992) 719f (Carroll, Scott T., Art. Rhodes); 5 (1992), 788 (Clem, H. Eldon, Art. Rhodanim) Rogel-Quelle 2 (1992), 503f (Mare, W. Harold, Art. En-Rogel) Saba 5 (1992), 1169f (Ricks, Stephen D., Art. Sheba [Person], 1. Sabeans) Sabta 5 (1992), 861f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Sabtah) Sabtecha 5 (1992), 862f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Sabteca) Salcha 5 (1992), 905 (Franklyn, Paul Nimrah, Art. Salecah) Salem 5 (1992), 905 (Astour, Michael C., Art. Salem) Salzmeer 2 (1992), 249–250 (Lubetski, Meir, Art. Eastern Sea); 5 (1992), 907 (Astour, Michael C., Art. Salt Sea) Sarid Greenberg, Raphael, Art. Sarid (Place), in: ABD 5 (1992) 985. Schawetal 5 (1992), 1168 (Astour, Michael C., Art. Shaveh, Valley of) Scheba, Arabien 5 (1992), 1169f (Ricks, Stephen D., Art. Sheba [Person], 1. Sabaioi) Schelach 5 (1992), 1191 (Hess, Richard S., Art Shelah) Schelef 5 (1992), 1192f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Sheleph) Schihor 5 (1992), 1212 (Betz, Arnold, Art. Shihor) Schilo 5 (1992), 1213‒1215 (Halpern, Baruch, Art. Shiloh [Place]) Schinar 5 (1992), 1220 (Davila, James R., Art. Shinar) Schittim 5 (1992), 1222f (Slayton, Joel C., Art. Shittim) Schur 5 (1992), 1230 (Seely, David R., Art. Shur, Wilderness of) Seba 5 (1992), 1064 (Müller, Walter W., Seba [Person]) Sefar 5 (1992), 1089 (Oller, Gary H., Art. Sephar) Seïr 5 (1992), 1072–1073 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Seir) Sibma 6 (1992), 1f (Franklyn, Paul Nimrah, Art. Sibmah) Sichem 5 (1992), 1175–1186 (Toombs, Lawrence E., Art. Shechem); 5 (1992), 1186f (Zertal, Adam, Art. Shechem, Tower of) Siddimtal 6 (1992), 15f (Astour, Michael C., Art. Siddim, Valley of) Sidon 6 (1992), 17f (Schmitz, Philip C., Art. Sidon) Siniter 6 (1992), 50f (Baker, David W., Art. Sinites) Sitna 6 (1992), 54 (Weitzman, Steven, Art. Sitnah) Skorpionensteige 1 (1992), 141 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Akrabbim) Sodom 6 (1992), 99–103 (Mulder, Martin J., Art. Sodom and Gomorrah) Stadt mitten im Tal 1 (1992), 321 (Mattingly, Gerald M., Art. Ar) Stadt Nahors 4 (1992), 997 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Nahor) Steige von Adummim 1 (1992), 86f (Thompson, Henry O., Art. Adummim) Stein Bohans 1 (1992), 772 (Baker, David W., Art. Bohan, Stone of) Suf 6 (1992), 241 (Huddlestun, John R., Art. Suph) Sufa 6 (1992), 241f (Huddlestun, John R., Art. Suphah) Sukkot, Jordantal 2 (1992), 126–130 (Franken, Hendricus Jacobus/Hackett, Jo Ann, Art. Deir ‘Alla, Tell); 6 (1992), 217–218 (Seely, Jo Ann H., Art. Succoth) Syene 6 (1992), 250 (Betz, Arnold, Art. Syene) Taanach 6 (1992), 287-290 (Glock, Albert E., Art. Taanach (Place)); 1 (1992), 248 (Glock, Albert E., Art. Aner (Place)) Taanat-Schilo 6 (1992), 290-291 (Toews, Wesley I., Art. Taanath-Shiloh) Tappuach, efraimitisch 6 (1992), 319-320 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Tappuah [Place]) Tarschisch 6 (1992), 331 (Bush, Frederic W., Art. Tarshish [Person]); 6 (1992), 331-333 (Baker, David W., Art. Tarshish [Place]) Tigris 3 (1992), 194 (Stefanovic, Zdravko, Art. Hiddekel) Timna, Bergland 6 (1992), 556–557 (Kotter, Wade R., Art. Timnah) Tiras 6 (1992), 571f (Baker, David W., Art. Tiras) Tofel 6 (1992), 600 (Younker, Randall W., Art. Tophel) Togarma 6 (1992), 594f (Baker, David W., Art. Togarmah) Träneneiche 1 (1992), 160 (Herion, Gary A., Art. Allon-Bacuth) Tubal 6 (1992), 670 (Baker, David W., Art. Tubal); 6 (1992), 670 (Hess, Richard S., Art. Tubal-Cain)) Ur 6 (1992), 766 (Margueron, Jean-Claude, Art. Ur) Usal 6 (1992), 775f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Uzal) Uz 6 (1992), 770f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Uz) Wüste 6 (1992), 912-914 (Davies, Graham I., Art. Wilderness Wanderings) Wüste Etam 2 (1992) 644 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Etham) Wüste Schur 5 (1992), 1230 (Seely, David R., Art. Shur, Wilderness of) Wüste Sin 6 (1992), 47 (Seely, David R., Art. Sin, Wilderness of) Wüste Zin 6 (1992), 1095f (Seely, David R., Art. Zin, Wilderness) Zebojim 6 (1992), 1055f (Pressler, Carolyn J., Art Zeboiim) Zefat, Negeb 6 (1992), 1080 (Baker, David B., Art. Zephat) Zemarajim 6 (1992), 1074 (Toews, Wesley I., Art. Zemaraim) Zeret-Schahar 6 (1992), 1083 (Franklyn, Paul Nimrah, Art. Zereth-Shahar) Zin 6 (1992), 1095f (Seely, David R., Art. Zin, Wilderness of) Zoar 6 (1992), 1107 (Astour, Michael C., Art. Zoar) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim 1 (1991), 4 (Müller, Augustin Rudolf, Art. Abel. 4. Abel-Mizrajim) Abel-Schittim 3 (2001), 481 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Schittim) Adma 1 (1991), 32 (Ritter, Petra, Art. Adma) Adullam 1 (1991), 35 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Adullam) Afek, Ascher 1 (1991), 59f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Afek) Afek, ostjordanisch 1 (1991), 59f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Afek) Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1991), 59f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Afek); 1 (1991), 120 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Antipatris) Afeka 1 (1991), 59f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Afek) Ägypten 1 (1991), 36–49 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ägypten) Ai 1 (1991), 68 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ai) Akkad 1 (1991), 69 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Akkad) Amalekiter, Gebiet der 1 (1991), 83 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Amalek) Anamiter 1 (1991), 101 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Anamiter) Araba 1 (1991) 142f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Araba) Arabien 1 (1991), 143–145 (Müller, Walter W., Art. Araber, Arabien) Arad 1 (1991), 145f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Arad) Ararat 1 (1991), 150f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ararat) Argob 1 (1991), 167 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Argob) Arnontal 1 (1991), 174f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Arnon) Aroër, Moab 1 (1991), 175 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Aroer) Arpachschad 1 (1991), 175f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Arpachschad) Arwad 1 (1991) 177 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Arwad) Aschdod 1 (1991), 182f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Aschdod) Aschkelon 1 (1991), 186f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Aschkelon) Aschtarot 1 (1991), 188 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Aschtarot) Assur 1 (1991), 190‒191 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Assur); 1 (1991), 190‒193 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Assyrien) Assur, Stadt 1 (1991), 190‒191 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Assur) Atarot, efraimitisch 1 (1991), 198 (Rauschenbach, Beatrice, Art. Atarot) Atrot-Addar 1 (1991), 197 (Rauschenbach, Beatrice, Art. Atarot) Baala 1 (1991), 223f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Baala) Babel 1 (1991), 226–227 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Babel); 1 (1991), 227–228 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Babylonien) Baschan 1 (1991), 248f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Baschan) Beerscheba 1 (1991), 256f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Beerscheba) Bela 1 (1991), 266 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bela) Bergland 1 (1991), 271–272 (Schwank, Benedikt, Art. Berg/Gebirge) Bergland der Amoriter 1 (1991), 90‒92 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Amoriter) Bergrücken der Jebusiter 2 (1995), 280f (Schottroff, Willy, Art. Jebusiter) Bet-Awen 1 (1991), 281 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bet-Awen) Bet-El 1 (1991), 281f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bet-El) Bet-Horon 1 (1991), 283f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bet-Horon) Bet-Pegor 1 (1991), 285 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bet-Pegor); 3 (2001), 104 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Pegor) Bet-Rehob 3 (2011), 1006 (Mead, James K., Art. Beth-Rehob) Bet-Schean 1 (1991), 286-287 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bet-Schean) Bikat-Awen 3 (2011), 144-145 (Couey, Jackson Blake, Art. Aven, 3. Valley of Aven) Bozra 1 (1991), 320f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bozra) Damaskus 1 (1991), 379−381 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Damaskus) Dan 1 (1991), 382–383 (Niemann, Hermann Michael, Art. Dan); 2 (1995), 579–580 (Niemann, Hermann Michael, Art. Lajisch) Dedan 1 (1991), 400 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Dedan) Dibon 1 (1995), 424–426 (Worschech, Udo, Art. Dibon) Dor 1 (1991), 439 (Görg, Manfred; Art. Dor) Dotan 1 (1991), 441 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Dotan) Eber 1 (1991), 455 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Eber) Eden 1 (1991), 466f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Eden); 3 (2001), 65 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Paradies) Edom 1 (1991), 467–468 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Edom und Seïr); 2 (1995), 213–214 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Idumäa) Edreï 1 (1991), 471f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Edrei) Efraim, Ort 3 (2001), 26f (Vieweger, Dieter, Art. Ofra) Efrata 1 (1991), 474 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Efrata) Efron, Ort 3 (2001), 26f (Vieweger, Dieter, Art. Ofra) Ekron 1 (1991), 505f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ekron) El-Paran 3 (2001), 70–71 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Paran) Elam 1 (1991), 508−510 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Elam) Elim 1 (1991) 520f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Elim) Elischa 3 (2001), 1235f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Zypern) En-Dor I (1995), 535 (Görg, Manfred; Art. En-Dor) Erech 3 (2001), 985f (Krebernik, Manfred, Art. Uruk) Etam, Sinai 1 (1991), 606f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Etam) Eufrat 1 (1991), 613f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Eufrat) Garizim 1 (1991), 728f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Garizim) Gaza 1 (1991), 736f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gaza) Gebal 1 (1991), 359f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Byblos) Gerar 1 (1991), 792 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gerar) Geschur 1 (1991), 823 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Geschur) Gihon, Quelle 1 (1991), 842f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gihon) Gihon, Strom 1 (1991), 842f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gihon) Gilead, Landschaft 1 (1991), 844 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gilead) Gilead, Ort 1 (1991), 844 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gilead) Girgaschiter 1 (1991), 846 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Girgaschiter) Gomorra 1 (1991), 903 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Gomorra) Goren-Atad 1 (1991), 4 (Müller, Augustin Rudolf, Art. Abel. 4. Abel-Mizrajim) Goschen 1 (1991), 903 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Goschen) Hamat 2 (1995), 20f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hamat) Haran 2 (1995), 44–45 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Haran) Hawila 2 (1995), 59–60 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hawila) Hazar-Addar 2 (1995), 149f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hezron) Hazarmawet 2 (1995), 60 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hazarmawet) Hazerot 2 (1995), 60 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hazerot) Hazezon-Tamar 2 (1995), 60 (Rauschenbach, Beatrice, Art. Hazezon-Tamar) Hebron 2 (1995), 81f (Kinet, Dirk, Art. Hebron) Henoch 2 (1995), 117 (Wacker, Marie-Theres, Art. Henoch) Hermon 2 (1995), 120f (Hübner, Ulrich, Art. Hermon) Heschbon 2 (1995), 141f (Timm, Stefan, Art. Heschbon) Hezron 2 (1995), 149f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hezron) Hinnomtal 1 (1991), 738f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ge-Ben-Hinnom); 2 (1995), 163–165 (Küchler, Max, Art. Hinnom-Tal) Hiwiter 2 (1995), 171f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hiwiter) Horma 2 (1995), 195f (Fritz, Volkmar, Art. Horma) Jabbok 2 (1995), 253 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Jabbok) Jawan 2 (1995), 279f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Jawan) Jebus 2 (1995), 280 (Schottroff, Willy, Art. Jebus); 2 (1995), 280f (Schottroff, Willy, Art. Jebusiter) Jericho 2 (1995), 290‒293 (Schwienhorst-Schönberger, Ludger, Art. Jericho) Jibleam 2 (1995), 342 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Jibleam) Jordan 2 (1995), 381–382 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Jordan) Jutta 2 (1995), 420 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Jutta) Kadesch-Barnea 2 (1995), 421−423 (Reichert, Andreas/Görg, Manfred, Art. Kadesch) Kaftor 2 (1995), 544‒546 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kreta) Kalne 2 (1995), 433 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Kalne) Kanaan 2 (1995), 438f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kanaan) Kesalon 5 (2012), 70 (Richelle, Matthieu, Art. Chesalon) Kinneret, See 3 (2001), 548 (Görg, Manfred, Art. See Gennesaret) Kirjat-Arba 2 (1995), 486f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kirjat. 1. K.-Arba) Kirjat-Baal 1 (1991), 223f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Baala); 2 (1995), 486f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kirjat) Kirjat-Jearim 2 (1995), 486f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kirjat) Kirjatajim 2 (1995), 487f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kirjataim) Kittäer 2 (1995), 488f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Kittäer) Lajisch 2 (1995), 579–580 (Niemann, Hermann Michael, Art. Lajisch) Land der Amoriter 1 (1991), 90‒92 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Amoriter) Land der Hebräer 2 (1995), 65–66 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hebräer) Land der Hetiter 2 (1995), 142–145 (Hutter, Manfred, Art. Hetiter) Land der Söhne des Ostens 2 (1995), 457–458 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Kedar und Kedrener) Land der Temaniter 3 (2001), 799 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Teman) Lebo-Hamat 2 (1995), 20f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Hamat) Lehabiter 2 (1995), 632f (Haider, Peter W., Art. Libyer) Libanon 2 (1995), 630f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Libanon) Lud 2 (1995), 677f (Högemann, Peter, Art. Lydien) Lus 1 (1991), 281f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Bet-El); 2 (1995), 676 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Lus) Maacha 2 (1995), 681 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Maacha/Maachatiter) Machpela 2 (1995), 682f (Kalimi, Isaac, Art. Machpela) Mahanajim 2 (1995), 687 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Mahanajim) Makkeda 2 (1995), 696f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Makkeda) Mamre 2 (1995), 701f (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Mamre) Mara 2 (1995), 705 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Mara) Medeba 2 (1995), 683f (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Medeba) Medien 2 (1995), 747f (Högemann, Peter, Art. Medien) Mefaat 2 (1995), 749f (Lang, Bernhard, Art. Mefaat) Meribat-Kadesch 2 (1995), 777f (Beyerle, Stefan, Art. Meriba) Midian 2 (1995) 802‒804 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Midian und Midianiter) Migdal-Eder 2 (1995), 805 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Migdol) Moab 2 (1995), 826–829 (Timm, Stefan, Art. Moab) Morija 2 (1995), 846 (Ebach, Jürgen, Art. Morija) Naftuhiter 2 (1995), 890 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Naftuhiter) Nebo, Ort 2 (1995), 913f (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Nebo) Negeb 2 (1995), 916 (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Negeb) Nimrod 2 (1995), 929-931 (Uehlinger, Christoph, Art. Nimrod) Ninive 2 (1995), 931f (Röllig, Wolfgang, Art. Ninive) Ofir 3 (2001), 26 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ofir) Ofra, benjaminitisch 3 (2001), 26f (Vieweger, Dieter, Art. Ofra) Ofra, manassitisch 3 (2001), 26f (Vieweger, Dieter, Art. Ofra) On 2 (1995), 112–113 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Heliopolis) Paddan-Aram 3 (2001), 58 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Paddan-Aram) Paran 3 (2001), 70–71 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Paran) Patros 3 (2001), 87 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Patros/Patrositer) Peleg 3 (2001), 105 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Peleg) Peniël 3 (2001), 111–112 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Penuel) Petor 1 (1991), 300f (Groß, Walter, Art. Bileam) Pi-Beset 3 (2001), 150 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Pi-Beset) Pischon 3 (2001), 152 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Pischon) Punon 3 (2001), 219 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Punon) Put 3 (2001), 220f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Put) Rafaïterebene 3 (2001), 274 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Rafaïter) Rama, benjaminitisch 3 (2001), 277f (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Rama) Rama, efraimitisch 3 (2001), 277f (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Rama) Ramatajim 3 (2001), 277f (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Rama) Ramses 3 (2001), 281–282 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Ramsesstadt) Rehobot 3 (2001), 306−307 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Rehobot) Rehobot am Strom 3 (2001), 306−307 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Rehobot) Rehobot-Ir 3 (2001), 306−307 (Zwickel, Wolfgang, Art. Rehobot) Rimmon-Perez 3 (2001), 362 (Marinković, Peter, Art. Rimmon) Rodaniter 3 (2001), 356 (Elliger, Winfried, Art. Rhodos) Rogel-Quelle 3 (2001), 376 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Rogel-Quelle) Saba 3 (2001) 387f (Walter W.Müller, Art. Saba) Salzmeer 3 (2001), 910–911 (Worschech, Udo, Art. Totes Meer) Schelach 3 (2001), 470 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Schelach) Schihor 3 (2001), 473 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Schihor) Schilo 3 (2001), 474‒476 (Kreuzer, Siegfried, Art. Schilo) Schittim 3 (2001), 481 (Bieberstein, Klaus, Art. Schittim) Seba 3 (2001), 387f (Müller, Walter W., Art. Saba) Seïr 1 (1991), 467–468 (Knauf, Ernst-Axel, Art. Edom und Seïr) Sichem 3 (2001), 583ff (Jaroš, Karl, Art. Sichem) Sidon 3 (2001), 585f (Kinet, Dirk, Art. Sidon/Sidonier) Sin 3 (2001), 106 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Pelusium) Sodom 3 (2001), 622f (Beyerle, Stefan, Art. Sodom) Sukkot, Jordantal 3 (2001), 747 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Sukkot [ON]) Syene 3 (2001), 754 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Syene) Taanach 3 (2001), 765-766 (Kreuzer, Siegfried, Art. Taanach) Tappuach, efraimitisch 3 (2001), 781 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Tappuach) Tarschisch 3 (2001), 785 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Tarschisch) Teman 3 (2001), 799 (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art. Teman) Tigris 3 (2001), 875 (Sallaberger, Walther, Art. Tigris) Timna, Bergland 3 (2001), 875 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Timna) Tubal 3 (2001), 927 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Tubal); 3 (2001), 927 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Tubal-Kajin) Ur 3 (2001), 975 (Streck, Michael P., Art. Ur) Uz 3 (2001), 987f (Knauf, Ernst Axel, Art Uz) Wüste 3 (2001), 1129–1130 (Jericke, Detlef, Art. Wüste) Wüste Etam 1 (1991), 606f (Görg, Manfred, Art. Etam) Zoar 3 (2001), 1222 (Görg, Manfred, Art. Zoar) anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Abana 1 (1962), 3 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abana und Parpar) Abarimgebirge 1 (1962), 3 (Hertzberg, Hans Wilhelm, Art. Abarim) Abdon 1 (1962), 5 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Abdon) Abel-Bet-Maacha 1 (1962), 6 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abel) Abel-Keramim 1 (1962), 6 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abel) Abel-Mehola 1 (1962), 6 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abel) Abel-Mizrajim 1 (1962), 6 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abel) Abel-Schittim 1 (1962), 6 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abel) Achor-Tal 1 (1962), 21 (Preß, Richard, Art. Achor) Achschaf 1 (1962), 21 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Achsaph) Achsib, judäisch 1 (1962), 21f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Achsib) Achsib, phönizisch 1 (1962), 21f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Achsib) Adama, Naftali 1 (1962), 25 (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Adama) Adma 1 (1962), 26 (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Adma) Adorajim 1 (1962), 28 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Adoraim) Adullam 1 (1962), 28–29 (Bach, Robert, Art. Adullam) Afek, Ascher 1 (1962), 105 (Bückmann, Otto, Art. Aphek) Afek, ostjordanisch 1 (1962), 105 (Bückmann, Otto, Art. Aphek) Afek, Scharonebene 1 (1962), 102 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Antipatris); 1 (1962), 105 (Bückmann, Otto, Art. Aphek) Afeka 1 (1962), 105 (Bückmann, Otto, Art. Aphek) Ägypten 1 (1962), 31–47 (Krause, Martin, Art. Ägypten) Ai 1 (1962), 52f (Hertzberg, Hans Wilhelm, Art. Ai) Ajalon 1 (1962), 54 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ajalon) Akkad 1 (1962), 55 (Borger, Rykle, Art. Akkad) Akko 3 (1966), 1530 (Enslin, Morton S., Art. Ptolemais) Amalekiter, Gebiet der 1 (1962), 77 (Bach, Robert, Art. Amalek) Amana 1 (1962), 78 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Amana) Ammon 1 (1962), 82f (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Ammon) Anatot 1 (1962), 92 (Bach, Robert, Art. Anathoth) Ar-Moab 1 (1962), 118 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Ar) Araba 1 (1962), 118 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Araba) Arabien 1 (1962), 118f (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Araber, Arabien) Arad 1 (1962), 119 (Bückmann, Otto, Art. Arad) Aram 3 (1966), 1919–1922 (Hanhart, Robert / Reicke, Bo, Art. Syrien) Aram Naharajim 1 (1962), 119 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Aram-Naharaim); 2 (1964), 1197 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Mesopotamien) Ararat 1 (1962), 120f (Brückmann, Otto, Art. Ararat); 3 (1966), 2060 (Schmidtke, Friedrich, Art. Ur) Argob 1 (1962), 126 (Bückmann, Otto, Art. Argob) Arnontal 1 (1962), 130 (von Rabenau, Konrad, Art. Arnon) Aroër, Moab 1 (1962), 131 (von Rabenau, Konrad, Art. Aroer) Arpachschad 1 (1962), 131 (Rüger, Hans-Peter, Art. Arphachsad) Arpad 1 (1962), 131 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Arpad) Arwad 1, 133 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Arvad) Aschdod 1 (1962), 138 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Asdod) Aschkelon 1 (1962), 139 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Askalon) Aschtarot 1 (1962), 142 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Astaroth) Aschterot-Karnajim 2 (1964), 935 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Karnaim) Aseka 1 (1962), 138 (Rabenau, Konrad von, Art. Aseka) Assur 1 (1962), 178−188 (Borger, Rykle, Art. Assur); 1 (1962), 177–188 (Borger, Rykle, Art. Babylonien und Assyrien) Assur, Stadt 1 (1962), 178−188 (Borger, Rykle, Art. Assur) Atrot-Addar 1 (1962), 144 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ataroth) Atrot-Bet-Joab 1 (1962), 144 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ataroth) Atrot-Schofan 1 (1962), 144 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ataroth) Awa 1 (1962), 174 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Awwa) Baal-Zefon 1 (1962), 176 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Baal-Zaphon) Baalat 1 (1962), 176 (Hertzberg, Hans Wilhelm, Art. Baalath) Babel 1 (1962), 177–178 (Borger, Rykle, Art. Babylon); 1 (1962), 177–188 (Borger, Rykle, Art. Babylonien und Assyrien) Bach Besor 1 (1962), 226 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Besor) Bach Kerit 2 (1964), 1014 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Krith) Bahurim 1 (1962), 191f (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Bahurim) Baschan 1 (1962), 203f (Boecker, Hans Jochen / Reicke, Bo, Art. Basan) Beer, ostjordanisch 1 (1962), 210 (Rabenau, Konrad von, Art. Beer) Beer, westjordanisch 1 (1962), 210 (Rabenau, Konrad von, Art. Beer) Beer-Lahai-Roï 2 (1964), 1042 (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Lahai-Roi) Beerot 1 (1962), 210f (Rabenau, Konrad von, Art. Beeroth) Beerscheba 1 (1962), 211 (Rost, Leonhard, Art. Beerseba) Bela 1 (1962), 214 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Bela) Berg Hor, Nord 2 (1964), 748 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Hor) Berg Hor, Süd 2 (1964), 748 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Hor) Berg Perazim 3 (1966), 1419 (Gablenz, Clara von, Art. Perazim Bergland der Amoriter 1 (1962), 84f (Bach, Robert, Art. Amoriter) Bergrücken der Jebusiter 2 (1964), 832 Abb. 2 (Kosmala, Hans, Art. Jerusalem) Bet-Araba 1 (1962), 226 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Beth-Araba) Bet-Awen 1 (1962), 177 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Baalbek); 1 (1962), 227 (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Beth-Aven) Bet-El 1 (1962), 231f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Bethel) Bet-Gader 1 (1962), 529f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geder) Bet-Horon 1 (1962), 227 (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Beth-Horon) Bet-Jeschimot 1 (1962), 227f (Hentschke, RIchard, Art. Beth-Jesimoth) Bet-Millo 2 (1964), 1217f (Sauer, Georg, Art. Millo) Bet-Pegor 1 (1962), 228 (Wallis, Gerhard , Art. Beth Peor); 3 (1966), 1419 (Wallis, Gerhard , Art. Peor) Bet-Rafa 3 (1966), 1550 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Rapha) Bet-Rehob 1 (1962), 228 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Beth-Rehob); 3 (1966), 1572f (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Rehob, 2.) Bet-Schean 1 (1962), 228f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Beth-Sean) Bet-Schemesch 1 (1962), 229 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Beth-Semes) Bet-Schemesch, Issaschar 1 (1962), 229 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Beth-Semes) Bet-Schemesch, Naftali 1 (1962), 229 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Beth-Semes) Bet-Tappuach 1 (1962), 230 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Beth-Tappuach) Bet-Ter 1 (1962), 230 (Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich, Art. Beth-Ter) Bet-Zur 1 (1962), 230 (Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich, Art. Beth-Zur) Betlehem 1 (1962), 233 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Bethlehem) Betuël 1 (1962), 234 (Reventlow, Henning Graf, Art. Bethuel) Bozra 1 (1962), 269 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Bozra) Damaskus 1 (1962), 313 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Damaskus) Dan 1 (1962), 317 (Baltzer, Klaus, Art. Dan); 2 (1964), 1044 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Lais) Debir 1 (1962), 329f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Debir) Debir, benjaminitisch 1 (1962), 329f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Debir) Dibon 1 (1962), 342 (Elliger, Karl, Art Dibon) Dimona 1 (1962), 342 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Dibon) Dor 1 (1962), 350 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Dor); 2 (1964), 1287 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Naphot-Dor) Dotan 1 (1962), 351 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Dothan) Duma, Juda 1 (1962), 357 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Duma) Ebal 1 (1962), 359 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Ebal) Eben-Eser 1 (1962), 359f (Preß, Richard, Art. Eben-Ezer) Ebene Jesreel 2 (1964), 857f (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Jesreel) Eber BHH 1 (1962), 360 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Eber) Eden 1 (1962), 365f (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Eden) Edom 1 (1962), 366−368 (Maag, Viktor, Art. Edom); 2 (1964), 759 (Höhne, Ernst, Art. Idumäa) Edreï 1 (1962), 368 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Edrei) Efrata 1 (1962), 421 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Ephrat) Eglon 1 (1962), 369 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Eglon) Ekbatana 1 (1962), 384 (Hinz, Walther, Art. Ekbatana) Ekron 1 (1962), 385 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ekron) El-Paran 3 (1966), 1445 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Pharan) Elam 1 (1962), 389f (Hinz, Walther, Art. Elam) Elat 1 (1962), 390 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Elath) Elim 1 (1962), 399 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Elim) Elischa 3 (1966), 2252-2254 (Wiesner, Joseph, Art. Zypern) Elkosch 1 (1962), 401 (Horst, Friedrich, Art. Elkos) Ellasar 1 (1962), 401 (Rüger, Hans-Peter, Art. Ellasar) Elteke 1 (1962), 403 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Eltheke) En-Dor 1 (1962), 409 (Wildberger, Hans, Art. Endor) En-Gedi 1 (1962), 409 (Milik, Joseph Tadée, Art. Engedi) En-Rimmon 3 (1966), 1602 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Rimmon) Erech 1 (1962), 426 (Schmidtke, Friedrich, Art. Erech) Eschtaol 1 (1962), 444f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Esthaol) Eschtemoa 1 (1962), 445 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Esthemoa) Eufrat 1 (1962), 448 (Delekat, Lienhard, Art. Eufrat) Ezjon-Geber 1 (1962), 461f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ezeon-Geber) Gaasch 1 (1962), 505 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gaas) Galiläa 1 (1962), 510-512 (Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich, Art. Galiläa) Garizim 1 (1962), 513 (Beek, Martin A., Art. Garizim) Gat 1 (1962), 515 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gath) Gaza 1 (1962), 516 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gaza) Geba 1 (1962), 517f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geba) Gebal 1 (1962), 293f (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Byblos) Gebiet der Ammoniter 1 (1962), 82f (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Ammon) Gebim 1 (1962), 526 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gebim) Geder 1 (1962), 529f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geder) Gedera 1 (1962), 529f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geder) Gederot 1 (1962), 529f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geder) Gederotajim 1 (1962), 529f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geder) Gedor 1 (1962), 529f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geder) Gerar 1 (1962), 547f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gerar) Geschur 1 (1962), 562 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Geschur) Geser 1 (1962), 559 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Geser) Gibbeton 1 (1962), 566f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gibbethon) Gibea, benjaminitisch 1 (1962), 567f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gibea) Gibea, Juda 1 (1962), 567f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gibea) Gibea-Saul 1 (1962), 567f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gibea) Gibeon 1 (1962), 568f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gibeon) Gihon, Quelle 1 (1962), 571 (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Gihon) Gihon, Strom 1 (1962), 571 (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Gihon) Gilboa 1 (1962), 571 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Gilboa) Gilead, Landschaft 1 (1962), 571–572 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Gilead) Gilead, Ort 1 (1962), 571–572 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Gilead) Gilgal 1 (1962), 572f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Gilgal) Girgaschiter 1 (1962), 573 (Delekat, Lienhard, Art. Girgasiter) Golan, Ort 1 (1962), 581f (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Golan) Gomorra 1 (1962), 585 (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Gomorrha) Goren-Atad 1 (1962), 6 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Abel) Gosan 1 (1962), 585 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Gosan) Goschen 1 (1962), 585 (Krause, Martin, Art. Goschen) Gottesberg 1 (1962), 594 (Fohrer, Georg, Art. Gottesberg) Grenzbach Ägyptens 1 (1962), 189 (Stoebe, Hans-Joachim, Art. Bach Ägyptens) Habor 2 (1964), 620 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Habor) Hadid 2 (1964), 622 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Hadid) Halach 2 (1964), 627 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Halah) Hamat 2 (1964), 629f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hamath) Haran 2 (1964), 647 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Haran) Harod 2 (1964), 648 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Harod) Haroschet-Gojim 2 (1964), 649 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Haroseth-Gojim) Haurangebirge 2 (1964), 658 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Hauran) Hawila 2 (1964), 716 (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Hevila) Hazerot 2 (1964), 663 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hazeroth) Hazezon-Tamar 1 (1962), 409 (Milik, Joseph T., Art. Engedi) Hazor 2 (1964), 663 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hazor) Hazor, Arabien 2 (1964), 663 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hazor) Hazor, benjaminitisch 2 (1964), 663 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hazor) Hazor, judäisch 2 (1964), 663 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hazor) Hebron 2 (1964), 669f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hebron) Henoch 2 (1964), 692 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Henoch) Hermon 2 (1964), 695 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Hermon) Heschbon 2 (1964), 709 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hesbon) Het 2 (1964), 711 (Otten, Heinrich, Art. Heth) Hinnomtal 2 (1964), 723 (Kosmala, Hans, Art. Hinnom) Höhenrücken von Dor 2 (1964), 1287 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Naphot-Dor) Horeb 2 (1964), 748 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Horeb) Horma 2 (1964), 749 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Horma Ijon 2 (1964), 760 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ijon) Indien 2 (1964), 761 (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Indien) Ir-Heres 2 (1964), 772 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Ir-Heres) Ir-Melach 