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Spencer, John R. / Hardin, James W. / Blakely, Jeffrey (Hg.), Hesi after 50 Years and 130 Years. Beginning a New Generation of Hesi Research (University Park, PA 2023).
Ortsnamen: Eglon Lachisch anchor text [invisible]
Doumet-Serhal, Claude / Gimatzidis, Stefanos / Weninger, Bernhard / von Rüden, Constance / Kopetzky, Karin, An interdisciplinary approach to Iron Age Mediterranean chronology through combined archaeological and 14C-radiometric evidence from Sidon, Lebanon, PLoS ONE 18(3) (2023), e0274979. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0274979.
Ortsnamen: Sidon anchor text [invisible]
Becking, Bob (Hg.), West Semitic Inscriptions & the Hebrew Bible (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 410; Münster 2023).
Ortsnamen: Atarot, ostjordanisch , 167-168 Betlehem , 99-104 Dan , 35-60 Garten Usas , 79-88 Lachisch , 89-98 Schiloach , 61-74 anchor text [invisible]
Georgiou, Artemis / Recht, Laerke / Zeman-Wiśniewska, Katarzyna (Hg.), Acts of the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA): Cypriot section (Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes 52-53; Lyon 2022-2023).
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Shtienberg, Gilad / Cantu, Katrina , The Inland Late Bronze ‒ Iron Age Anchorage of Dor: Ancient Reality or Fantasy?, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1493-1505.
Ortsnamen: Dor anchor text [invisible]
Lehner, Joseph W. / Dumitru, Ioana A. / Buffington, Abigail / Dollarhide, Eli / Nathan, Smiti / Paulsen, Paige / Young, Mary L. / Sivitskis, Alexander J. / Wiig, Frances / Harrower, Michael J. , Iron Age Copper Metallurgy in Southeast Arabia: A Comparative Perspective, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1391-1417.
Ortsnamen: Arabien anchor text [invisible]
Kassianidou, Vasiliki, Early Types of Cypriot Bronze Age Metal Ingots, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1323-1354.
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Knapp, A. Bernard, A Social Archaeometallurgy of Bronze Age Cyprus , in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1303-1322.
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Jones, Ian W. N., Fragments of an Archaeology of Late Roman Religion at Phaino (Khirbat Faynān, Southern Jordan), in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1255-1271.
Ortsnamen: Punon anchor text [invisible]
Ben David, Chaim , The Negev Highlands –– A Corridor for the Copper and Incense Trade during Nonconsecutive Periods between the Chalcolithic and Roman Periods, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1227-1254.
Ortsnamen: Negeb anchor text [invisible]
Klassen, Stanley / Danielson, Andrew J., Copper Trade Networks from the Arabah: Re-assessing the Impact on Early Iron Age Moab, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1201-1226.
Ortsnamen: Araba Moab anchor text [invisible]
Howland, Matthew D. / Liss, Brady, Maps and Models: Applications of GIS and Image-Based Modeling to Field Archaeology in Faynan, Jordan, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 1107-1132.
Ortsnamen: Punon anchor text [invisible]
Younker, Randall W., The Case for Jalul as Biblical Bezer, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 943-959.
Ortsnamen: Bezer anchor text [invisible]
Bramlett, Kent / Roddy, Monique / Tyson, Craig / Ninow, Friedbert, The Qasr at Baluʿa, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 923-942.
Ortsnamen: Ar-Moab Stadt mitten im Tal anchor text [invisible]
Gibson, Shimon / Lewis, Rafael Y. / Taylor, Joan E., The Buqeiʿa Plateau of the Judean Desert in the Southern Levant During the Seventh to Early Sixth Centuries BCE: Iron Age Run-off Farmland or a Pastoralist Rangeland?, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 839-897.
Ortsnamen: Achor-Tal anchor text [invisible]
Bruins, Hendrik J., Time and Paradigm at Tel Megiddo: David, Shoshenq I, Hazael and Radiocarbon Dating, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 811-837.
Ortsnamen: Megiddo anchor text [invisible]
Vaknin, Yoav / Mazar, Amihai / Shaar, Ron / Ben-Yosef, Erez, Tel Beth-Shean in the Tenth–Ninth Centuries BCE: A Chronological Query and Its Possible Archaeomagnetic Resolution, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 787-810.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean anchor text [invisible]
Gadot, Yuval / Kleiman, Assaf / Uziel, Joe, The Interconnections Between Jerusalem and Samaria in the Ninth to Eighth Centuries BCE: Material Culture, Connectivity and Politics, (2023), 771-786.
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, Jerusalem’s Settlement History: Rejoinders and Updates, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 753-769.
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Ortiz, Steven M., Gezer Destructions: A Case Study of a Border City , in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 723-751.
Ortsnamen: Geser anchor text [invisible]
Dolphin, Alexis E. / Adams, Russell B., Something old, something new: ongoing revelations within the Faynan Landscape, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 156 (2024), 179-195.
Ortsnamen: Punon anchor text [invisible]
Andreou, Georgia M. / Fradley, Michael / Blue Lucy / Breen, Colin, Establishing a baseline for the study of maritime cultural heritage in the Gaza strip, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 156 (2024), 4-42.
Ortsnamen: Gaza anchor text [invisible]
Yasur-Landau, Assaf / Houghtalin, Chandler / Runjajić, Marko / Dunseth, Zachary / Shahack-Gross, Ruth, Tel Dor in the Middle Bronze Age and Maritime Adaptation along the Carmel Coast, Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research 391 (2024), 135–161.
Ortsnamen: Dor anchor text [invisible]
Tavger, Aharon, A New Look at Iron Age II Olive Oil Production in Southern Samaria: Royal Industry versus Local Economy
, Israel Exploration Journal 74 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Landschaft anchor text [invisible]
Naʾaman, Nadav, The "City of David" in Biblical Historiography and the Location of the Millo, Israel Exploration Journal 74 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Davidstadt Millo anchor text [invisible]
Nezer, Rafi / Tal, Oren, Between an Archaeological Site and Its Agricultural Hinterland—on the Application of an Archaeological-Ecological-Agricultural Model: Hellenistic Marisa/Maresha as a Test Case
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Ortsnamen: Marescha anchor text [invisible]
Dar, Shimon, Roads on Mount Carmel in the Roman and Byzantine Periods
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Ortsnamen: Karmel, Gebirge anchor text [invisible]
Davidovich, Uri / Ben-David, Chaim / Porat, Roi, The Roman Road Network in Southern Moab and the Suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt
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Ortsnamen: Moab anchor text [invisible]
Eisenberg, Emanuel / Bar-Nathan, Rachel, Hellenistic–Hasmonaean Tel Hebron: from Idumeans to Jews
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Ortsnamen: Hebron Kirjat-Arba anchor text [invisible]
Thareani, Yifat, An Archaeological Guide to an Imperial City: Spatial Analysis of Dan during the Neo-Assyrian Period
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Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Tor, Amnon, The Ceremonial Palace at the Center of the Upper City of Hazor
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Ortsnamen: Hazor anchor text [invisible]
Gitin, Seymour, Ekron of the Philistines: a Response to Issues Raised in the Literature
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Ortsnamen: Ekron anchor text [invisible]
Israel Exploration Society (Hg.), Eretz-Israel Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies Vol. 35, The Hillel Geva Volume (Jerusalem 2024).
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Shai, Itzhaq, Agricultural and Economic Change in the Iron II Judean Shephelah as a Result of Geopolitical Shifts: A View from Tel Burna, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 711–721.
Ortsnamen: Libna, judäisch Schefela, Juda anchor text [invisible]
Garfinkel, Yosef, The Late Chalcolithic in the Valley of Elah, Israel, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 245-265.
Ortsnamen: Terebinthental anchor text [invisible]
Davidovich, Uri, The En Gedi Shrine and the Cave of the Treasure: Disentangling the Entangled, in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 205-217.
Ortsnamen: En-Gedi anchor text [invisible]
Shooval, Tamar / Cipin, Ian / Pinsky, Sonia / Ebeling, Jennie / Franklin, Norma / Rosenberg, Danny, Tel ‘Ein Jezreel in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods: New Finds, New Insights , in: Ben-Yosef, Erez / Jones, Ian W.N. (ed.), “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12). Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology; Cham, Schweiz 2023), 173-190.
Ortsnamen: Jesreel anchor text [invisible]
Fossé, Cécile / Yogev, Jonathan / Mirão, José / Schiavon, Nicola / Goren, Yuval , Archaeo-Material Study of the Cuneiform Tablet from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Tel Aviv 51 (2024), 3-17.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schemesch anchor text [invisible]
Naʾaman, Nadav , Biblical Gilgal: A Common Place Name or a Cult Site near Jericho?, Tel Aviv 51 (2024), 59-72.