3 (1966), 1654 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Salzstadt) Ir-Nahasch 2 (1964), 1281 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Nahas) Jabbok 2 (1964), 790 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Jabbok) Jabesch-Gilead 2 (1964), 790f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Jabes) Jabneel, Juda 2 (1964), 791 (Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich, Art. Jabneel) Jabneel, Naftali 2 (1964), 791 (Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich, Art. Jabneel) Jafia 2 (1964), 803 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Japhia) Jafo 2 (1964), 803f (Enslin, Morton S., Art. Japho, Joppe) Jahaz 2 (1964), 796 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Jahza/Jahaz) Jarmut 2 (1964), 804f (Molin, Georg, Art. Jarmuth) Jarmut, Issaschar 2 (1964), 804f (Molin, Georg, Art. Jarmuth) Jaser 2 (1964), 805 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Jaser) Jattir 2 (1964), 806 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Jatthir) Jawan 1 (1962), 609f (Dahl, Nils Alstrup, Art. Griechenland, Griechen); 2 (1964), 806 (Weise, Manfred, Art. Javan) Jebus 2 (1964), 806 (Molin, Georg, Art. Jebus) Jegar-Sahaduta 2 (1964), 807 (Hartmann, Benedikt, Art. Jegar-Sahaduta) Jenseits des Stroms 3 (1966), 2021 (Morawe, Günter, Art. Transeuphrat) Jericho 2 (1964), 816–819 (Bright, John, Art. Jericho) Jerusalem 2 (1964), 820-849 (Kosmala, Hans, Art. Jerusalem) Jeschua 2 (1964), 858 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Jesua) Jesreel 2 (1964), 857f (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Jesreel) Jesreel, judäisch 2 (1964), 857f (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Jesreel) Jibleam 2 (1964), 866 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Jibleam) Jokneam 2 (1964), 881 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Jokneam) Joktan 2 (1964), 881 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Joktan) Jokteel, edomitisch 2 (1964), 881 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Joktheel) Jokteel, judäisch 2 (1964), 881 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Joktheel) Jordan 2 (1964), 884f (Peucker, Herbert, Art. Jordan) Juda 2 (1964), 898-901 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Juda) Jutta 2 (1964), 916 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Jutta) Kabul 2 (1964), 916f (Reventlow, Henning Graf, Art. Kabul) Kabzeel 2 (1964), 917 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Kabzeel) Kadesch-Barnea 2 (1964), 917–918 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Kades) Kaftor 2 (1964), 931f (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Kaphtor); 2 (1964), 1001‒1003 (Wiesner, Joseph / Reicke, Bo, Art. Kreta) Kalne 2 (1964), 922 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Kalne) Kalne, Syrien 2 (1964), 922 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Kalne) Kana 2 (1964), 926 (Bammel, Ernst, Art. Kana) Kanaan 2 (1964), 926 (Hempel, Johannes, Art. Kanaan) Karkemisch 2 (1964), 933f (Borger, Riekele, Art. Karchemis) Karmel, Gebirge 2 (1964), 934f (Sauer, Georg, Art. Karmel) Karmel, Juda 2 (1964), 934f (Sauer, Georg, Art. Karmel) Karnajim 2 (1964), 935 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Karnaim) Kebar 2 (1964), 1316 (Borger, Riekele, Art. Nippur); 2 (1964), 937 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Kebar) Kedar 2 (1964), 937 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kedar) Kedesch, Issaschar 2 (1964), 938 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Kedesch) Kedesch, Naftali 2 (1964), 938 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Kedesch) Kefira 2 (1964), 931 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Kaphira) Keïla 2 (1964), 938 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art., Kegila) Kelach 2 (1964), 920 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Kalah) Kerijot 2 (1964), 934 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Karioth) Kerijot-Hezron 2 (1964), 934 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Karioth) Kibrot-Hataawa 2 (1964), 946 (Morawe, Günter, Art. Kibroth-Hattaawa) Kidron 2 (1964), 946f (Kosmala, Hans, Art. Kidron) Kinneret, Ort 2 (1964), 951f (Gerber, Wolfgang E., Art. Kinneret) Kinneret, See 2 (1964), 951f (Gerber, Wolfgang E., Art. Kinneret); 3 (1966), 1754f (Gerber, Wolfgang E., Art. See Genezareth) Kir, aramäisch 2 (1964), 952 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kir) Kir-Heres 2 (1964), 952 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kir-Hareseth) Kirjat-Arba 2 (1964), 956 (Rüger, Hans-Peter, Art. Kirjath 1. K.-Arba) Kirjat-Baal 2 (1964), 956 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kirjath) Kirjat-Huzot 2 (1964), 956 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kirjath) Kirjat-Jearim 2 (1964), 956 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kirjath) Kirjat-Sanna 2 (1964), 956 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kirjath) Kirjat-Sefer 2 (1964), 956 (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Kirjath) Kirjatajim 2 (1964), 956–957 (Rost, Leonhard, Art. Kirjathaim) Kischjon 2 (1964), 957 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Kisjon) Kischon 2 (1964), 957 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Kison) Kusch 1 (1962), 147f (Reicke, Bo, Art. Äthiopien); 1 (1962), 310 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Chus) Kuta 2 (1964), 1034 (Borger, Riekele, Art. Kutha) Lachisch 2 (1964), 1035f (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Lachis) Lajisch 2 (1964), 1044 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Lais) Land der Ammoniter 1 (1962), 82f (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Ammon) Land der Amoriter 1 (1962), 84f (Bach, Robert, Art. Amoriter) Land der Hetiter 2 (1964), 711 (Otten, Heinrich, Art. Heth); 2 (1964), 711‒715 (Otten, Heinrich, Art. Hethiter) Land Efraim 1 (1962), 420f (Soggin, Juan Antonio, Art. Ephraim) Lebo-Hamat 2 (1964) 629f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Hamat) Lebona 2 (1964), 1061 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Lebona) Lehabiter 2 (1964), 1092 (Schneider, Carl, Art. Libyen) Lehi 2 (1964), 1062 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Lehi) Libanon 1 (1962), 98 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Antilibanon); 2, 1080f (Mittmann; Siegfried, Art. Libanon) Libna, Sinai 2 (1964), 1081 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Libna 1. Wüstenstation) Lo-Dabar 2 (1964), 1101 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Lodebar) Lod 2 (1964), 1101 (Enslin, Morton S., Art. Lod, Lydda) Lud 2 (1964), 1108 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Lud, Luditer) Lus 2 (1964), 1115 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Lus) Maacha 2 (1964), 1117–1119 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Maacha) Machpela 2 (1964), 1119 (Beek, Martinus Adrianus, Art. Machpela) Mahanajim 2 (1964), 1123 (Stoebe, Hans-Joachim, Art. Mahanaim) Makkeda 2 (1964), 1130 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Makkeda) Mamre 2 (1964), 1135f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Mamre) Manahat 2 (1964), 1136 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Manahath) Maon 2 (1964), 1143 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Maon) Mara 2 (1964), 1143f (Morawe, Günter, Art. Mara) Marescha 2 (1964), 1147f (Gold, Victor R., Art. Maresa) Massa 2 (1964), 1158f (Morawe, Günter, Art. Massa) Mattana 2 (1964), 1171 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Matthana) Me-Jarkon 2 (1964), 804 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Jarkon) Medeba 2 (1964) 1179f (Gold, Victor R., Art. Medeba) Medien 2 (1964), 1180 (Hinz, Walther, Art. Meder) Mefaat 2 (1964), 1193 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Mephaat) Megiddo 2 (1964), 648 (Rissi, Matthias, Art. Harmagedon); 2 (1964), 1182-1184 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Megiddo) Meribat-Kadesch 2 (1964), 1194 (Morawe, Günter, Art. Meriba) Merom 2 (1964), 1195f (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Merom) Mesopotamien 1 (1962), 119 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Aram-Naharaim); 2 (1964), 1197 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Mesopotamien) Michmas 2 (1964), 1213f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Michmas) Midian 2 (1964), 1214 (Bach, Robert, Art. Midian, Midianiter) Migdal-Eder 3 (1966), 2034 (Höhne, Ernst, Art. Turm Eder) Migdal-El 2 (1964), 1215 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Migdal) Migdal-Gad 2 (1964), 1215 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Migdal) Migdol 2 (1964), 1215 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Migdal) Migron 2 (1964), 1215 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Migron) Millo 2 (1964), 1217f (Sauer, Georg, Art. Millo) Minit 2 (1964), 1218 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Minnith) Mitka 2 (1964), 1226 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Mithka) Mizpa 2 (1964), 1228f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Mizpa) Mizpa in Gilead 2 (1964), 1228f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Mizpa) Moab 2 (1964), 1229–1232 (Molin, Georg Art. Moab) Moreschet-Gat 2 (1964), 1238 (Fohrer, Georg, Art. Moreseth-Gath) Morija 2 (1964), 1239 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Morija) Moser 2 (1964), 1243 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Moser, Moseroth) Moserot 2 (1964), 1243 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Moser, Moseroth) Nabel des Landes 2 (1964), 1271 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Nabel der Welt) Nebo, Berg 2 (1964), 1295 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Nebo) Nebo, Ort 2 (1964) 1295 (Elliger, Karl / Reicke, Bo; Art. Nebo) Netofa 2 (1964), 1302 (Gablenz, Clara von, Art. Netopha) Nil 2 (1964), 1313–1314 (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. Nil) Nimrod 2 (1964), 1314f (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Nimrod) Ninive 2 (1964), 1315f (Borger, Rykle, Art. Ninive) No 2 (1964), 1316f (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. No) Nob 2 (1964), 1319 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Nob[e]) Nofach 2 (1964), 1319 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Nophah) Obal 2 (1964), 1325 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Obal) Obot 2 (1964), 1326 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Oboth) Ofel 2 (1964), 1352 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Ofel) Ofir 2 (1964), 1353 (Rost, Leonhard, Art. Ophir) Ofra, benjaminitisch 2 (1964), 1353 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ophra) Ofra, manassitisch 2 (1964), 1353 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ophra) Ölberg 2 (1964), 1339f (Sauer, Georg, Art. Ölberg) On 2 (1964), 1342–1343 (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. On) Ono 2 (1964), 1344 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ono) Orakeleiche 2 (1964), 1238 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. More) Paddan-Aram 3 (1966), 1361 (Delekat, Lienhard, Art. Paddan-Aram) Pagu 3 (1966), 1361 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Pagi) Paran 3 (1966), 1445 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Pharan) Parpar 3 (1966), 1449 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Pharphar) Parwajim 3 (1966), 1395 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Parwaim) Patros 3 (1966), 1400 (Kaiser, Otto, Art. Pathros) Pegor 3 (1966), 1419 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Peor) Peleg 3 (1966), 1411 (Morawe, Günter, Art. Peleg) Peniël 3 (1966),1478 ( Elliger, Karl, Art. Pniel, Pnuel) Persien 3 (1966), 1423-1426 (Hinz, Walther, Art. Perser, Persien) Petor 1 (1962), 252f (Pákozdy, Ladislaus Martin, Art. Bileam) Philisterland 3 (1966), 1455 (Reymond, Philippe / Reicke, Bo, Art. Philistäa); 3 (1966), 1455-1458 (Reymand, Philippe, Art. Philister) Pi-Beset 3 (1966), 1471f (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. Pibeseth) Pi-Hahirot 3 (1966), 1472 (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. Pihachiroth) Piraton 3 (1966), 1475 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Pirathon) Pischon 3 (1966), 1476 (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Pison) Pisga 3 (1966), 1475 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Pisga) Pitom 3 (1966), 1476 (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. Pithom) Punon 3 (1966), 1475 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Pinon) Put 3 (1966), 1533 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Put) Rabba 3 (1966), 1450f (Rissi, Matthias, Art. Philadelphia); 3 (1966), 1541 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Rabba, 1.) Rabba, Juda 3 (1966), 1541 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Rabba, 2.) Rabbat-Ammon 3 (1966), 1450f (Rissi, Matthias, Art. Philadelphia); 3 (1966), 1541 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Rabba, 1.) Rafaïterebene 3 (1966), 1590f (Sauer, Georg, Art. Rephaim) Ragma 3 (1966), 1547 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Ragma) Rama, benjaminitisch 3 (1966), 1548f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Rama) Rama, efraimitisch 3 (1966), 1548f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Rama) Ramat Lehi 2 (1964), 1062 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Lehi) Ramot 3 (1966), 1550 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ramoth, 2.) Ramot-Gilead 3 (1966), 1549f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ramoth, 1.) Ramses 3 (1966), 1546–1547 (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. Raemses) Refidim 3 (1966), 1551 (Morawe, Günter, Art. Raphidim) Rehob, Ascher 3 (1966), 1572f (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Rehob, 1.) Rehobot 3 (1966), 1573 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Rehoboth) Rekem 3 (1966), 1585f (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Rekem) Rezef 3 (1966), 1595 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Rezeph) Ribla 3 (1966), 1596 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Ribla) Rimmon-Perez 3 (1966), 1602 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Rimmon) Rodaniter 3 (1966), 1596 (Gerber, Wolfgang E., Art. Rhodos) Rogel-Quelle 3 (1966), 1606 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Rogel) Saba 3 (1966), 1632 (Höfner, Maria, Art. Saba) Sabta 3 (1966), 1636 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Sabtha) Sabtecha 3 (1966), 1636 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Sabtecha) Salem 3 (1966), 1647–1648 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Salem) Salzmeer 3 (1966), 2015–2016 (Mittmann, Siegfried, Art. Totes Meer) Salztal 3 (1966), 1654f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Salztal) Samaria, Landschaft 3 (1966), 1655-1659 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Samaria) Samaria, Ort 3 (1966), 1655-1659 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Samaria) Sarepta 3 (1966), 2204 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Zarpath) Schalischa 3 (1966), 1649 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Salisa) Schamir 3 (1966), 1662 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Samir) Scharon 3 (1966), 1673f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Saron) Schelach 3 (1966), 1645 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Salah) Schichor-Libnat 3 (1966), 1792 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sihor-Libnath) Schilfmeer 3 (1966), 1623 (Mittmann, Siegfried, Art. Rotes Meer, 1.) Schilo 3 (1966), 1794f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Silo) Schiloach 3 (1966), 1795 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Siloah) Schinar 3 (1966), 1805 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Sinear) Schittim 3 (1966), 1812 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sittim, 1.) Schittim-Tal 3 (1966), 1812 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Sittim, 2.) Schuach 3 (1966), 1886 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Suah) Schunem 3 (1966), 1895 (Wildberger, Hans, Art. Sunem) Seba 3 (1966), 1752 (Gablenz, Clara von, Art. Seba, 1.) Sefarad 3 (1966), 1772 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Sepharad) Sefarwajim 3 (1966), 1772 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Sepharvaim) Seïr 3 (1966), 1760 (Rüger, Hans-Peter, Art. Seir) Sela 3 (1966), 1761 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sela) Sela-Rimmon 3 (1966), 1602 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Rimmon) Senir 3 (1966), 1772 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Senir) Sichem 3 (1966), 1781ff (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sichem) Siddimtal 3 (1966), 1784 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Siddim) Sidon 3 (1966), 1784f (Kraeling, Emil Gottlieb Heinrich, Art. Sidon) Sif, Bergland 3 (1966), 1808 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Siph) Sif, Negeb 3 (1966), 1808 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Siph) Sin 3 (1966), 1800 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Sin) Sinai, Berg 3 (1966), 1801f (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Sinai, 1.) Sinai, Landschaft 3 (1966), 1801f (Reicke, Bo, Art. Sinai, 2.) Sirjon 3 (1966), 1810 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sirjon) Skorpionensteige 1 (1962), 56 (Bach, Robert, Art. Akrabim) Socho, Bergland 3 (1966), 1817 (Bach, Robert, Art. Socho) Socho, Schefela 3 (1966), 1817 (Bach, Robert, Art. Socho) Sodom 3 (1966), 1817f (Hentschke, Richard, Art. Sodom) Stadt mitten im Tal 2 (1964) , 772 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Ir-Moab) Steige von Adummim 1 (1962), 29 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Adummim) Sukkot, Jordantal 3 (1966), 1887f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sukkoth) Susa 3 (1966), 1895f (Hinz, Walther, Art. Susa) Syene 3 (1966), 1800 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Sin); 3 (1966), 1896 (Kaiser, Otto, Art. Syene) Taanach 3 (1966), 1961f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thaanach) Tabera 3 (1966), 1962 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Thabeera) Tabor 3 (1966), 1962f (Bach, Robert, Art. Thabor) Tachpanhes 3 (1966), 1963 (Morenz, Siegfried, Art. Thachphanhes) Tadmor 3 (1966), 1963f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thadmor) Tal Beracha 2 (1964), 1100 (Gablenz, Clara von, Art. Lobetal) Tal der Leichen 3 (1966), 1927f (Rost, Leonhard / Gerleman, John Gillis Harry, Art. Tal der Leichen, Haufental) Tal der Werkleute 3 (1966), 1928 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Tal der Zimmerleute) Tal Joschafat 3 (1966), 1928 (Kapelrud, Arvid S., Art. Tal Josaphat) Tal Sorek 3 (1966), 1824 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Sorek) Tamar 3 (1966), 1964 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Thamar) Tarschisch 3 (1966), 1965 (Knippenberg, Renate, Art. Tharsis) Tebach 3 (1966), 1938 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Teba) Tekoa 3 (1966), 1966f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thekoa) Tel-Abib 3 (1966), 1940 (Kraeling, Emil G., Art. Tel-Abib) Tema 3 (1966), 1967 (Borger, Riekele, Art. Thema) Teman 3 (1966), 1967 (Beek, Martinus A., Art. Theman) Tenne Nachons