Ortsnamen: Gilgal anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Tor, Amnon, Hazor Canaanite Metropolis, Israelite City. Expanded Edition 2023
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Ortsnamen: Hazor anchor text [invisible]
Saad, Houmam, Nouvelles données sur le sanctuaire de Jupiter à Damas , Syria 99 (2022), 177-192.
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D’Orazio, Claudia, Round stone pyxides from Karkemish and North Syria: Remarks on their distribution and significance, Syria 99 (2022), 79-100.
Ortsnamen: Karkemisch anchor text [invisible]
Schneider, Bernhard, Die Ziqqurrat von Nippur im 1. Jahrtausend v.Chr. (marru 12; Münster 2023).
Ortsnamen: Kalne anchor text [invisible]
Wittke, Anne-Maria, König Ḫartapus und das Land Mušku, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 471-490.
Ortsnamen: Meschech anchor text [invisible]
Lichtenberger, Achim, Apollon in Tyros, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 361-374.
Ortsnamen: Tyrus anchor text [invisible]
Novák, Mirko, A Short Reflection on Funeral Customs in Gōzāna (Tall Ḥalaf), in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 429-444.
Ortsnamen: Gosan anchor text [invisible]
Cornelius, Izak , Le Carnaval des Animaux. The Material Imagery of Animals on the Small Orthostats at Tell Halaf, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 181-202.
Ortsnamen: Gosan anchor text [invisible]
Bieberstein, Klaus, Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis. Jerusalem in der Späten Bronzezeit und frühen Eisenzeit, in: Kühn, Dagmar / Dyma, Oliver / Maier, Susanne (ed.), Über das Alte Testament hinaus. Exegetische, religionsgeschichtliche und archäologische Beiträge. Festschrift für Herbert Niehr (Kasion 12; Münster 2023), 63-100.
Ortsnamen: Jebus Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Grekyan, Yervand, The Eastern Taurus: Neo-Assyrian sources, Aramazd (Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies) 17,2 (2023), 100-109.
Ortsnamen: Ararat anchor text [invisible]
Miller, Shulamit / Gekht, Yuli / Martin, S. Rebecca / Matskevich, Sveta / Sharon, Ilan (ל”ז), The Houses of Hellenistic–Roman Tel Dor: A Study of Domestic Social Practices and Economic Activities, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 12 (2024), 115–149.
Ortsnamen: Dor anchor text [invisible]
Foran, Debra / Danielson, Andrew / Braun, Gregory / Klassen, Stanley / Doležálková, Věra / Ginson, Grant / Sylvester, Christine, Old Data, New Ideas: Analyzing and Integrating Legacy Data at Khirbat al-Mukhayyat, Jordan, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 12 (2024), 150–171.
Ortsnamen: Nebo, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Khan, Geoffrey, Arabic Documents from Medieval Nubia (Semitic Languages and Cultures 24; Cambridge, UK 2024).
Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean 1 (1979), 475-478 (Rainey, Anson F., Art. Beth-Shean) Dor 1 (1979), 984-985 (Harrison, R. K.; Art. Dor) anchor text [invisible]
Itach, Gilad / Aster, Shawn Zelig / Mclellan, James / Faust, Avraham, Settlement Patterns, Administration and Roads in the Neo-Assyrian Province of Samaria, Orientalia 92 (2023), 130–159.
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Landschaft anchor text [invisible]
Chen, Yi Samuel, Neo-Assyrian Urban and Regional Development and Governance on the Frontiers of the Empire, Orientalia 92 (2023), 71–129.
Ortsnamen: Assur anchor text [invisible]
Bürge, Teresa / Fischer, Peter M. (Hg.), The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 154; Nicosia 2023).
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Finkelstein, Israel, The Highlands of El, Shiloh and Merneptah’s Israel, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Schilo anchor text [invisible]
Kartveit, Magnar, Is Mount Gerizim YHWH’s Chosen Place?, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Garizim anchor text [invisible]
Otto, Eckart, Jerusalem and Samaria in the Final Chapters of the Pentateuch in Deuteronomy, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem Samaria, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Greer, Jonathan S., A “Chosen Place” Not Chosen, But Not Rejected: The Temple of Dan in Archaeology and Text, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Dan anchor text [invisible]
Knittel, Ann-Kathrin, Unspectacular and Yet Special: Re-evaluating the Literary References to Shiloh within the Hebrew Bible, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Schilo anchor text [invisible]
Sergi, Omer, The Nimshide Choice of Samaria: An Archaeological View of Monarchic Israel in the Iron IIA-IIB, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Samaria, Ort anchor text [invisible]
Marti, Lionel, Aššur: an Assyrian City or the Assyrian City, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
Arie, Eran, When was the Sacred Precinct on Mount Gerizim Really Constructed? Why? and by Whom?, Semitica 65 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: Garizim anchor text [invisible]
Vilain, Sarah, Imitations, transpositions : Chypre et le Levant nord aux âges du Bronze moyen et du Bronze récent, Syria 100 (2023), 41-69.
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Ortiz, Steven / Wolff, Samuel, Solomon’s Powerplay: Gezer’s Royal Complex Confirmed, Biblical Archaeology Review 50,2 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Geser anchor text [invisible]
Tyson, Craig W., Into the Heart of Moab: Excavations at Khirbet Balu‘a, Biblical Archaeology Review 50,2 (2024), .
Ortsnamen: Ar-Moab Stadt mitten im Tal anchor text [invisible]
Edrey, Meir / Ebeling, Philip / Harpak, Tamar / Lichtenberger, Achim / Tal, Oren, Field Report on the 2020 German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabbā Excavation Project (Beth Sheʾan), Israel, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 139 (2023), 218–233.
Ortsnamen: Bet-Schean anchor text [invisible]
Ebeling, Philip / Edrey, Meir / Harpak, Tamar / Lichtenberger, Achim / Tal, Oren, Field Report on the 2020 German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabbā Excavation Project (Beth Sheʾan), Israel, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 137 (2021), 60–74.
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Doumet-Serhal, Claude u.a. (Hg.), [Sidon Archäologie] (Archaeology and History in the Lebanon 58-59; 2023-2024).
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Di Cristina, Silvia / Gallerani, Valentina , Europos. The Archaeology of the Heir of Karkemish during the Classical and Late Antique Periods (DISCI-Archeologia 33; Bologna 2024).
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Levavi, Yuval, On the Location and Context of Ezekiel's Life in Babylon, Beit Mikra 68 (2023), 274-305.
Ortsnamen: Chaldäa Kebar Tel-Abib anchor text [invisible]
Haklay, Gil / Gopher, Avi, Cult and Architecture in the Chalcolithic Period of the Southern Levant: The Case of En-Gedi and Teleilat Ghassul, Tel Aviv 50 (2023), 171-193.
Ortsnamen: En-Gedi anchor text [invisible]
Freud, Liora, The Pottery of Babylonian-period Jerusalem: Stratum 9/10 at the Summit of the Southeastern Hill, Tel Aviv 50 (2023), 231-262.
Ortsnamen: Jerusalem anchor text [invisible]
Gadot, Yuval / Bocher, Efrat / Freud, Liora / Shalev, Yiftah, An Early Iron Age Moat in Jerusalem between the Ophel and the Southeastern Ridge/City of David, Tel Aviv 50 (2023), 147-170.
Ortsnamen: Davidstadt Jerusalem Ofel anchor text [invisible]
Radner, Karen / Squitieri, Andrea (Hg.), Assur 2023. Excavations and Other Research in the New Town (Exploring Assur 1; Gladbeck 2024).
Ortsnamen: Assur, Stadt anchor text [invisible]
Tov, Emanuel, 4QJoshb, in: Ulrich, Eugene (ed.), Qumran Cave 4. IX Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XIV; Oxford 1995), 153-160.
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Ferrario, Marco, The Steppe Frontiers of Pārsa: Negotiating the Northeastern Borderlands of the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 38/2 (2023), 129-189.
Ortsnamen: Persien anchor text [invisible]
Cousin, Laura / Quillien, Louise / Ramez, Manon (Hg.), Material Culture of Mesopotamia and Beyond 1. People and their Material Environment in First Millennium BCE Babylonia (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 319; Leuven 2023).
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Maeir, Aren M., Like Frogs out of a Pond: Identity Formation in Early Iron Age Philistia and Beyond, in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 201-208.
Ortsnamen: Philisterland anchor text [invisible]
Gadot, Yuval, Iron I Settlements in the Highlands of Samaria and the Creation of Group Identities with an Emphasis on Mount Ebal, in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 149-158.
Ortsnamen: Ebal Samaria, Landschaft anchor text [invisible]
Arie, Eran, Canaanites in a Changing World: The Jezreel Valley during the Iron Age I , in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 119-134.