2 (1964), 1274 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Nachon) Terach 3 (1966), 1964f (Cramer, Karl, Art. Thara) Terebinthental 1 (1962), 374 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Eichgrund) Tifsach 3 (1966), 1972 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thipsah) Tigris 2 (1964), 717 (Ringgren, Helmer, Art. Hiddekel) Timna, Bergland 3 (1966), 1972 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thimna[t]) Timna, Schefela 3 (1966), 1972 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thimna[t]) Tiras 3 (1966), 1975 (Delling, Gerhard, Art. Thrazien) Tirza 3 (1966), 1973 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thirza) Tischbe 3 (1966), 1973f (Elliger, Karl, Art. Thisbe) Tob 3 (1966), 1996 (Höhne, Ernst, Art. Tob) Tofet 3 (1966), 1975 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Thophet) Togarma 3 (1966), 1974 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Thogarma) Traubental 1 (1962), 439 (Elliger, Karl, Art. Eskol) Tyrus 3 (1966), 235f (Rüger, Hans Peter, Art. Tyrus) Ur 3 (1966), 2060 (Schmidtke, Friedrich, Art. Ur) Uz 3 (1966), 2070 (Schnutenhaus, Frank, Art. Uz) Wasser von Merom 2 (1964), 1195f (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Merom) Weg am Meer 3 (1966), 2147 (Kaiser, Otto, Art. Weg am Meer) Weidenbach 3 (1966), 2148f (Schwarzenbach, Armin Werner, Art. Weidenbach) Wüste 3 (1966), 2193f (Herrmann, Siegfried / Reicke, Bo, Art. Wüste); 3 (1966), 2195-2198 (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Wüstenzug) Wüste Sin 3 (1966), 1800 (Wallis, Gerhard, Art. Sin) Wüste Zin 3 (1966), 2241f (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Zin) Zafon 3 (1966), 2203f (Preß, Richard, Art. Zaphon) Zebojim 3 (1966), 2205 (Rost, Leonhard, Art. Zeboim) Zela 3 (1966), 2228 (Reicke, Bo, Art. Zela) Zereda 3 (1966), 2234f (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Zereda) Ziklag 3 (1966), 2238-2241 (Stoebe, Hans Joachim, Art. Ziklag) Zin 3 (1966), 2241f (Herrmann, Siegfried, Art. Zin) Zion 3 (1966), 2242f (Bach, Robert, Art. Zion) Zoan 3 (1966), 2244f (Krause, Martin, Art. Zoan) Zoar 1 (1962), 214 (Sauer, Georg, Art. Bela); 3 (1966), 2245 (Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz, Art. Zoar) Zora 3 (1966), 2246 (Jenni, Ernst, Art. Zora) anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim , 243 Adma , 63f Adullam , 230f Ägypten , 104‒106 Ai , 97−100 Akkad , 46f Amalekiter, Gebiet der , 129f Aram Naharajim , 157f Ararat , 39−41 Aschtarot , 120–122 Assur , 34f Awit , 209 Babel , 42−45 Beer-Lahai-Roï , 146f Beerscheba , 148−150 Bered , 147f Bergland , 94f Bet-El , 95–97 Bet-Hogla , 242f Betlehem , 203f Bozra , 207 Chaldäa , 84f Damaskus , 137–140 Dan , 133-135 Dinhaba , 206f Dotan , 228f Eden , 25f Edom , 180–184 Efrata , 202f El-Paran , 124f Elam , 116f Ellasar , 114f En-Mischpat , 125f Enajim , 234f Erech , 45f Esek , 184 Eufrat , 36f Gaza , 59−61 Gerar , 56−59 Gihon, Quelle , 29-31 Gihon, Strom , 29-31 Gilead, Landschaft , 188–190 Gomorra , 62f Goren-Atad , 242f Goschen , 238–240 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 143–145 Ham , 122f Haran , 87f Hawila , 28f Hazezon-Tamar , 130–133 Hebron , 111–114 Henoch , 38 Hoba , 136f Inselvölker , 41f Irad , 38 Jabbok , 196f Jegar-Sahaduta , 190–192 Jordan , 194–196 Jordanau , 106f Kadesch-Barnea , 126–128 Kalne , 47 Kanaan , 85-87 Kelach , 51f Kirjat-Arba , 155f.111‒114 Kirjatajim , 123f Königstal , 141 Kusch , 31−33 Lajisch , 133-135 Land der Söhne des Ostens , 188f Land der Temaniter , 207–209 Lescha , 64f Leschem , 133‒135; s. auch zu Dan und zu Lajisch Lus , 186f Maale-Heres , 197f Machpela , 111–114.156f. Mahanajim , 192-194 Mamre , 109−111 Masch , 65f Masreka , 210 Mescha , 65f Mesopotamien , 157f Migdal-Eder , 204–206 Morgenland , 188f Morija , 153f Negeb , 100‒103 Nil , 236f Nimrod , 51f Ninive , 49f Nod , 37 On , 237f Orakeleiche , 92–94 Pagu , 212 Paran , 150–152 Peniël , 197–199 Philisterland , 152f Pischon , 26−28 Ramses , 240–242 Rehobot , 185f Rehobot am Strom , 210f Rehobot-Ir , 50f Resen , 53f Salem , 142f Salzmeer , 219f Schawetal , 140f Schinar , 48 Schur , 145f Sefar , 66f Seïr , 180–184 Sichem , 88–92 Siddimtal , 117f Sidon , 54−56 Sitna , 185 Sodom , 61f Stadt Nahors , 158f Sukkot, Jordantal , 200f Teman , 207–209 Tigris , 33f Timna, Bergland , 231–233 Träneneiche , 201f Ur , 83f Weg nach Schur , 145f Wüste Schur , 145f Zebojim , 64 Zoar , 107−109 anchor text [invisible]
Weippert, Manfred (Hg.), Historisches Textbuch zum Alten Testament (Grundrisse zum Alten Testament/Das Alte Testament Deutsch, Ergänzungsreihe 10; Göttingen 2010).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Herrmann, Georgina / Laidlaw, Stuart, Assyrian Nimrud and the Phoenicians, Archaeology International 16 (2013), 84−95.
Ortsnamen: Kelach anchor text [invisible]
Giorgetti, Andrew, The “Mock Building Account” of Genesis 11:1−9: Polemic against Mesopotamian Royal Ideology, Vetus Testamentum 64 (2014), 1−20.
Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
Doumet-Serhal, Claude / Shahud, Jwana, A Middle Bronze Age temple in Sidon. Ritual and communal feasting, in: Loretz, Oswald / Ribichini, Sergio / Watson, Wilfred G.E. / Zamora, José Á. (Hg.), Ritual, Religion and Reason. Studies in the Ancient World in Honour of Paolo Xella (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 404; Münster 2013), 33−60.
Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
Díez Macho, Alejandro, Targum Palaestinense in Pentateuchum, L. 1 Genesis (Biblia Polyglotta Matritensia Series IV; Madrid 1988).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Dan, Roberto, From Tušpa to Militia. Further Considerations on the Westward Expansion of the Kingdom of Urartu, Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies 7/2 (2012), 54−83.
Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
Crüsemann, Nicola / Ess, Margarete van / Hilgert, Markus / Salje, Beate (Hg.), Uruk. 5000 Jahre Megacity (Petersberg 2013).
Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
Collins, Steve, Where is Sodom? The Case for Tall el-Hammam, Biblical Archaeology Review 39/2 (2013), 32−41.70f.
Ortsnamen: Sodom anchor text [invisible]
Bron, François, Notes d’épigraphie minéenne, Semitica 55 (2013), 173−178.
Ortsnamen: Gaza anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Shlomo, David, The Smithsonian Institution Excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel, 1970−1990 (Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropolygy 50; Washington, DC 2014).
Ortsnamen: Gerar anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Shlomo, David, Tell Ǧemme during the Bronze Age and Canaanite Household Archaeology, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 128 (2012), 133−157.
Ortsnamen: Gerar Scharuhen anchor text [invisible]
Batmaz, Atilla, A New Ceremonial Practice at Ayanis Fortress: The Urartian Sacred Tree Ritual on the Eastern Shore of Lake Van, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 72 (2013), 65−83.
Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
André-Salvini, Béatrice (Hg.), La tour de Babylone. Etudes et recherches sur les monuments de Babylone (Documenta Asiana X; Roma 2013).
Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
Altaweel, Mark, The Imperial Landscape of Ashur. Settlement and Land Use in the Assyrian Heartland (Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient 11; Heidelberg 2008).
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Ackerman, Susan, E-Dan, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 13 (2013), 153−187.
Ortsnamen: Eden anchor text [invisible]
Aberbach, Moses / Grossfeld, Bernard, Targum Onkelos to Genesis. A Critical Analysis Together With An English Translation of the Text (Denver, CO 1982).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Maclean, Rachel / Insoll, Timothy, An Archaeological Guide to Bahrain (Oxford 2011).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
LaCocque, André, The Captivity of Innocence. Babel and the Yahwist (Eugene, OR 2010).
Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
Elitzur, Yoel, Qīr of the Aramaeans: A New Approach, Shnaton 21 (2011), 141−152.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Langlois, Michael / Römer, Thomas (Hg.), Monde sémitique et Bible hébraïque (Semitica 54; Paris 2012).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Galor, Katharina / Avni, Gideon (Hg.), Unearthing Jerusalem. 150 Years of Archaeological Research in the Holy City (Winona Lake, IN 2011).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Lipschits, Oded / Vanderhooft, David Stephen, The Yehud Stamp Impressions. A Corpus of Inscribed Impressions from the Persian and Hellenistic Periods in Judah (Winona Lake, IN 2011).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
De Groot, Alon / Fadida, Atalya, The Pottery Assemblage from the Rock-Cut Pool near the Gihon Spring, Tel Aviv 38 (2011), 158−166.
Ortsnamen: Gihon, Quelle anchor text [invisible]
Hutzli, Jürg, The Meaning of the Term ‘îr dawid in Samuel and Kings, Tel Aviv 38 (2011), 167−178.
Ortsnamen: Davidstadt anchor text [invisible]
McCarter, P. Kyle / Bunimovitz, Shlomo / Lederman, Zvi, An Archaic Baʿl Inscription from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Tel Aviv 38 (2011), 179−193.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, Observations on the Layout of Iron Age Samaria, Tel Aviv 38 (2011), 194−207.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Dagan, Amit, Negebite Pottery beyond the Negev, Tel Aviv 38 (2011), 208−219.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Marzahn, Joachim / Salje, Beate (Hg.), Wiedererstehendes Assur. 100 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabungen in Assyrien (Mainz 2003).
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Sivertsen, Barbara J., The Parting of the Sea. How Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Plagues Shaped the Story of Exodus (Princeton, NJ 2009).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Beit-Arieh, Itzhaq, Excavations at Tel Malḥata: An Interim Report, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 17−32.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Bunimovitz, Shlomo / Lederman, Zvi, Close Yet Apart: Diverse Cultural Dynamics at Iron Age Beth-Shemesh and Lachish, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 33−53.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Cline, Eric H., Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On: The Possible Destruction by Earthquake of Stratum VIA at Megiddo, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 55−70.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Dagan, Yehuda, Tel Azekah: A New Look at the Site and Its »Judean« Fortress, in: Finkelstein, Israel. / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 71−86.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Fantalkin, Alexander, Why Did Nebuchadnezzar II Destroy Ashkelon in Kislev 604 B.C.E.?, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 87−111.
Ortsnamen: Aschkelon anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, Tall al-Umayri in the Iron Age I: Facts and Fiction, with an Appendix on the History of the Collared Rim Pithoi, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 113−128.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Herzog, Ze’ev / Singer-Avitz, Lily, Iron Age IIA Occupational Phases in the Costal Plain of Israel, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Naʾaman, Nadav (ed.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 159−174.
Ortsnamen: Meeresküste anchor text [invisible]
Knauf, Ernst Axel, Inside the Walls of Nehemiah’s Jerusalem: Naboth’s Vineyard, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 185−194.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Maeir, Aren M. / Gur-Arieh, Shira, Comparative Aspects of the Aramean Siege System at Tell Eṣ-Ṣāfi/Gath, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (ed.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 227−244.
Ortsnamen: Gat anchor text [invisible]
Martin, Mario A. S., Egyptian-Type Pottery at Late Bronze Age Megiddo, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 245−264.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav, The Shephelah according to the Amarna Letters, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 281−299.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Reich, Ronny, Reconsidering the Buildings in Area A at Edomite Buseirah, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.),The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 301−306.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Steiner, Margreet, The Persian Period City Wall of Jerusalem, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 307−315.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Stern, Ephraim, Phoenician Clay Masks from Tel Dor, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 317−330.
Ortsnamen: Dor anchor text [invisible]
Williamson, Hugh G. M., The Waters of Shiloah (Isaiah 8:5−8), in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 331−343.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Zadok, Ran, On the Toponymy of the Jezreel Valley and Adjacent Plains, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 345−371.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Zarzecki-Peleg, Anabel, Reexamining Area DD at Megiddo, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 373−385.
Ortsnamen: Megiddo anchor text [invisible]
Zuckerman, Sharon, Ruin Cults at Iron Age I Hazor, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (Winona Lake, IN 2011), 387−394.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Winnicki, Jan Krzysztof, Late Egypt and Her Neighbours. Foreign Population in Egypt in the First Millenium BC (Supplements to the Journal of Juristic Papyrology 12; Warszawa 2009).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Ulrich, Eugene (Hg.), The Biblical Qumran Scrolls. Transcriptions and Textual Variants (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 134; Leiden / Boston, MA 2010).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Elam anchor text [invisible]
Kafafi, Zeidan Abdel-Kafi / Abu Dalu, Ruba, Tell Irbid during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, Ugarit-Forschungen 40 (2008), 453−470.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Harrison, Timothy P. (Hg.), Cyprus, the Sea Peoples and the Eastern Mediterranean. Regional Perspectives of Continuity and Change (Scripta Mediterranea 27/28; Toronto 2008).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Garizim anchor text [invisible]
Erickson-Gini, Tali, Nabataean Settlement and Self-Organized Economy in the Central Negev. Crisis and Renewal (BAR International Series. Studies in Classical Archaeology 2054; Oxford 2010).
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Land der Hetiter anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Aram Bet-Eden , 47–98 Damaskus , 231–270 Eden , 47−98 Hamat , 185–230 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Eden anchor text [invisible]
Curtis, John E. / Simpson, St John (Hg.), The World of Achaemenid Persia. History, Art and Society in Iran and the Ancient Near East (London 2010).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Elitzur, Yoel, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History (Jerusalem / Winona Lake, IN 2004).
Ortsnamen: Atarot, efraimitisch , 150-155 Atrot-Addar , 157f Bet-El , 181–184 Bet-Schean , 298.303-304.318 Daberat , 222-231 Dan , 201–209 Edreï , 251-263 En-Dor , 174-177 Gat-Hefer , 345f Jafia , 176f.297.300.311 Jokneam , 176f.297.358 Kislot-Tabor , 160–163 Sarid , 110 Sichem , 32–34 Taanach , 300.305 Taanat-Schilo , 244.299-301 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 381 anchor text [invisible]
Delitzsch, Friedrich, Wo lag das Paradies? Eine biblisch-assyriologische Studie (Leipzig 1881).