Ortsnamen: Jesreelebene anchor text [invisible]
Ben-Yosef, Erez, A False Contrast? On the Possibility of an Early Iron Age Nomadic Monarchy in the Arabah (Early Edom) and Its Implications for the Study of Ancient Israel , in: Koch, Ido / Lipschits, Oded / Sergi, Omer (ed.), From Nomadism to Monarchy? Revisiting the Early Iron Age Southern Levant (University Park / Tel Aviv 2023), 235-262.
Ortsnamen: Araba Edom anchor text [invisible]
Naʾaman, Nadav, 'The High Places Which Are in Front of Jerusalem' (2 Kgs 23:13): A Proposed Identification, Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), .
Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
Bechar, Shlomit / Berger, Uri / Shapiro, Anastasia / Stern, Edna J. / Goldberg, Noa / Shivtiel, Yinon, The Intermediate Bronze Age Cemetery of Tel Hazor at Givʿat Raḥalim (Tell eṣ-Ṣafa)", Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 160-183.
Ortsnamen: Hazor anchor text [invisible]
Yahalom-Mack, Naama, The Source of the Lead of the Mount Ebal 'Tablet', Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 153–159.
Ortsnamen: Ebal anchor text [invisible]
Mazar, Amihai, The Lead Object from Mount Ebal as a Fishing-Net Sinker, Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 143–152.
Ortsnamen: Ebal anchor text [invisible]
Maeir,Aren M. / Rollston, Christopher, The So-Called Mount Ebal Curse Tablet: A Critical Response, Israel Exploration Journal 73 (2023), 132–142.
Ortsnamen: Ebal anchor text [invisible]
Dodson, Aidan, The Nubian Pharaohs of Egypt. Their Lives and Afterlives
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Ortsnamen: Kusch anchor text [invisible]
Carvounis, Katerina / Gavrielatos, Andreas / Karla, Grammatiki / Papathomas, Amphilochios (Hg.), Cyprus in Texts from Graeco-Roman Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Supplements 467; Leiden / Boston, MA 2023).
Ortsnamen: Elischa Zypern anchor text [invisible]
Webster, Lyndelle C. / Wolff, Samuel R. / Ortiz, Steven M. /Barbosa, Marcella /Coyle, Cameron / Arbino, Gary P. / Dee, Michael W. / Hua, Quan / Jacobsen, Geraldine E., The chronology of Gezer from the end of the late bronze age to iron age II: A meeting point for radiocarbon, archaeology egyptology and the Bible., PLoS ONE 18(11): e0293119 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0293119.
Ortsnamen: Geser anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Assur, Stadt , 92 Babel , 99 Erech , 101f Gosan , 95f Habor , 95f Halach , 94f Kebar , 100 Kelach , 92f Ninive , 93f Städte der Meder , 97f anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Azmon , 20 Berg Hor, Nord , 21 Berota , 21 Grenzbach Ägyptens , 16f Hamat , 17f Hetlon , 21 Jegar-Sahaduta , 31 Lebo-Hamat , 22 Ribla , 23 Sibrajim , 21f Sifron , 21f Tifsach , 16 Zedad , 22 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Michmetat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Michmetat anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Tamar anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Atarot, efraimitisch , 237-238 Bach Kana , 248-251 Bet-Schean , 207-212 Dor , 226-229 En-Dor , 212-214 Janoach, efraimitisch , 234-236 Jibleam , 214-217 Michmetat , 242-243 Naara , 231-233 Taanach , 217-221 Taanat-Schilo , 239-242 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 243-247 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Bach Kana , 102 Janoach, efraimitisch , 105-106 Jaser , 101 Michmetat , 104-105 Sibma , 92 Taanat-Schilo , 105-106 anchor text [invisible]
Elliger, Karl, Michmethath, in: Kuschke, Arnulf / Kutsch, Ernst (ed.), Archäologie und Altes Testament. Festschrift für Kurt Galling (Tübingen 1970), 91-100.