Ortsnamen: Eden Gihon, Strom Kusch Pischon Rehobot-Ir , 260f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Arpachschad , 46f Aschkenas , 22f Eden , 35-44 Elischa ,23f Geter , 46 Gihon, Strom 35-44 Hul , 46 Kusch , 35-44 Lud , 26f.51f Masch , 50 Meschech , 45 Pischon , 35-44 Put 25f.46f Ragma , 46 Rifat , 45 Rodaniter , 45 Sabta , 46 Sabtecha , 46 Seba , 48 Tarschisch , 21.46 Tiras , 56 Uz , 49f anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel / Piasetzky, Eli, The Date of Kuntillet 'Ajrud: The 14C Perspective, Tel Aviv 35 (2008), 175−185.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Freud, Liora, The Date of Kuntillet 'Ajrud: A Reply to Lily Singer-Avitz, Tel Aviv 35 (2008), 169−174.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Niemann, Hermann Michael, A New Look at the Samaria Ostraca.The King-Clan Relationship, Tel Aviv 35 (2008), 249−266.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Elim , 403 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 418-420 Hawila , 270−293 Mara , 403 Paran , 402 anchor text [invisible]
Willeitner, Joachim, Nubien. Antike Monumente zwischen Assuan und Khartum (München 1997).
Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Spieckermann, Hermann, Juda unter Assur in der Sargonidenzeit (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 129; Göttingen 1982).
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Onasch, Hans-Ulrich, Die assyrischen Eroberungen Ägyptens (Ägypten und Altes Testament 27; Wiesbaden 1994).
Ortsnamen: Assur Sin , 36–41 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Soggin, Jan Alberto, Das Buch Genesis (Darmstadt 1997).
Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim , 551 Aschkenas , 169 El-Paran , 232 Elischa , 169 Gomer , 168 Goren-Atad , 551 Henoch , 106f Jawan , 169 Kittäer , 169f Magog , 168f Medien , 169 Meschech , 169 Nod , 102 Rodaniter , 170 Tarschisch , 169 Tiras , 169 Tubal , 169 anchor text [invisible]
Budde, Karl, Die biblische Urgeschichte (Gen. 1−12,5) (Giessen 1883).
Ortsnamen: Ararat , 434-439 Henoch , 117-123 anchor text [invisible]
Eickhoff, Tilman, Archäologische Stätten, in: Hrouda, Barthel (Hg.), Der Alte Orient. Geschichte und Kultur des alten Vorderasien (Gütersloh 1991), 444−455.
Ortsnamen: Babel , 445 Henoch , 448 Kelach , 450f Ur , 455 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ninive anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Inselvölker , 128 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Arpachschad , 142f Aschkenas , 148 Elischa , 150 Gomer , 147 Inselvölker , 152 Jawan , 150.157-160 Lud , 143‒147 Magog , 148 Medien , 147 Meschech , 148 Put , 160 Rodaniter , 150 Tarschisch , 150‒152 Tiras , 149f Togarma , 148f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Lescha Zeret-Schahar anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Abarimgebirge , 378f Araba , 423f Arabien , 288–294 Argob , 275 Arnontal , 177.487f Baschan , 275 Bergland , 59‒65.371‒375 Bergland der Amoriter , 371 En-Schemesch , 454 Garizim , 360–370 Gilead, Landschaft , 276 Girgaschiter , 322f Haran , 301 Hermon , 347–349 Jabbok , 174f. 485f Jebus , 320 Jordan , 474–483 Jordanau , 424f Kaftor , 261–266 Kanaan , 299−320 Kinneret, See , 494–498 Land der Temaniter , 285 Lebo-Hamat , 301–304 Libanon , 340–344 Maacha , 249f Midian , 285‒287 Moab , 278–281 Pisga , 379-384 Rafaïterebene , 402 Rogel-Quelle , 148 Salzmeer , 498–505 Seïr , 281–285 Skorpionensteige , 306 Teman , 285 Wüste Zin , 434 anchor text [invisible]
Aharoni, Yohanan, Das Land der Bibel. Eine historische Geographie (Neukirchen-Vluyn 1984).
Ortsnamen: Afek, Ascher , 129.248f Afek, Libanon , 29.248f Afek, ostjordanisch , 346.355 Araba , 36f Argob , 38.323 Arnontal , 37‒40 Atarot, efraimitisch , 270 Azmon , 72 Baal-Gad , 249 Baal-Meon , 438 Bach Kana , 270 Baschan , 38f Bergland , 27–32 Bet-Hogla , 439 Bet-Schean , 94- Dabbeschet , 271 Daberat Dibon , 157–171 Dor , 110.271-272.440 Edom , 40f En-Dor , 126.245 Gat-Hefer Gerar , 166 Hawot-Jaïr , 216f Hazar-Addar , 72 Hezron , 72 Horma , 274 Jafia , 271 Jaser , 213 Jibleam , Jokneam Jordan , 32–37 Kadesch-Barnea , 72 Kanaan , 68−78 Karka , 72 Kislot-Tabor , 257 Laban , 339 Lebo-Hamat , 72–74 Libanon , Register Maacha , 149 Mahanajim , 35 Marala , 271 Meeresküste , 21–25 Michmetat , 270 Misrefot-Majim , 248 Naara , 61.270 Neftoach-Quelle , 194.269 Negeb , 26f.31f Ofra, manassitisch , 278.444 Paran , 204 Peniël , 35 Rama, benjaminitisch , 370.402.424 Salcha , 126.445 Sarid , 271 Taanach , 24.52.115- Taanat-Schilo , 111.270 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 376-385 Tofel , 446 Wüste Zin , 70f.200‒204 Zemarajim ,332-336.446 Zin , 70 anchor text [invisible]
Keel, Othmar / Küchler, Max / Uehlinger, Christoph, Orte und Landschaften der Bibel. Ein Handbuch und Studienreiseführer zum Heiligen Land. Band 1 Geographisch-geschichtliche Landeskunde (Zürich / Göttingen 1984).
Ortsnamen: Jebus , 300f Kanaan , 239−253 Land der Hetiter , 657 Lus , 297–303 anchor text [invisible]
Görg, Manfred, Der Name 'Kanaan' in ägyptischer Wiedergabe, Biblische Notizen 18 (1982), 26−27.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Engelken, Karen, Kanaan als nicht-territorialer Terminus, Biblische Notizen 52 (1990), 47−63.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Rainey, Anson Frank, Who Is a Canaanite? A Review of the Textual Evidence, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 304 (1996), 1−15.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Lemche, Niels Peter, Greater Canaan: The Implications of a Correct Reading of EA 151:49−67, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 310 (1998), 19−24.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Kallai, Zecharia, The Patriarchal Boundaries, Canaan and the Land of Israel: Patterns and Application in Biblical Historiography, Israel Exploration Journal 47 (1997), 69−82.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav, Four Notes on the Site of Late Bronze Age Canaan, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 313 (1999), 31−37.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Galling, Kurt, Studien zur Geschichte Israels im persischen Zeitalter (Tübingen 1964).
Ortsnamen: Haran , 1–20 Meeresküste , 195–209 anchor text [invisible]
Thompson, Thomas L., The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives. The Quest for the Historical Abraham (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 133; Berlin 1974).
Ortsnamen: Haran , 304 anchor text [invisible]
Gadd, Cyril John, The Harran Inscriptions of Nabonidus, Anatolian Studies 8 (1958), 35−92.
Ortsnamen: Haran anchor text [invisible]
Prag, Kay, The 1959 Deep Sounding at Harran in Turkey, Levant 2 (1970), 63−94.
Ortsnamen: Haran anchor text [invisible]
Zadok, Ran, The Babylonia-Elam Connections in the Chaldaean and Achaemenid Periods. Part II, Tel Aviv 38 (2011), 241−271.
Ortsnamen: Elam anchor text [invisible]
Thomsen, Peter, Loca Sancta. Verzeichnis der im 1. bis 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. erwähnten Ortschaften Palästinas mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der biblischen Stätten (Halle 1907).
Ortsnamen: Abel-Schittim , 13 Adullam , 15 Afek, ostjordanisch , 30 Afek, Scharonebene , 22 Afeka , 30 Ai , 14.22 Ar-Moab , 25 Arad , 23 Arnontal , 23 Aroër, Moab , 26 Aschdod , 17 Aschkelon , 28 Atrot-Addar , 29 Bet-Araba , 35‒37 Bet-El , 31 Bet-Hogla , 37 Bet-Horon , 42 Bet-Jeschimot , 43 Bet-Schean , 106-107 Betlehem , 39f Damaskus , 54 Dan , 54f Dinhaba , 54 Dor , 57 Ekron , 19 En-Dor , 16 Enajim , 18 Garizim , 24f Gat , 50 Gaza , 48 Gerar , 51 Hazezon-Tamar , 67 Hebron , 115f Heschbon , 62 Jafia , 70 Jaser , 16 Jericho , 71f Jibleam , 34 Kirjat-Jearim , 78 Kirjatajim , 77f; Lus , 84 Makkeda , 86 Mamre , 110f Mattana , 88 Medeba , 89f Mefaat , 90 Mibzar , 87 Naara , 93 Neftoach-Quelle , 94 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 19.63 Punon , 112 Rama, benjaminitisch , 98 Rama, efraimitisch , 98 Ramatajim , 24 Schilo , 105 Schittim , 13 Sichem , 93.108f Steige von Adummim , 86f Sukkot, Jordantal , 106 Taanach , 65f Timna, Bergland , 67 Zoar , 64 anchor text [invisible]
García-Treto, Francisco Oscar, Bethel. The History and Traditions of an Israelite Sanctuary (ThD Diss.) (Princeton, NJ 1967).
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Pfeiffer, Henrik, Das Heiligtum von Bethel im Spiegel des Hoseabuches (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 183; Göttingen 1999).
Ortsnamen: Bet-Awen , 67 Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Zwingenberger, Uta, Dorfkultur der frühen Eisenzeit in Mittelpalästina (Orbis biblicus et orientalis 180; Fribourg / Göttingen 2001).
Ortsnamen: Ai , 122.145−150 Bergland , 19–28 Bet-El , 75.122.154–158 Hebron , 166−170 Rama, efraimitisch , 141-144.176f..209-214.271-275.302-304.405-409.438-448.467f.519-525.553 Ramatajim , 141‒144 Schilo , 150‒153.231‒239 anchor text [invisible]
Koenen, Klaus, Bethel. Geschichte, Kult und Theologie (Orbis biblicus et orientalis 192; Fribourg / Göttingen 2003).
Ortsnamen: Bet-Awen , 14‒20 Bet-El Lus , 21–26 anchor text [invisible]
Köhlmoos, Melanie, Bet-El − Erinnerungen an eine Stadt (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 49; Tübingen 2006).
Ortsnamen: Bet-Awen , 121‒152 Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Gomes, Jules Francis, The Sanctuary of Bethel and the Configuration of Israelite Identity (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 368; Berlin / New York, NY 2006).
Ortsnamen: Bet-Awen , 160f Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Sternberg, Georg, Studien aus dem Deutschen evang. Institut für Altertumswissenschaft in Jerusalem. 27. Bethel, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 38 (1915), 1−40.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El Lus anchor text [invisible]
Galling, Kurt, Bethel und Gilgal I, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 66 (1943), 140−155.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El Gelilot anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El Gelilot anchor text [invisible]
Donner, Herbert, Das Deutsche Evangelische Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes. Lehrkurs 1963, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 81 (1965), 3−55.
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Otto, Eckart, Jakob in Bethel, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 88 (1976), 165−190.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El Lus anchor text [invisible]
Schwartz, Joshua Jay, Jubilees, Bethel and the Temple of Jacob, Hebrew Union College Annual 56 (1985), 63−85.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav, Beth-aven, Bethel and Early Israelite Sanctuaries, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 103 (1987), 13−21.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Awen Bet-El Kirjat-Jearim , 20 anchor text [invisible]
Rainey, Anson Frank, The Location of Bethel and Ai, Biblical Archaeology Review 14/5 (1988), 67−68.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Jamme, Albert, The Bethel Inscribed Stamp Again. A Vindication of Mrs Theodore Bent, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 280 (1990), 89−91.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Livingston, David Palmer, Further Considerations on the Location of Bethel at El-Bireh, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994), 154−159.
Ortsnamen: Ai Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Blum, Erhard, Noch einmal: Jakobs Traum in Bethel—Genesis 28,10−22, in: McKenzie, Steven Linn / Römer, Thomas (Hg.), Rethinking the Foundations. Historiography in the Ancient World and in the Bible. Essays in Honour of John Van Seters (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 294; Berlin / New York, NY 2000), 33−54.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ai Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ai Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Rainey, Anson Frank, Looking for Bethel. An Exercise in Historical Geography, in: Gitin, Seymour (Hg.), Confronting the Past. Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient Israel in Honor of William G. Dever (Winona Lake, IN 2006), 269−274.
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
Glueck, Nelson, Rivers in the Desert. A History of the Negev (New York, NY 1959).
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Negeb , 184f Horma , 182-184 Kina , 179f Molada , 181f Negeb Negeb der Jerachmeeliter , 134-136 Negeb der Keniter , 132-134 Negeb der Kereter , 134-136 Negeb von Juda , 134-136 Negeb von Kaleb , 134-136 anchor text [invisible]
Marx, Emanuel, Bedouin of the Negev (New York, NY 1967).
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Rothenberg, Beno, Negev. Archaeology in the Negev and the Arabah (hebr.) (Tel Aviv 1967).
Ortsnamen: Araba El-Paran , 101 Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Evenari, Michael / Shanan, Leslie / Tadmor, Naphtali, The Negev. The Challenge of a Desert (Cambridge, MA 1982; 2. Aufl.).
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Addar , 94.99-101 Arad , 217–224 Azmon , 81–83.109f Beer-Lahai-Roï , 60−63.81−83 Beerscheba , 166–186 Gerar , 41. 243−247 Geschur , 211 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 110.241–244 Hazar-Addar , 94.99–101 Hebron , 257−259 Hezron , 94.99–101.107.110 Horma , 210f.263 Jericho , 297f.321 Kadesch-Barnea , 79–110 Karka , 81–83 Kina , 229f Makkeda , 296‒298 Meribat-Kadesch , 282f Negeb Paran , 107 Rehobot , 135 Ritma , 136.141.145 Schur , 41.60.63 Skorpionensteige , 61–65 Weg nach Schur , 63 Wüste Zin , 107f.290f anchor text [invisible]
Glueck, Nelson, The Negev, Biblical Archaeologist 22 (1959), 82−97.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Cohen, Rudolph, The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 236 (1979), 61−79.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Herzog, Ze’ev, Enclosed Settlements in the Negeb and the Wilderness of Beer-sheba, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 250 (1983), 41−49.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Perrot, Jean, Structures d'habitat, mode de vie et environnement: les vilages souterrains des pasteurs de Beershéva dans le sud d'Israël, au IVe millénaire avant l'Ère chrétienne, Paléorient 10 (1984), 75−96.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Cohen, Rudolph, Settlement in the Negev Highlands from the Fourth Millennium ВСЕ to the Fourth Century BCE (hebr.), Qadmoniot 21 (1988), 62−81.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, Arabian Trade and Socio-Political Conditions in the Negev in the Twelfth-Eleventh Centuries B.C.E., Journal of Near Eastern Studies 47 (1988), 241−252.
Ortsnamen: Jokneam Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Haiman, Moti, The Iron Age II Sites of the Western Negev Highlands, Israel Exploration Journal 44 (1994), 36−61.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Herzog, Ze’ev, The Beer-Sheba Valley: From Nomadism to Monarchy, in: Finkelstein, Israel / Na’aman, Nadav (Hg.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel (Jerusalem 1994), 122−149.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Bienkowski, Piotr / Van der Steen, Eveline, Tribes, Trade and Towns. A New Framework for the Late Iron Age in Southern Jordan and the Negev, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 323 (2001), 21−47.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Schipper, Bernd Ulrich, Israel und Ägypten in der Königszeit. Die kulturellen Kontakte von Salomo bis zum Fall Jerusalems (Orbis biblicus et orientalis 170; Fribourg / Göttingen 1999).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten anchor text [invisible]
Mittmann, Siegfried, Ri 1,16f. und das Siedlungsgebiet der kenitischen Sippe Hobab, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 93 (1977), 213−235.
Ortsnamen: Hazezon-Tamar , 225−233 Horma , 222–225 Jordanau , 225−227 anchor text [invisible]
Musil, Alois, Arabia Petraea. I. Moab (Wien 1907).
Ortsnamen: Awit , 274 Bamot-Baal , 266-269 Bet-Pegor , 348 Di-Sahab , 211f Jahaz , 107.122 Mefaat , 218 Moab Sibma , 355f Stadt mitten im Tal , 94.329f.332f Suf , 211 Sufa , 106.125.211 Zoar , 67–70 anchor text [invisible]
MacDonald, Burton, The Southern Ghors and Northeast 'Arabah Archaeological Survey (Sheffield Archaeological Monographs 5; Sheffield 1992).
Ortsnamen: Araba Zoar , 391–418.249–257 anchor text [invisible]
Frank, Fritz, Aus der 'Araba I: Reiseberichte, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 57 (1934), 191−280.
Ortsnamen: Araba Punon , 221‒224 Skorpionensteige , 256f Zoar , 204–208 anchor text [invisible]
Schottroff, Willy, Horonaim, Nimrin, Luhith und der Westrand des "Landes Ataroth": Ein Beitrag zur historischen Topographie des Landes, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 82 (1966), 163−205.
Ortsnamen: Zoar , 184.192–196 anchor text [invisible]
MacDonald, Burton / Politis, Konstantinos Demetrios, Deir 'Ain 'Abata: A Byzantine Church/Monastery Complex in the Ghor Es-Safi, Liber Annuus 38 (1988), 287−295.
Ortsnamen: Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Timm, Stefan, Einige Orte und Straßen auf dem Gebiet des alten Moab bei Eusebius, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 15 (1989), 179−216.
Ortsnamen: Ar-Moab , 201–208 Arnontal , 180‒184 Baal-Meon , 191-194 Bela , 212f Heschbon , 184–189 Mattana , 199 Medeba , 194–199 Moab Zoar , 213–216 anchor text [invisible]
Politis, Konstantinos Demetrios, Excavations at Deir 'Ain 'Abata 1988, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 33 (1989), 227−233.
Ortsnamen: Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Politis, Konstantinos Demetrios, Excavations at Deir 'Ain 'Abata 1990, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 34 (1990), 377−385.
Ortsnamen: Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Politis, Konstantinos Demetrios, Excavations at Deir 'Ain 'Abata 1991, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 36 (1992), 281−286.
Ortsnamen: Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Abel, Félix-Marie, Une croisière autour de la mer morte (Paris 1911).
Ortsnamen: Salzmeer anchor text [invisible]
Hammond, Philip C., The Nabataean Bitumen Industry at the Dead Sea, Biblical Archaeologist 22 (1959), 40−48.
Ortsnamen: Salzmeer anchor text [invisible]
Oblath, Michael D., The Exodus Itinerary Sites. Their Locations from the Perspective of the Biblical Sources (Studies in Biblical Literature 55; New York, NY 2004).
Ortsnamen: Aschtarot , 162f Edom , 127–131 Edreï , 161f Elim , 115f Goschen , 88–94 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 85–88 Hazerot , 131 Jahaz , 155f Kadesch-Barnea , 142–145 Libna, Sinai , 132f Makhelot , 134 Mara , 115 Midian , 142 Nahaliël , 152 Paran , 140−142 Ramses , 19f.95 Rimmon-Perez , 132 Rissa , 133 Ritma , 131f Schur , 113f Suf , 102‒106 Sukkot, Jordantal , 96−98 Wüste Wüste Schur , 113f anchor text [invisible]
Abou-Assaf, Ali, Tell 'Aschtara in Südsyrien. Erste Kampagne 1966, Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 18 (1968), 103−122.
Ortsnamen: Aschtarot anchor text [invisible]
Abou-Assaf, Ali, Tell 'Aschtara in Südsyrien. 2. Kampagne 1967, Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 19 (1969), 101−108.
Ortsnamen: Aschtarot anchor text [invisible]
Avi-Yonah, Michael, Gazetteer of Roman Palestine (Qedem 5; Jerusalem 1976).
Ortsnamen: Baal-Meon , 35 Bet-Schean , 94-95 Dor , 52 En-Dor , 55 Janoach, efraimitisch , 68 Jaser , 68 Jibleam , 70 Kirjatajim , 47 Naara , 84 Taanach , 100 Taanat-Schilo , 101 anchor text [invisible]
Dearman, John Andrew (Hg.), Studies in the Mesha Inscription and Moab (Archaeology and Biblical Studies 2; Atlanta, GA 1989).
Ortsnamen: Moab anchor text [invisible]
Dearman, John Andrew, Historical Reconstruction and the Mesha Inscription, in: Dearman, John Andrew (Hg.), Studies in the Mesha Inscription and Moab (Archaeology and Biblical Studies 2; Atlanta, GA 1989), 155−210.
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Moab , 185 Baal-Meon , 175f Bamot-Baal , 185f Bet-Jeschimot , 193 Bet-Pegor , 181 Dibon , 171–174 Jahaz , 181–184 Kedemot , 184 Kirjatajim , 176f Medeba , 174f Mefaat , 183f Moab Nebo, Ort , 180f anchor text [invisible]
Lipiński, Edward, On the Skirts of Canaan in the Iron Age. Historical and Topographical Researches (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 153; Leuven 2006).
Ortsnamen: Baal-Meon , 337 Bamot-Baal , 344–346 Gilead, Landschaft , 267–293 Jahaz , 328f Kedemot , 329f Kirjatajim , 338 Mahanajim , 280–283 Mefaat , 331 Moab , 319–360 Sukkot, Jordantal , 290–293 anchor text [invisible]
Kuschke, Arnulf, Zweimal ḳrjtn, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 77 (1961), 24−31.
Ortsnamen: Baal-Meon , 25 Jahaz , 30 Kirjatajim anchor text [invisible]
Kuschke, Arnulf, Horonaim and Qiryathaim. Remarks on a Recent Contribution to the Topography of Moab, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 99 (1967), 104−105.
Ortsnamen: Kirjatajim anchor text [invisible]
Donner, Herbert, Mitteilungen zur Topographie des Ostjordanlandes anhand der Mosaikkarte von Mādebā: Eine Nachlese, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 98 (1982), 174−191.
Ortsnamen: Baal-Meon 175-177 Kirjatajim , 176 anchor text [invisible]
Weippert, Manfred, Das DEIAHL in den Jahren 1982 und 1983, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 101 (1985), 162−170.
Ortsnamen: Jahaz , 168 Kirjatajim , 167 anchor text [invisible]
Mittmann, Siegfried, Die Gebietsbeschreibung des Stammes Ruben in Josua 13,15−23, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 111 (1995), 1−27.
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Moab , 11 Bamot-Baal 7–11 Bet-Jeschimot , 6–8 Bet-Pegor , 11.22–24 Dibon , 1–27 Jahaz , 11–14 Kedemot , 19–21 Kirjatajim , 21 Mefaat , 14–19 Pisga , 11 Sibma , 21f Stadt mitten im Tal , 5f Zeret-Schahar , 24 anchor text [invisible]
Perrot, Jean, Statuettes en ivoire et autres objects en ivoire et en os provenant des gisements préhistoriques de la région de Béershéba, Syria 36 (1959), 8−19.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
King, Geoffrey R. D. / Lenzen, C. J. / Newhall, A. / King, J. L. / Deemer, J. D., Survey of Byzantine and Islamic Sites in Jordan. Third Season Preliminary Report (1982), the Southern Ghōr, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 31 (1987), 439−459.
Ortsnamen: Zoar anchor text [invisible]
MacDonald, Burton / Clarke, G.A. / Neeley, M.P., Southern Ghors and Northeast ‛Araba Archaeological Survey 1985 and 1986, Jordan: A Preliminary Report, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 272 (1988), 23−45.
Ortsnamen: Araba Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Kellermann, Diether, Palästina unter den Assyrern (nach 732 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 15; Wiesbaden 1991).
Ortsnamen: Abana Afek, Scharonebene Arad Arnontal Aroër, Moab Aschdod Aschtarot Beerscheba Bet-El Bozra Damaskus Dan Dibon Gat Gaza Gebal Gilead, Landschaft Hebron Hermon Heschbon Jabbok Jordan Kadesch-Barnea Kinneret, See Lajisch Libanon Mahanajim Medeba Moab Nebo, Ort Philisterland Salzmeer Sidon Timna, Bergland anchor text [invisible]
Röllig, Wolfgang / Sader, Hélène S., Syrien und Palästina vor der Annexion durch Assyrien (732 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 14; Wiesbaden 1991).
Ortsnamen: Arkiter, Syrien Arwad Bet-Eden Damaskus Eden Eufrat Gilead, Landschaft Hamat Haran Jordan Lebo-Hamat Libanon Sidon Siniter Tubal Zemar anchor text [invisible]
Galling, Kurt, Archäologischer Jahresbericht. Gerar, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 52 (1929), 242−250.
Ortsnamen: Gerar anchor text [invisible]
Alois Musil, Arabia Petraea. II/2. Edom. Topographischer Reisebericht. 2. Teil (Wien 1908).
Ortsnamen: Azmon , 47 Gerar , 245 Pagu , 21.47 Anm. 5 anchor text [invisible]
Niemann, Hermann Michael / Lehmann, Gunnar, Zwischen Wüste und Mittelmeer: Qubur al-Walaydah und seine Umgebung in Südwest-Palästina, Die Welt des Orients 40 (2010), 216−243.
Ortsnamen: Gerar anchor text [invisible]
Welten, Peter, Geschichte und Geschichtsdarstellung in den Chronikbüchern (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 42; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1973).
Ortsnamen: Ebene, west , 24–26.160f.193–196 Gerar , 129-140 Hazezon-Tamar , 148 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Eden anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Gihon, Quelle anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Salzmeer anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Gomorra Sodom anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Gaza anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Adma Gomorra Lescha , 20 Sodom Zebojim anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Adma Gomorra Sodom anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Adma Gomorra Sodom Zebojim anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Glueck, Nelson, Explorations in Eastern Palestine I (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 14; Philadelphia, PA 1934).
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Moab , 49 Baal-Meon , 33 Dinhaba , 57 Jahaz , 13–27.32 Kedemot , 30f.34–36 Mattana , 13‒27 Punon , 32‒35 anchor text [invisible]
Glueck, Nelson, Explorations in Eastern Palestine II (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 15; New Haven, CT 1935).
Ortsnamen: Bozra , 83.97 Dinhaba , 87f Nebo, Ort , 110f Sibma , 110f Teman , 82f.89 Zoar , 7−9 anchor text [invisible]
Glueck, Nelson, Explorations in Eastern Palestine III (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 18−19; New Haven, CT 1939).
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Moab , 247–249 Gilead, Ort , 231f Jahaz , 118–122 Jaser , 153–155 Jegar-Sahaduta , 232 Kirjatajim , 131 Mahanajim , 232−234 Mattana , 123 Peniël , 232−234 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Abel-Schittim , 371–382 Atarot, efraimitisch , 408-412.414-416 Bet-Jeschimot , 398–404 Bet-Schean , 214 Ham , 165f Peniël , 313 Schittim , 371–382 Sukkot, Jordantal , 308–311.346–350 anchor text [invisible]
Kelso, James L., The Excavation of Bethel (1934−1960) (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 39; Cambridge, MA 1968).
Ortsnamen: Bet-El anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Gomorra Sodom anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Beerscheba , 320−322 Gerar Horma anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
Stephani, Manfred, Zur topographischen Aufnahme und Geländedarstellung von Assur, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 123 (1991), 115−122.
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Dalman, Gustaf, Eine Inschrift aus dem Hain Mamre der byzantinischen Tradition, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 2 (1906), 51.
Ortsnamen: Mamre , 51 anchor text [invisible]
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Alt, Albrecht, Das Institut im Jahre 1926, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 23 (1927), 5−51.
Ortsnamen: Atarot, efraimitisch , 32-33 En-Dor , 41-42 Janoach, efraimitisch , 33-34 Jibleam , 48 Michmetat , 49-50 anchor text [invisible]
Alt, Albrecht, Das Institut im Jahre 1927, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 24 (1928), 5−74.
Ortsnamen: Afek, Ascher , 58–60 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 32–38 anchor text [invisible]
Alt, Albrecht, Limes Palaestinae, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 26 (1930), 43−82.
Ortsnamen: Mamre , 79−81 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Gat-Hefer Hebron , 13−20 anchor text [invisible]
Alt, Albrecht, Das Institut im Jahre 1932, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 29 (1933), 5−29.
Ortsnamen: Ekron , 13 Mefaat , 28f anchor text [invisible]
Elliger, Karl, Die Nordgrenze des Reiches David, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 32 (1936), 34−73.
Ortsnamen: Baal-Gad , 41 Hermon , 41 Lebo-Hamat , 40–45 anchor text [invisible]
Elliger, Karl, Thappuah, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 33 (1937), 7−22.
Ortsnamen: Tappuach, efraimitisch , 15-17 anchor text [invisible]
Gaß, Erasmus, Die Ortsnamen des Richterbuchs in historischer und redaktioneller Perspektive (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 35; Wiesbaden 2005).
Ortsnamen: Afek, Ascher , 144–146 Afek, Jesreelebene , 138 Afek, Libanon , 139.146-148 Afek, ostjordanisch , 148-150 Afek, Scharonebene , 138–144 Aroër, Moab , 473–476 Aschkelon , 61–65 Beerscheba , 410−417 Bet-El , 71−76 Bet-Schean , 82-90 Betlehem , 349−352 Dan , 389−397 Ekron , 65-71 Gaza , 57-61 Gelilot , 185‒194 Hebron , 18−23 Heschbon , 484–487 Horma , 46–57 Jahaz , 488-492 Jegar-Sahaduta , 481−484 Jericho , 31‒36 Kadesch-Barnea , 492−494 Kirjat-Arba , 18‒23 Kirjat-Baal , 397–399 Kirjat-Jearim , 397–399 Kislot-Tabor , 251-254 Kitron , 117–119 Lebo-Hamat , 201–206 Lus , 76−82 Maale-Heres , 458f Mefaat , 472 Anm. 231 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 270–273.278 Ofra, manassitisch , 270–278 Orakeleiche , 314−316.326−330 Para , 352–355 Peniël , 445−449 Rama, benjaminitisch , 240–245 Rama, efraimitisch , 240–245 Ramatajim , 240–245 Schilo , 400‒404 Sichem , 299−319 Sidon , 125−128 Skorpionensteige , 178f Sukkot, Jordantal , 439–444 Taanach , 90-93 Timna, Bergland , 369−372 anchor text [invisible]
Layard, Austen Henry, Nineveh and Its Remains. With an Account of a Visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers; And an Enquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians (London 1850), (Nachdr. Piscataway, NJ, 2004).
Ortsnamen: Kelach anchor text [invisible]
Gelzer, Heinrich (Hg.), Georgii Cyprii descriptio orbis Romani. Accedit Leonis imperatoris diatyposis genuina adhuc inedita (Leipzig 1890), (Nachdr. Amsterdam, 1970).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Woolley, Charles Leonard / Lawrence, Thomas E., The Wilderness of Zin (Palestine Exploration Fund Annual 3; London 1914/15), (Nachdr. London, 2003).
Ortsnamen: Beerscheba , 107f Kadesch-Barnea , 62–71 Negeb Rehobot , 40f Schur , 39−44 Weg nach Schur , 39−44 Wüste Schur , 39–44 Wüste Zin anchor text [invisible]
Layard, Austen Henry, The Monuments of Nineveh. From Drawings Made on the Spot (London 1849), (Nachdr. Piscataway, NJ, 2004).
Ortsnamen: Ninive anchor text [invisible]
Sawyer, John F. A. / Clines, David J. A., Midian, Moab and Edom. The History and Archaeology of Late Bronze and Iron Age Jordan and North-West Arabia (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 24; Sheffield 1983).
Ortsnamen: Edom Midian Moab anchor text [invisible]
Dearman, John Andrew / Graham, Matt Patrick (Hg.), The Land that I Will Show You. Essays on the History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of J. Maxwell Miller (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 343; Sheffield 2001).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Herr, Larry G., Urbanism at Tell el-‛Umeiri during the Late Bronze IIB−Iron IA Transition, in: Aufrecht, Walter Emanuel / Mirau, Neil A. / Gauley, Steven W. (Hg.), Urbanism in Antiquity. From Mesopotamia to Crete (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 244; Sheffield 1997), 145−155.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Biran, Avraham, The High Places of Biblical Dan, in: Mazar, Amihai (Hg.), Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 331; Sheffield 2001), 148−155.
Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
Bienkowski, Piotr / Sedman, Leonie, Busayra and Judah: Stylistic Parallels in the Material Culture, in: Mazar, Amihai (Hg.), Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 331; Sheffield 2001), 310−325.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bozra anchor text [invisible]
Lemche, Niels Peter, The Canaanites and Their Land. The Tradition of the Canaanites (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 110; Sheffield 1991).