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Ortsnamen: Atarot, efraimitisch , 279.304 Bach Kana , 274-276 En-Dor , 303 Janoach, efraimitisch , 270 Maarat , 49f Michmetat , 282-291 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 282.291-297 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Ofra, manassitisch anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: Abel-Mizrajim , 26.217.219 Achor-Tal , 161.200f Adami-Nekeb , 192 Aditajim , 133 Ai , 54f.62f.65f. Ajalon , 59.133 Araba , 211–216 Aseka , 113 Atarot, efraimitisch , 99.107 Atarot, ostjordanisch , 95.99 Atrot-Addar , 93–107 Atrot-Bet-Joab , 95 Atrot-Schofan , 95 Baal-Perazim , 163f Baala , 120–130.134f.137– Baala, Negeb , 122f Baalat , 123f Baalat-Beer , 124 Baka-Bäume , 163 Baschan , 160 Bealot , 124 Beerot , 135.139 Beerscheba , 124 Berg Baala , 121–123 Berg gegenüber dem Hinnomtal , 158–160.162.168 Berg südlich von Bet-Horon , 118–120 Berg von Bet-El , 57.60 Bergland , 48–52 Bergrücken der Jebusiter , 167–170 Bergrücken von Bet-Araba , 209f Bergrücken von Bet-Hogla , 220-223 Bergrücken von Jericho , 45–48 Bergrücken von Lus , 76–78 Bet-Araba , 201–209 Bet-Awen , 52–70 Bet-Bara , 204 Bet-El , 54–77.78– .130.234–236.241f .249f Bet-Hogla , 216–222 Bet-Horon , 97–99.107–118 Bet-Kerem , 111 Bet-Schean , 23.51 Bet-Schemesch , 134.138.180 Bet-Zur , 88 Betuël , 89 Betul , 88f Dan , 67 Davidstadt , Debir , 205 Debir, benjaminitisch , 205 Debora-Palme , 101 Drachenquelle , 175 Ebal , 175 Efrata , 139 Ekron , 235 En-Eglajim , 218 En-Gedi , 52 En-Schemesch , 179–185 Garizim , 12.19.75 Gaza , 144.217f Gebirge Efraim , 50f.59 Gebirge Israel , 49–51 Gebirge Naftali , 50f Gelilot , 185–191 Geser , 144 Gibea, benjaminitisch , 59.125.136 Gibeon , 109.113.135 Gihon, Quelle , 174.176.178f.184f Gilead, Landschaft , 185.187.244 Gilgal , 29.31.185– Gittajim , 133 Gomorra , 226 Goren-Atad , 26.217.219 Hinnomtal , 145.147.149–157.158– Horma , 89 Horonajim , 108 Jabesch-Gilead , 125 Jebus , 156.160.168f.179.182.238 Jemini , 92 Jericho , 39–45 Jesreelebene , 161 Jordan , 20–28 Kanaan , 161.187.244 Kefira , 135.139 Keïla , 109.125 Kidron , 152– Kirjat-Baal , 120–130.135.137f.249f Kirjat-Jearim , 120–127.129f.131–141.145–147.229f.249f Königsgarten , 175 Lachisch , 132 Lager Dans , 138 Land Benjamin , 234.247 Lebona , 15 Lus , 65.70–76.232.235f.241f.249f Lus im Land der Hetiter , 75 Makkeda , 80.89 Meriba , 142 Meribat-Kadesch , 142 Merom , 142 Michmas , 58f.63f Migron , 64 Misttor , 175 Mizpa , 101f.104.247 Moza , 148 Naara , 99 Neftoach-Quelle , 141–149 Netofa , 110 Nimrim, Wasser von , 142 Ofra, benjaminitisch , 234 On , 53 Palmenstadt , 42 Quellen von Jericho , Quelltor , 175 Rafaïterebene , 154.158.160–167 Rogel-Quelle , 153–156.170–185 Salem , 9 Salzmeer , 212–214.223–228.243 Schilo , 9–20 Schiloach , 111.142.184 Siddimtal , 226 Skorpionensteige , 194f Sodom , 226 Steige von Adummim , 180.186–199.206 Steige von Bet-Horon , 110.112f.133.140 Stein Bohans , 298–201 Stein Sohelet , 174.177f Steppe von Bet-Awen , 57.68–70.236.250 Taanat-Schilo , 11 Tal Joschafat , 152.156.161 Tal Sorek , 165 Taltor , 175 Tamar , 42 Tappuach, efraimitisch , 80.89 Tofet , 150.154 Usen-Scheera , 114 Walkerfeldstraße , 172 Wasser von Meribat-Kadesch , 142 Wasser von Merom , 142 Wasser von Schiloach , 111.142 Wasserquelle, obere und untere , 114 anchor text [invisible]
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Ortsnamen: anchor text [invisible]
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