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Awit , 45 Bozra , 45f Dinhaba , 46 Edom Land der Temaniter , 40 Masreka , 49 Mibzar , 49 Pagu , 49 Teman , 40 Tofel , 52f Uz , 40f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Kadesch-Barnea anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Hebron anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Dabbeschet , 73-74 Jibleam , S.65.84-85 Kadesch-Barnea , 33 Marala , 73-74 Michmetat , 64 Naara , 64 Sarid , 73-74 Taanat-Schilo , 64 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Abel-Schittim , 35.309f Adullam , 267 Afek, ostjordanisch , 58 Afek, Scharonebene , 56 Ar-Moab , 287 Arad , 61 Arnontal , 66 Aroër, Moab , 66 Aschtarot , 73f Atarot, efraimitisch , 74 Atrot-Addar , 74 Azmon , 70 Baal-Meon , 86f Baschan , 84 Beerscheba , 92 Bet-El , 79 Bet-Hogla , 98f Bet-Horon , 79 Bet-Jeschimot , 94 Bet-Pegor , 130.280 Damaskus , 129 Dibon , 133 Dinhaba , 130f Dor , 135-136 Edreï , 39f Efraim, Ort , 56–58 Garizim , 163f Gat , 172f.301 Gaza , 165f Gerar , 167-169 Hazezon-Tamar , 324f Hebron , 123 Hermon , 183 Heschbon , 149f Hoba , 124 Jabbok , 336f Jahaz , 190.227.335f Jaser , 187–189 Jibleam , 81.83 Kirjat-Jearim , 210 Kirjatajim , 210 Kislot-Tabor , 152 Lescha , 200f Mamre , 242 Mattana , 245f Medeba , 246–249 Mefaat , 248f Mibzar , 235 Naara , 263 Nahaliël , 200f Nebo, Ort , 258f Neftoach-Quelle , 265 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 56–58 Peniël , 51f Pisga , 278 Punon , 277 Ramatajim , 288 Rehobot am Strom , 290f Rissa , 170 Salcha , 296f Salem , 306−308 Schilo , 311 Schittim , 35.309f Sichem , 294−296.311 Sukkot, Jordantal , 316 Taanach , 325 Taanat-Schilo , 329 Teman , 40f.322f Zeret-Schahar , 200f Zoar , 342f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Addar , 159 Afek, Ascher , 146f.195 Afek, Libanon , 146f Afek, Scharonebene , 135 Ai , 76−93 Araba , 122.124 Aroër, Moab , 130 Atarot, efraimitisch , 172 Atrot-Addar , 168‒173.181‒184 Awim , 146.185 Azmon , 59 Bach Kana , 172-173 Bamot-Baal , 143 Bergrücken der Jebusiter , 160 Bet-Araba , 159 Bet-Awen , 77.182f Bet-Hogla , 159 Bet-Horon , 111.171 Bet-Jeschimot , 143 Bet-Pegor , 143 Dabbeschet , 188-192 Dor , 123.136 Ebene, ost , 143 Edreï , 131 Ekron , 146 Emek-Keziz , 184 En-Dor , 170 En-Schemesch , 159 Gat , 146 Gebal , 147 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 159 Hawot-Jaïr , 149 Hazar-Addar , 159 Hezron , 159 Hinnomtal , 160 Horma , 165 Jafia , 190 Jahaz , 143 Janoach, efraimitisch , 172 Jaser , 145 Jibleam , 175.209.215 Jutta , 167 Karka , 159 Kedemot , 143 Kesullot , 193 Kina , 165 Kirjat-Baal , 160.167 Kirjat-Jearim , 105 Kirjatajim , 142−144 Kislot-Tabor , 190 Lebo-Hamat , 147 Lus , 171 Makkeda , 113 Marala , 188-192 Meara , 146f Mefaat , 143 Michmetat , 171-173 Misrefot-Majim , 121 Naara , 172 Neftoach-Quelle , 160 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 184 Para , 184 Rafaïterebene , 160 Rama, benjaminitisch , 185 Rezef , 117 Rogel-Quelle , 159 Salcha , 131 Sarid 188-192 Schihor , 146 Schilo , 177‒181 Schittim , 35 Sibma , 143 Skorpionensteige , 158f Steige von Adummim , 160 Stein Bohans , 159 Taanach , 135.174-175.215 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 173 Wüste Zin , 159 Zefat, Ascher , 194f Zemarajim , 185 Zeret-Schahar , 143 Zin , 159 anchor text [invisible]
Seybold, Klaus, Die Psalmen (Handbuch zum Alten Testament 1/15; Tübingen 1996).
Ortsnamen: Efrata , 498 anchor text [invisible]
Fritz, Volkmar, Studien zur Literatur und Geschichte des alten Israel (Stuttgarter Biblische Aufsatzbände 22; Stuttgart 1997).
Ortsnamen: Sichem , 187−204 anchor text [invisible]
Gallet, Laetitia u.a., Der Nil, Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 31 (2004), 4−46.
Ortsnamen: Nil anchor text [invisible]
Donner, Herbert, Geschichte des Volkes Israel und seiner Nachbarn in Grundzügen. Teil 2: Von der Königszeit bis zu Alexander dem Großen. Mit einem Ausblick auf die Geschichte des Judentums bis Bar Kochba (Grundrisse zum Alten Testament/Das Alte Testament Deutsch Ergänzungsreihe 4/2; Göttingen 2001), 3. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Haran , 397–402 anchor text [invisible]
Lamprichs, Roland, Die Westexpansion des neuassyrischen Reiches. Eine Strukturanalyse (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 239; Kevelaer / Neukirchen-Vluyn 1995).
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Sader, Hélène S., Tell el Burak: An Unidentified City of Phoenician Sidon, in: Pongratz-Leisten, Beate / Kühne, Hartmut / Xella, Paolo (Hg.), Ana šadî Labnāni lū allik. Beiträge zu altorientalischen und mittelmeerischen Kulturen; Festschrift für Wolfgang Röllig (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 247; Kevelaer / Neukirchen-Vluyn 1997), 363−375.
Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
García Martínez, Florentino / Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C., The Dead Sea Scrolls. Study Edition; Vol. 1: 1Q1−4Q273 (Leiden / Grand Rapids, MI / London 1997).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Geyer, Paulus, Itinera Hierosolymitana. Saeculi IIII−VIII (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum 39; Prag / Wien 1898).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Glueck, Nelson, The Archaeological History of the Negev, Hebrew Union College Annual 32 (1961), 11−18.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Gonçalves, Francolino J., L'expédition de Sennachérib en Palestine dans la littérature hébraïque ancienne (Études bibliques, nouv. sér. 7; Paris 1986).
Ortsnamen: Eden , 458−461 Hamat , 458–461 Rezef , 458–461 anchor text [invisible]
Gordon, Robert L., Telul edh-Dhahab Survey (Jordan) 1980 and 1982, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 116 (1984), 131−137.
Ortsnamen: Mahanajim Peniël anchor text [invisible]
Görg, Manfred, Sidon in Hieroglyphen. Zum Problem einer Namensidentifikation, Biblische Notizen 28 (1985), 15−16.
Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
Görg, Manfred, Ägyptiaca − Biblica. Notizen und Beiträge zu den Beziehungen zwischen Ägypten und Israel (Ägypten und Altes Testament 11; Wiesbaden 1991).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Eden , 3−12 Hawila , 3−12 Ofir 22-32 Pischon , 13-15 Tarschisch , 22-32 Uz , 16-21 Wüste Etam , 138f anchor text [invisible]
Greger, Barbara, Das „galil der Völker“ − Jes 8,23, Biblische Notizen 51 (1990), 11−12.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Gropp, Gerd, Iran unter den Achämeniden (6.−4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 22; Wiesbaden 1985).
Ortsnamen: Ararat Assur Babel Elam Erech Eufrat Medien Tigris anchor text [invisible]
Gunkel, Hermann, Genesis. Übersetzt und erklärt (Göttinger Handkommentar zum Alten Testament 1/1; Göttingen 1910), 3. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Abimaël , 92 Almodad , 92 Ararat , 146f Arkiter, Syrien , 90 Arpachschad , 154 Arwad , 90 Aschkenas , 152 Awit , 394 Beer-Lahai-Roï , 172f Dikla , 92 Eber , 91 Elischa , 153 Ellasar , 279 En-Mischpat , 281 Gal-Ed , 352 Geter , 154 Girgaschiter , 90 Gomer , 152 Hadoram , 92 Hawila , 6f Hazarmawet , 92 Henoch , 49-52 Het , 90 Hiwiter , 90 Hul , 154 Jawan , 153 Jebus ,90 Jerach , 92 Jobab , 92 Joktan , 91f Kaftor , 90 Kalne , 88 Kelach , 88 Land der Amoriter , 90 Land der Hetiter , 90 Lehabiter , 90 Lud , 154 Magog , 152f Mescha , 92 Morija , 237 Naftuhiter , 90 Nimrod , 87 Nod , 47 Obal , 92 Orakeleiche , 166f.380f Ostgebirge , 92 Patros , 90 Peleg , 91 Put , 154 Ragma , 153 Rehobot-Ir , 88 Rodaniter , 153 Saba , 154 Sabta , 153 Sabtecha , 153 Schelef , 92 Schinar , 88 Seba , 153 Sefar , 92 Siddimtal , 280 Siniter , 90 Stadt Nahors , 252f Tarschisch , 153 Togarma , 152 Träneneiche , 381 Usal , 92 Uz , 154 Zemar , 90f anchor text [invisible]
Haas, Volkert (Hg.), Das Reich Urartu. Ein altorientalischer Staat im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (Konstanzer altorientalische Symposien 1, Xenia 17; Konstanz 1986).
Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
Habachi, Labib, Tell el-Dabʿa. I. Tell El-Dabʿa and Qantir; The Site and Its Connection with Avaris and Piramesse (Untersuchungen der Zweigstelle Kairo des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 2; Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie/Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 23 ; Wien 2001).
Ortsnamen: Ramses anchor text [invisible]
Hannig, Rainer, Die Sprache der Pharaonen. Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch − Deutsch (2800−950 v. Chr.) (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt 64; Mainz 2006), 4. überarb. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Gerar , 1198 anchor text [invisible]
Harland, James Penrose, Vertical or Horizontal: The Sin of Babel, Vetus Testamentum 48 (1998), 515−533.
Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
Helck, Wolfgang, Die Beziehungen Ägyptens und Vorderasiens zur Ägäis bis ins 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr., von Rosemarie Drenkhahn durchgesehene und bearbeitete Neuauflage (Erträge der Forschung 120; Darmstadt 1995).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Jibleam , 133 anchor text [invisible]
Herzog, Ze'ev, Archaeology of the City. Urban Planning in Ancient Israel ant Its Social Implications (Monograph series of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University 13; Tel Aviv 1997).
Ortsnamen: Beerscheba , 244–247 Dan , 221–224 anchor text [invisible]
Herzog, Ze’ev, Beersheba Valley Archaeology and Its Implications for the Biblical Record, in: Lemaire, André (Hg.), Congress Volume Leiden 2004 (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 109; Leiden/Boston, MA 2006), 81−102.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Carroll, W. D., Bittîr and Its Archaeological Remains, Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 5 (1925), 77−103.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Lewy, Julius, The Late Assyro-Babylonian Cult of the Moon and Its Culmination at the Time of Nabonidus, Hebrew Union College Annual 19 (1945/1946), 405−489.
Ortsnamen: Haran anchor text [invisible]
Dell, Katharine J. / Davies, Graham / Koh, Yee Von (Hg.), Genesis, Isaiah and Psalms. A Festschrift to Honour Professor John Emerton for His Eightieth Birthday (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 135; Leiden / Boston, MA 2010).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Doumet-Serhal, Claude / Rabate, Anne / Resek, Andrea (Hg.), „… and Canaan Begat Sidon His Firstborn…” (Gen. 10:15; I Chr. 1:13). A Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on His 65th Birthday (Archaeology & History in the Lebanon 34−35; London 2012).
Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
Fenton, Terry, Nimrod's Cities: An Item from the Rolling Corpus, in: Dell, Katharine J. / Davies, Graham / Koh, Yee Von (Hg.), Genesis, Isaiah and Psalms. A Festschrift to Honour Professor John Emerton for His Eightieth Birthday (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 135; Leiden / Boston, MA 2010), 23−31.
Ortsnamen: Kalne Kelach Nimrod Rehobot-Ir Resen anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav, The Canaanites and Their Land. A Rejoinder, Ugarit-Forschungen 26 (1994), 397−418.
Ortsnamen: Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Högemann, Peter / Buschmann, Kai, Östlicher Mittelmeerraum, das achämenidische Westreich von Kyros bis Xerxes (547−479/8 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 23; Wiesbaden 1986).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Arabien Aram Naharajim Ararat Arwad Assur Assur, Stadt Babel Damaskus Elam Elischa Erech Eufrat Gebal Goschen Jawan Kanaan Kittäer Libanon Medien Meschech Mesopotamien Nil Ninive Put Salzmeer Sidon Sin Tigris Togarma Tubal anchor text [invisible]
Högemann, Peter / Buschmann, Kai / Kimmich, Dorothee, Nordostafrika und arabische Halbinsel: Staaten und Kulturen (4.−1. Jh. v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B V 22; Wiesbaden 1987).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Babel Damaskus Erech Gihon, Strom Goschen Kusch Midian Nil Pischon Sidon Sin Syene Tigris anchor text [invisible]
Hübner, Ulrich, Die Ammoniter. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Kultur und Religion eines transjordanischen Volkes im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 16; Wiesbaden 1992).
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Moab , 143 Gilead, Ort , 145 anchor text [invisible]
Jordan, Julius, Uruk-Warka. Nach den Ausgrabungen durch die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 51; Bissendorf 2006), (Orig. Bissendorf, 1928).
Ortsnamen: Erech anchor text [invisible]
Kellermann, Diether / Mittmann, Siegfried / Schmitt, Götz / Zwickel, Wolfgang, Palästina. Siedlungen der Eisenzeit (ca. 1200−550 v. Chr.). Juda und Israel in der Königszeit (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 6; Wiesbaden 1992).
Ortsnamen: Abana Abarimgebirge Abel-Schittim Achor-Tal Adullam Afek, Scharonebene Ai Ar-Moab Araba Arad Argob Arnontal Aroër, Moab Aschdod Aschtarot Bach Kana Bamot-Baal Baschan Beerscheba Bergland Bet-Araba Bet-El Bet-Hogla Bet-Horon Bet-Jeschimot Bet-Pegor Betlehem Bozra Damaskus Dan Dibon Dotan Edom Edreï El-Paran En-Schemesch Garizim Gat Gaza Gerar Gilead, Landschaft Gilead, Ort Grenzbach Ägyptens Hazezon-Tamar Hebron Hermon Heschbon Horma Jabbok Jafia Jahaz Jaser Jegar-Sahaduta , 229f.298f §§ 415.590 Jericho Jordan Jordanau Jutta Kadesch-Barnea Karmel, Juda Kedemot Kinneret, See Kirjat-Jearim Kirjatajim Kislot-Tabor Laban Lajisch Mahanajim Makkeda Mamre Maon Medeba Mefaat Moab Naara Nebo, Ort Neftoach-Quelle Negeb Ofra, benjaminitisch Philisterland Punon Rafaïterebene Rama, efraimitisch Ramatajim Rogel-Quelle Salzmeer Sanoach, Bergland Schilo Schittim Seïr Sibma Sichem Sif, Bergland Skorpionensteige Steige von Adummim Sukkot, Jordantal Tappuach, efraimitisch Timna, Bergland Timnat-Heres Zemarajim Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Kellermann, Mechthild / Schmitt, Götz / Mittmann, Siegfried / Wüst, Manfried, Palästina. Israelitisches Siedlungsgebiet und Davidisches Grossreich (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 5; Wiesbaden 1985).
Ortsnamen: Adullam Afek, Scharonebene Ai Arad Arnontal Aroër, Moab Arwad Aschdod Baschan Beerscheba Bet-El Bet-Horon Betlehem Bozra Damaskus Dan Dibon Ebene, ost Edom En-Schemesch Gat Gaza Gihon, Quelle Gilead, Landschaft Gilead, Ort Grenzbach Ägyptens Hamat Hazezon-Tamar Hebron Hermon Heschbon Jabbok Jaser Jericho Jordan Kadesch-Barnea Kinneret, See Kirjat-Jearim Kirjatajim Laban Lajisch Lebo-Hamat Libanon Maacha Maale-Heres Mahanajim Moab Nebo, Ort Neftoach-Quelle Negeb Ofra, benjaminitisch Peniël Philisterland Rafaïterebene Rama, efraimitisch Rogel-Quelle Salzmeer Schilo Seïr Sichem Sidon Skorpionensteige Sukkot, Jordantal Timna, Bergland Zemarajim anchor text [invisible]
Kempinski, Aharon, Some Philistine Names from the Kingdom of Gaza, Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987), 20−24.
Ortsnamen: Gaza anchor text [invisible]
Kessler, Karlheinz, Das Neuassyrische Reich der Sargoniden (720−612 v. Chr.) und das Neubabylonische Reich (612−539 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B IV 13; Wiesbaden 1991).
Ortsnamen: Afek, Scharonebene Ägypten Akkad Arabien Arad Ararat Arwad Assur Assur, Stadt Babel Bozra Damaskus Dibon Edom Elam Elischa Erech Eufrat Gebal Gilead, Landschaft Grenzbach Ägyptens Hamat Haran Jawan Kelach Kittäer Kusch Libanon Medien Meschech Moab Nil Ninive Petor Rezef Togarma Tubal anchor text [invisible]
Klostermann, Erich (Hg.), Eusebius. Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte 11/1; Leipzig 1904 [Nachdruck Hildesheim 1966] ), (Nachdr. Hildesheim, 1966).
Ortsnamen: Daberat Gat-Hefer Jokneam Marala anchor text [invisible]
Knauf, Ernst Axel, Midian. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte Palästinas und Nordarabiens am Ende des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 10; Wiesbaden 1988).
Ortsnamen: Midian Paran , 50–56 anchor text [invisible]
Wildberger, Hans, Jesaja. 2. Teilband: Jesaja 13−27 (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament 10/2; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978).
Ortsnamen: Aroër, Damaskus , 635f Aroër, Moab , 635f Aschdod , 747-755 Elam , 772−774 Jaser , 627 Schihor , 872 Sibma , 627 anchor text [invisible]
Zimmerli, Walther, Ezechiel. 2. Teilband Ezechiel 25−48 (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament 13/2; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1979), 2. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Baal-Meon , 585.594 Jawan , 652f Kittäer , 640 Meribat-Kadesch , 1216f On , 737f Patros , 713f Pi-Beset , 738 Ragma , 656 Rodaniter , 630 Syene , 711f Tarschisch , 652 anchor text [invisible]
Schmidt, Werner H., Exodus 1−6 (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament 2/1; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1988).
Ortsnamen: Ramses , 37–40 anchor text [invisible]
Kraus, Hans-Joachim, Psalmen 60−150 (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament 15/2; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1989), 2. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Efrata , 1062f anchor text [invisible]
Perlitt, Lothar, Deuteronomium 1,1−6,3. Lieferung 2: Dtn 1,1−1,18 (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament 5/1; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1990).
Ortsnamen: Araba , 2.11.44 Aschtarot , 19f Bergland der Amoriter , 41‒43 Di-Sahab , 13f Hazerot , 2 Kanaan , 46f Laban , 13 Libanon , 47f Libna, Sinai , 13 Paran , 12f Suf , 2.11f Tofel , 13 anchor text [invisible]
Kuschke, Arnulf, Jeremia 48,1−8. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur historischen Topographie Moabs, in: Verbannung und Heimkehr. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Theologie Israels im 6. und 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.; Wilhelm Rudolph zum 70. Geburtstage dargebracht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern (Tübingen 1961), 181−196.
Ortsnamen: Baal-Meon , 182f Kirjatajim anchor text [invisible]
Lemaire, André, Le pays d'Eden et le Bît-Adini. Aux origines d'un mythe, Syria 58 (1981), 313−330.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Eden Eden Gihon, Strom Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Lemaire, André / Vernus, Pascal, L'ostracon paléo-hébreu N° 6 de Tell Qudeirat (Qadesh-Barnéa), in: Görg, Manfred (ed.), Fontes atque pontes. Eine Festgabe für Hellmut Brunner (Ägypten und Altes Testament 5; Wiesbaden 1983), 302−326.
Ortsnamen: Kadesch-Barnea anchor text [invisible]
Levin, Yigal, The Southern Frontier of Yehud and the Creation of Idumea, in: Levin, Yigal (Hg.), A Time of Change. Judah and Its Neighbours in the Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods (Library of Second Temple Studies 65; London 2007), 239−252.
Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
Lindner, Manfred / Farajat, Suleiman / Knauf, Ernst Axel / Zeitler, John P., Es-Sadeh. A Lithic–Early Bronze–Iron II (Edomite)–Nabatean Site in Southern Jordan; Report on the Second Exploratory Campaign 1988, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 34 (1990), 193−237.
Ortsnamen: Edom anchor text [invisible]
Lipiński, Edward, ‘Anaq–Kiryat ’Arba‘–Hébron et ses sanctuaires tribaux, Vetus Testamentum 24 (1974), 41−55.
Ortsnamen: Kirjat-Arba anchor text [invisible]
Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer / Koch, Ido, Royal Judahite Jar Handles: Reconsidering the Chronology of the lmlk Stamp Impressions, Tel Aviv 37 (2010), 3−32.
Ortsnamen: Hebron anchor text [invisible]
Lohfink, Norbert, Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur, Band 2 (Stuttgarter Biblische Aufsatzbände 12; Stuttgart 1991).
Ortsnamen: Grenzbach Ägyptens , 273f anchor text [invisible]
Luckenbill, Daniel David, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. Vol. 2 Historical records of Assyria from Sargon to the end (Chicago, IL 1927).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Mallowan, Max Edgar Lucien, Nimrud and Its Remains (London 1966).
Ortsnamen: Kelach anchor text [invisible]
Mazar, Benjamin, Biblical Israel. State and People (Jerusalem 1992), hg. von Shmuel Ahituv.
Ortsnamen: Arad , 67–77 Kanaan , 16−21 Sichem , 42−54 anchor text [invisible]
Mazar, Benjamin, The Early Biblical Period. Historical Studies (Jerusalem 1986), hg. von Shmuel Ahituv/Baruch A. Levine.
Ortsnamen: Baal-Gad , 194f Gebal , 231–247 Geschur , 113–125 Hamat , 196-202 Hermon , 194f Kanaan , 1−34 Lebo-Hamat , 189–202 Maacha , 113–125 Mahanajim , 146 Migdal-Eder , 116f Peniël , 145–148 anchor text [invisible]
Na’aman, Nadav, Canaan in the Second Millenium B.C.E. Collected Essays Volume 2 (Winona Lake, IN 2005).
Ortsnamen: Aschdod , 145-172 Kanaan anchor text [invisible]
Nielsen, Eduard, Shechem. A Traditio-historical Investigation (Kopenhagen 1959), 2. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Orakeleiche , 216−259 Sichem anchor text [invisible]
North, Robert, Rezension Mader, Andreas Evaristus, Mambre. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen im heiligen Bezirk Râmet el-Ḫalîl in Südpalästina 1926−1928. 2 Bände (Freiburg i. Br. 1957), Biblische Zeitschrift N.F. 2 (1958), 315−318.
Ortsnamen: Mamre anchor text [invisible]
Noth, Martin, Bethel und Ai, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 31 (1935), 7−29.
Ortsnamen: Ai Bet-Awen Bet-El Lus , 13f anchor text [invisible]
Noth, Martin, Das Land Gilead als Siedlungsgebiet israelitischer Sippen, Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 37 (1941), 50−101.
Ortsnamen: Argob , 78f.96f Gilead, Landschaft Gilead, Ort , 68 Hawot-Jaïr , 78–80 Jegar-Sahaduta , 69f Mahanajim , 83–87 Peniël , 68.88f Salcha , 54 anchor text [invisible]
Noth, Martin, Gilead und Gad, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 75 (1959), 14−73.
Ortsnamen: Gilead, Landschaft Jaser , 63–71 Jegar-Sahaduta , 35f Salcha , 51 anchor text [invisible]
Orth, Wolfgang, Vorderer Orient, die Diadochenreiche (um 303 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B V 2; Wiesbaden 1992).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Akkad Aram Naharajim Ararat Babel Damaskus Erech Eufrat Gebal Jawan Kittäer Medien Mesopotamien Nil Salzmeer Sidon Sin Tigris anchor text [invisible]
Ottosson, Magnus, Eden and the Land of Promise, in: Emerton, John Adney (Hg.), Congress Volume Jerusalem 1986 (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 40; Leiden 1988), 177−188.
Ortsnamen: Eden anchor text [invisible]
Parrot, André, Babylone et l'Ancien Testament (Cahiers d'archéologie biblique 8; Neuchâtel 1956).
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Parrot, André, Abraham et son temps (Cahiers d’archéologie biblique 14; Neuchâtel 1962).
Ortsnamen: Haran , 36–51 Ur , 14−35 anchor text [invisible]
Perrot, Jean, The Excavations at Tell Abu Matar, near Beersheba, Israel Exploration Journal 5 (1955), 17−40.73−84.167−189.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Pill-Rademacher, Irene / Podes, Stephan / Rademacher, Rochus / Wagner, Jörg, Vorderer Orient: Römer und Parther (14−138 n. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B V 8; Wiesbaden 1988).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Aram Naharajim Ararat Assur Babel Damaskus Elam Erech Eufrat Kusch Medien Mesopotamien Midian Nil Ninive Sidon Sin Syene Tigris anchor text [invisible]
Pirker, Siegfried / Timm, Stefan, Östlicher Mittelmeerraum und Mesopotamien: das Christentum bis zum Konzil von Nikaia (325 n. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B VI 2; Wiesbaden 1984).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Ararat Betlehem Damaskus Eufrat Gebal Hamat Nil Sin Syene Tigris anchor text [invisible]
Rainey, Anson Frank, Toponymic Problems (cont.). Syria, the Brook of Egypt, Shur = The Wall of Egypt, Egyptian TJ = Semitic Samech, Tel Aviv 9 (1982), 130−136.
Ortsnamen: Grenzbach Ägyptens , 131f Schur Weg nach Schur , 132 anchor text [invisible]
Reich, Ronny / Shukron, Eli, Light at the End of the Tunnel, Biblical Archaeology Review 25/1 (1999), 22−33.72.
Ortsnamen: Gihon, Quelle anchor text [invisible]
Sauer, James A., The River Runs Dry: Biblical Story Preserves Historical Memory, Biblical Archaeology Review 22/4 (1996), 52−57.64.
Ortsnamen: Pischon anchor text [invisible]
Renger, Johannes (Hg.), Assur − Gott, Stadt und Land. 5. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 18.−21. Februar 2004 in Berlin (Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 5; Wiesbaden 2011).
Ortsnamen: Assur Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
Sack, Dorothée, Damaskus. Entwicklung und Struktur einer orientalisch-islamischen Stadt (Damaszener Forschungen 1; Mainz 1989).
Ortsnamen: Damaskus anchor text [invisible]
Saggs, Henry William Frederick, The Greatness That Was Babylon. A Survey of the Ancient Civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley (London 1988), 2. Aufl..
Ortsnamen: Babel anchor text [invisible]
Savignac, Antoine-Raphaël, La région de `Aïn-Qedeis, Revue biblique 31 (1922), 55−81.
Ortsnamen: Kadesch-Barnea Wüste Zin , 77-79 anchor text [invisible]
Schenke, Hans-Martin, Jakobsbrunnen–Josephsgrab–Sychar. Topographische Untersuchungen und Erwägungen in der Perspektive von Joh. 4,5.6, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 84 (1968), 159−184.
Ortsnamen: Sichem anchor text [invisible]
Schipper, Bernd Ulrich, Egypt and Israel. The Ways of Cultural Contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age (20th−26th Dynasty), Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 4/3 (2012), 30−47.
Ortsnamen: Ägypten anchor text [invisible]
Schmitt, Götz, Palästina unter römischer Vorherrschaft. 1. Herodes der Große und die Prokuratoren (40 v. Chr.−70 n. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B V 17.1; Wiesbaden 1988).
Ortsnamen: Abel-Schittim Afek, Scharonebene Aschdod Bet-Horon Betlehem Damaskus Edom Efraim, Ort Garizim Gaza Hebron Heschbon Jericho Jordan Kinneret, See Libanon Mamre Moab Salem Salzmeer Schittim Sidon Zoar anchor text [invisible]
Seibert, Jakob, Vorderer Orient, das Alexanderreich (336−323 v. Chr.) (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B V 1; Wiesbaden 1985).
Ortsnamen: Ägypten Aram Naharajim Arwad Babel Damaskus Eufrat Gebal Goschen Kittäer Medien Mesopotamien Nil On Sidon Sin Tigris anchor text [invisible]
Speiser, Ephraim Avigdor, The Rivers of Paradise, in: Hess, Richard S. / Tsumura, David Toshio (Hg.), I Studied Inscriptions from before the Flood. Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1−11 (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study 4; Winona Lake, IN 1994), 175−182.
Ortsnamen: Gihon, Strom Pischon anchor text [invisible]
Stordalen, Terje, Echoes of Eden. Genesis 2−3 and Symbolism of the Eden Garden in Biblical Hebrew Literature (Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 25; Leuven 2000).
Ortsnamen: Eden Gihon, Strom 280f Pischon , 278f anchor text [invisible]
Stordalen, Terje, Heaven on Earth − Or Not? Jerusalem as Eden in Biblical Literature, in: Schmid, Konrad / Riedweg, Christoph (Hg.), Beyond Eden. The Biblical Story of Paradise (Genesis 2−3) and Its Reception History (Forschungen zum Alten Testament: 2. Reihe 34; Tübingen 2008), 28−57.
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324.337 Jobab , 48f §§ 135‒136 Joktan 48f § 136 Jordan , 49–52 § 137 Jordanau , 223−225 §§ 406f Jutta , 150.204 §§ 319.337 Kadesch-Barnea , 135−137.214 §§ 311.359 Kaftor , 17 § 46 Karka , 135–137 § 311 Kasluhiter , 18.26f §§ 49.69 Kedemot , 118 § 298 Kelach , 525 § 1691 Kesullot , 184 § 330 Kinneret, See , 49–52 § 137 Kirjat-Arba , 219 § 375 Kirjat-Baal , 151.173.332, §§ 319.326.763 Kirjat-Jearim , 151.173.332 §§ 319.326 ad b).763 Kirjatajim , 118 § 298. 214 § 357. 449 § 1364 Kislot-Tabor , 181 § 329 Kittäer , 54f § 141ter Königstal , 215f § 364 Kusch , 18−21 § 58 Laban , 255f § 431 Lajisch , 302 § 619 Land der Amoriter , 3f § 13 Land der Hetiter , 41f § 111 Land der Söhne des Ostens , 13 § 35 Land der Temaniter , 90 § 253 Lebo-Hamat , 100f § 283 Lehabiter 56 §§ 145.149 Lescha , 94−96 § 271 Libanon , 55f § 143 Libna, Sinai , 255f § 431 Lud , 56f § 150-1 Machpela , 213 § 351 Magog , 57‒60 § 154 Mahanajim , 231f § 415 Makkeda , 273 § 492 Mamre , 213 § 351 Mara , 251f § 427 Marala , 179-293 (§ 329) Masch , 8 § 19 Masreka , 221 § 390 Mattana , 262 § 441 Medien ,60 § 159.72f § 193.457 § 1428e. 488 § 1597 Mefaat , 118 § 298 Meribat-Kadesch , 135‒137 § 311. 256 § 433. 460 § 1442 Meschech , 61f § 162 Mesopotamien , 5−8 § 19 Mibzar , 221 § 393 Michmetat , 166-167 §234 Midian , 62f § 166 Migdal-Eder , 220 § 384 Misrefot-Majim , 113.275 §§ 295.506 Moab , 64f § 170 Morija , 218 § 37 Naara , 167 §324 Naftuhiter 26f.67 §§ 69.177 Nahaliël , 262 § 441 Nebo, Ort , 380 § 1024 Neftoach-Quelle , 173 § 326 Nil , 68f § 181 Obal , 48f.69 §§ 136.183 Ofir , 70f § 185 Ofra, benjaminitisch ,174.316 §§ 327.676 Ofra, manassitisch 291, § 561 On , 438f § 1276 Orakeleiche , 212 § 340−341 Paddan-Aram , 219 § 379 Para , 32f.174 § 81.327 Patros , 71 § 188 Peniël , 231f § 415 Pi-Beset , 458 § 1436 Pisga , 75.263 §§ 197.441 Punon , 259 § 439 Put , 75f § 198 Rafaïterebene , 78–80.331f §§ 211.758 Ragma , 77 § 207 Rama, benjaminitisch , 307.380 §§ 646-7.1019 Rama, efraimitisch , 307 § 646-7 Ramatajim 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Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean , 45 Ramses , 40–48 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Rehobot-Ir anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bamot-Baal , 56f Jahaz , 53 Kedemot , 53 Mattana anchor text [invisible]